
  1. 单箱双室的预应力混凝土箱梁采用悬臂现浇混凝土的节段施工方法,详细研究了墩顶0号块件混凝土施工和临时锚固施工的方法、以及合龙段混凝土施工方法。

    Balanced cantilever construction is used in prestressed concrete box girder . The segment No. 0 concrete construction , temporary fixed construction methods and closure concrete construction ways are studied in details .

  2. 借助MIDAS/FEA对墩顶零号块进行施工阶段局部仿真分析,分析过程中主要考虑了自重、整体升温、施工荷载等条件。

    Partly simulation analysis of construction stage for segments NO.O with the help of MIDAS / FEA , during the process of the analysis , the gravity of concrete , integral overheating , the load etc are considered .