
yīn yuè sù yǎnɡ
  • musicianship
  1. 重视和落实教师音乐素养的培训;

    Implement ability of musical pre - and in-service training of the teachers ;

  2. 进一步点明具备音乐素养在音乐编导工作中的重要性。

    And further analyses the importance of music accomplishment in director 's work .

  3. 电视音乐会与编导的音乐素养

    TV Concert and Music Accomplishment of Director

  4. 通俗歌曲教学要对表演者进行音乐素养方面的全面培养。

    In the process of teaching popular music singing , we should try to cultivate the performers'comprehensive artistic sense .

  5. 用实践证明,实施该理论可以实现双重目标:提高道德修养和音乐素养。

    Using the result to prove that implement this theory can achieve dual purpose : the improvement of moral cultivation and musical accomplishment .

  6. 今天谈论的主题是钢琴学习和个人音乐素养的培养以及文化消费的理念等。

    Today 's topic is about the meaning of piano study , whether is good for person 's education especially of music , and the idea about culture consuming .

  7. 钢琴教学应采用新的科学思维建构教学原则与教学手段,探索适合当代大学生特点的教学方法,培养学生的音乐素养。

    New scientific teaching thoughts and methods should be employed in the construction of new student centered piano teaching mode with a view to fostering music talents with high attainment .

  8. 作为培养未来舞蹈专业人员的基地,中等专业舞蹈学校在致力于培养学生舞蹈技能的同时,同样应该重视学生音乐素养的培养。

    As the training base for future professional dancers , middle professional dance school should lay emphasis on the training of music accomplishment as well as dancing skills to its student .

  9. 免费师范生音乐素养教育通过目标确立,课程设置,教学过程和评价反馈这四个主要阶段来完成,内容应该包括音乐基础知识、音乐基本技能和音乐审美。

    Free Normal music literacy education objectives established curriculum , the teaching process and evaluation feedback four main stages to complete , which should include music basics , basic music skills and musical aesthetic .

  10. 一个星期。这些歌手本身已经具备十分好的音乐素养并有着丰富的演出经验。我所要培训的是如何将她们的风格与酒店的风格相契合;

    EVA : For a week , during which period I 'd train them how to match their own style with that of the hotel , how to converse with guests , how to present themselves .

  11. 新课程标准改革以来,为了促进学生的成长,全面提升中学生音乐素养,提高审美与鉴赏能力。

    Since the new curriculum standard reform is performed , in order to promote the growth of students , to enhance musical literacy , and to improve the aesthetic appreciation , the society made various demands for Music teachers .

  12. 通过对近些年关于提高花样滑冰运动员艺术表现力方法的研究分析,从音乐素养、舞蹈技能、自信心的培养以及编排、体能等方面对当前我国花样滑冰运动员艺术表现力的培养途径进行综合评述。

    Analyzing the information how to improve the art performance in the later years , it takes a sum-up of Chinese figure skaters ' art performance in music accomplishment , dance skill , program , self-confidence and physical fitness .

  13. 以维也纳新年音乐会成功直播为例,提出具有深厚文化功底和良好音乐素养的电视编导是其成功的重要原因。

    Taking the successful live performance of the New Year Concert of Vienna as the example , the paper points out the important reason of its success : it has directors with deep cultural grounding and good music accomplishment .

  14. 基层表演的队员身体协调性、动作模仿能力方面都基本过关,但基本姿态、音乐素养、动作力度、表现力等方面的素质急待进一步提高。

    As a result , the use of the performing aerobics is increasing . Evidences show that the performers are weak in basic pose , music attainment , action power and expressive force though they are qualified in physical harmony and imitational capacity .

  15. 这样,通过重视在教学中儿童心智技能的培养与提高,让学生在接受技能训练的同时,提高音乐素养,达到小提琴演奏技巧与音乐上的协调发展,以便提高小提琴启蒙教学的有效性。

    In order to improve the efficiency of violin initial education , attention should be paid to cultivating and improving children 's intellectual skill and to enhancing music attainments when they take skill exercises so as to achieve a balanced development of violin playing skills and music .

  16. 研究结果显示:1.表现教学法使学生的音乐基本素养得到了显著提高。

    Teaching methods of performance improved the basic music literacy of students remarkably .

  17. 少儿电子琴,钢琴,手风琴,音乐基本素养的培训。

    Junior flower , piano , accordion , basic knowledge of music training .

  18. 我们在学习吸收西方外来文化文明的同时,大学生需要有更多的民族音乐的素养。一个国家、一个民族要有自己的特色文化,要有自己的音乐灵魂。

    So when we learn to absorb the western culture and civilization , our college students should know more about out national music because one country or one nationality should have its own characteristic culture and music as well .

  19. 浅谈高校音乐教师的素养

    On College Music Maser 's Artistic Accomplishments

  20. 文章对音乐教师的素养进行分析与总结,为现代新型音乐教师应具备的素质结构提供了可资借鉴的探讨。

    The article analyzed and sum up the music teacher 's accomplishments , and discussed the accomplishment structures that the new modern teachers should possessed .

  21. 通过存在的问题找出有效地培训途径。来提升小学音乐教师自身素养,提升音乐教学的教育教学质量。

    Through the existing problems , the effective training ways shall be found to promote the quality of elementary school music teachers ', and improve the education teaching quality of music teaching .

  22. 强化师范性,提高音乐教育的人文素养&关于师范院校音乐教育状况的调查报告

    A Survey of Music Education in Normal Universities and Colleges

  23. 论音乐教师的个人素养

    Views on the Personal Attainments of Music Teachers

  24. 文章从以加强自己演奏技巧的训练和提高音乐表达能力及个人的音乐素养进行了论述。

    This paper discusses how to strengthen the play skill training and improve music expression and personal music accomplishment .

  25. 铃木钢琴教学法的教学目标不是培养专门的钢琴演奏人才,而是在教学生如何使用钢琴这门乐器表达音乐的过程中,培养其音乐素养,丰富其精神世界,健全其人格品质。

    Its purpose is not cultivate professional pianists , but to teach the students how to use this instrument to express the beauty of music , to develop their musical ability , enrich their spiritual worlds and develop their personalities .

  26. 第三章结论:钢琴教学可以提高幼师学生的音乐素质;提高幼师教师的音乐素养是钢琴教学质量的关键。

    Chapter three is the conclusion . Piano teaching can improve the fine music quality of students in learning kindergarten teachers ; The improvement of the music attainment of teachers in teaching kindergarten teachers is the key of the quality of piano teaching .

  27. 幼儿音乐教育的有效开展还需要具有音乐素养和音乐教学技能的教师。

    To offer musical education to children , teachers with musical training and skill are also essential .

  28. 本文试图从课程与教学论的角度,重新审视中等专业舞蹈学校的音乐教育,探索针对舞蹈学校学生音乐素养的培养目标框架。

    The article intends to review the music education in middle professional dance school and probe the training objective of music accomplishment aimed at middle dance school students , in the respects of the curriculum and instruction .

  29. 音乐鉴赏课的目标是培养学生的音乐素养以及音乐鉴赏水平,因此课堂效果的好坏直接影响到能否最终达成这一目标,而课堂效果则完全依赖于教学设计。

    The goal of the music appreciation lesson is to foster the musical virtue of students , so the effect of the class is the key to arriving the goal .

  30. 高等师范院校音乐学专业的培养目标是培养具有全面音乐素养的,在中小学音乐教育中能全面贯彻执行素质教育的音乐教师。

    The aim for the music majors in normal colleges is to become all-round qualified music teachers who could carry out integrated education in primary and high schools holistically .