
  • 网络Leadership image;leadership profile
  1. 在他的埃及题材的作品中,我们可以感受到埃中两国人民之间深厚的友谊,看到埃及人民心目中的中国与中国领导形象。

    In his works we can feel the deep friendship between two countries .

  2. 候选人尽办突出表现一种强有力的领导形象。

    Candidates try to project a strong leadership image .

  3. 布什尽力去激起人们对他在战争时期强有力的领导形象的回忆,但投标票人依然关心经济问题。

    Bush tried to stir images of his strong leadership of the war , but voters remained concerned about the economy .

  4. 坐姿和站姿被视为第二个最重要的领导形象,无论你处在哪种办公环境里都是如此。

    Sitting and standing tall is considered the second-most important leadership signifier , no matter what type of office environment you work in .

  5. 论领导干部形象的塑造

    On Mould in g the Images of Lead in g Cadres

  6. 按照三个代表的要求塑造领导干部形象

    Portray the leading cadres according to the demand of Three-Represents

  7. 城市领导集体形象设计

    A Systematic Design of the Image of Urban Leaders

  8. 在社会活动中,领导干部的形象尤为重要。

    In social activities , images of the leading cadres are of great importance .

  9. 他们暗中跟记者谈了话,想借此破坏领导层的形象。

    They had spoken secretly to journalists in an effort to undermine the leadership .

  10. 当前,从总体上来说,各级领导干部的形象是好的,但也确有一些领导干部形象不佳。

    Generally speaking , the leaders'images in various levels are good , but some are not so .

  11. 你想象过自己具有极强的领导能力的形象吗?站直,昂首挺胸地前进,记住,作为一个人你自身具有价值。

    Do you project an image consistent with strong leadership ①? Stand tall and walk proudly , remembering that you have value as a person .

  12. 领导干部的良好形象,是靠加强自身学习、改造、修养和锻炼塑造起来的。

    The images of leaders are portrayed by strengthening study , cultivation , remoulding and tempering of their own in practice .

  13. 领导干部的新闻形象,往往代表着某个单位、某个部门、某个地区、甚至整个民族和国家的形象。

    The news image of leaders usually stands for the image of some units 's a region , even the whole na-tion .

  14. 领导者和领导组织的政治形象、政治亲和力、政治权威和政治认同与领导力关联十分紧密。

    It is the authors intention to analyze such leadership variables as leader political image , political affinity , political authority and political identity .

  15. 要重视领导机关和领导干部的形象和导向作用,不要把群众当成第一对象;要重视行政强调和规章制约,不应轻视理论灌输,增强思想政治工作的理论思维;

    Value the directive role of leaders and leading organs , do not regard the mass as " the first target " , attach importance to administrative emphasis and regulations , do not despise theoretical inculcation , enhance the theoretical thinking in the ideological and political work ;

  16. 积极探讨和正确把握这些途径与规律,对于提高领导干部素质,树立良好的领导干部形象具有重要意义。

    It is very important to explore these ways for the improvement of cadres ' quality .

  17. 如果你是领导你就要在内心中树立起领导的形象。

    You need to build your internal image to reflect the role of the leader .

  18. 因此,作为一名领导干部应从多方面加强自身修养,塑造良好的领导形象。

    So a leader will strengthen one 's own accomplishment and portray good figure .

  19. 三是建立高素质的领导干部队伍,改进党的作风,树立各级领导层的集体形象;

    Third , setting up the contingent of high-calibre leading cadres , correcting the style of the parly , and establishing the collective image of the leaders at all levels ;