
yīn xiàng
  • Audiovisual;phonotape and videotape
音像 [yīn xiàng]
  • [phonotape and vidiotape] 录音和录像

音像[yīn xiàng]
  1. 音像艺术、络文学、影文学的兴盛,同样也冲击并改变着文艺的原有生态。

    The prosperity of phonotape and videotape literature , net literature and photography literature impacts on and changes the original literature ecology .

  2. 这部电影已制成循环音像磁带。

    The film is on a loop .

  3. 你到当地的音像店找过了吗?

    Have you tried the local music shops ?

  4. 音像店应当按照简单的字母顺序而不是依类别来摆放唱片。

    Music shops should arrange their recordings in simple alphabetical order , rather than by category

  5. 音像市场需要控制。

    The tape market requires control .

  6. 研究小组特别关注所谓的洗脑神曲,学名叫作“无意识音像”。

    In particular , the team focused on catchy2 earworms , technically3 known as ' involuntary musical imagery ' .

  7. 基于Internet的音像连锁企业采购管理系统

    An Internet-based Procurement System for Chained Audio-video Enterprise

  8. 经过一家卖CD的音像店时他看了眼前门。

    He passed a CD store and looked through the front door for a second as he walked .

  9. IEC在广播电视音像领域的建设、开发和利用

    Development and application of IEC in radio & TV broadcast field

  10. 流媒体可以通过Internet/Intranet实现对音像资料的点播或实时访问。

    Streaming media enables real-time or on-demand access to audio , video and multimedia content via the Internet or an intranet .

  11. 利用VOD技术构建多功能音像阅览室研究

    To Construct a Multifunctional Reading Room and Professional Administration with VOD Technology

  12. 音像专家先锋公司(Pioneer)在最近的经济危机中退出了竞争惨烈的平板电视领域。

    Pioneer bailed out of the grindingly competitive flat-screen TV business in the recent recession .

  13. 论音像资料的MARC控制

    A Study on MARC Control of Audio - Video Materials

  14. 图书馆音像资料的MARC编目

    The MARC Catalogue of Library Audio - Visual Media

  15. 音像制品和机读资料MARC编目的探讨

    Discuss on MARC Cataloguing of the Video & Record Information and PC-reading Information

  16. 音像资料的MARC格式研究

    On MARC Format for A / V Materials

  17. 据美联社(AssociatedPress)报道,一家音像店被纵火,两台自动柜员机被打开,一家银行被抢,一家超市被抢空。

    A video store was set ablaze , two automatic teller machines were broken open , a bank was robbed and a supermarket emptied , the Associated Press reported .

  18. 一方面,国内地方市场教师可获得的专门介绍LLS和SI知识的书籍和音像资料有限;

    For one side , it is difficult for the teachers to get books and videos on LLS and SI in local book markets .

  19. 中国音像与数字出版协会游戏出版工作委员会近日发布声明称,国家新闻出版广电总局密切关注《精灵宝可梦Go》手机游戏以及相关技术。

    According to a statement released by the Game Publication Committee under the China Audio-Video and Digital Publishing Association , the State Administration of Press Publication , Radio , Film and Television ( SAPPRFT ) has paid close attention to the Pokemon Go mobile game and related technology .

  20. 基于此,本文以音像企业ERP为研究对象,尝试建立一个较为全面、准确、简单且具有可操作性的适用于音像企业的ERP系统应用效果评价体系。

    Based on this , this paper , audio-visual Business Logistics as the research object , try to establish a more comprehensive , accurate , simple and workable for enterprise ERP system , audio and video application effects evaluation system .

  21. 本规定所称音像制品是指录有内容的录音带(AT)、录像带(VT)、激光唱盘(CD)、数码激光视盘(VCD)及高密度光盘(DVD)等。

    The term " audio and video products " as mentioned in the present Provisions refers to the AT , VT , CD , VCD and DVD on which contents were recorded .

  22. 并采用SCP范式的框架,从市场结构,市场行为和市场绩效三个方面来分析信息技术对音像业的影响。

    At the same time the paper analyzed the impact on record industry by using SCP paradigm in three ways . They are market structure , market conduct and market performance .

  23. 视觉修辞是一种以语言、图像以及音像综合符号为媒介,以取得最佳的视觉效果为目的的人类传播行为。在A式别字句中,VP表示有意的动作行为,整个格式表示制止的意义;

    Visual rhetoric is an active and intentional communication action for the best effects . The grammatical meaning of the first type is prohibition , and the VP denotes an intentional action .

  24. 其中,重点是通过AJAX技术的异步通信特点实现了音像制品电子商务系统下的局部更新提高用户体验及应用数字签名技术提高系统安全性,解决了现存音像制品电子商务系统存在的缺点和不足。

    AJAX technologies are used through asynchronous communication characteristics of the audio-video products to achieve a local e-commerce system to upgrade the user experience . The system involves the digital signature technology to raise the security as well .

  25. 第二天,他终于鼓起了勇气,像往常一样走进了音像店,买了一张CD,她也像往常一样,到后面去替他包起来。

    So the next day , he took all his courage and went to the store as usual . He bought a CD like he did every day and once again she went to the back of the store and came back with it wrapped .

  26. 网络出版传播的媒介主要是网络出版物,具体形式包括电子图书(e-book)、网络期刊、网络报纸、网络音像等。

    The medium of web publishing communication is primarily network publication , and the concrete forms include the e-book , network periodical , network newspaper , network music and kinescope and so on .

  27. 在线DVD出租行业的产生,要归功于音像店收取的十分令人讨厌的逾期罚款。数年前,这些商家就用体积小很多的数字产品取代了VHS录像带,但仍被称为音像店。

    The industry owes its creation to the much - hated late fees charged by what are still called video stores years after they replaced VHS cassettes with their less bulky digital successors .

  28. 操作平台的操作输出为模拟电压信号,控制机通过I/O地址采入数采卡上数据并处理后,用RS-232与视景机串行通信,适时发送控制和音像播放指令。音像材料;

    The control computer accesses data of data acquisition card via I / O and deals with data , and communicates with scenery-view computer by RS-232 , sends out control and media play commands timely .

  29. 利用MAPGIS可在地质灾害分布图上浏览任一地质灾害点的数据、图像和音像信息。

    The data , image , information of audiovisual of any geological hazard point in the distribution of geological hazard map could be glanced over by MAPGIS .

  30. DVD已经成为音像制品的一种标准,而且DVD机还要兼容VCD、CD等光盘,因此DVD播放机内的伺服系统直接决定着整个DVD播放机的性能。

    DVD has already become a kind of standard of sound and image products , and the DVD machine also wants and permits the VCD , CD etc. so the servo system in the player of DVD decides the whole function of DVD player directly .