
  • 网络music dream
  1. 晓亮在三里屯著名的“男孩女孩”酒吧开始了他的驻唱生涯,在这里找寻着他的音乐梦想。

    Xiaoliang askan to be a singer from " Boys and Girls ", a famous bar in Sanlitun and seek his music dream there .

  2. 本名斯蒂芬尼•吉玛洛塔的Gaga毕业于曼哈顿的圣心女中,后来她为了追寻自己的音乐梦想而离开了纽约大学的音乐学系。

    Born Stefani Germanotta , she graduated from Manhattan 's Convent of the Sacred Heart school , then left a music program at New York University to chase a music career .

  3. 我很高兴遇到这个能够继续我的音乐梦想的机会。

    I was excited with the new opportunity to pursue music .

  4. 你总是支持我和我的音乐梦想。

    You 've been so supportive of me and my dream for music .

  5. 我要在追求我的音乐梦想之前完成我的学业任务。

    I wanted to get my academic work settled before pursuing my music here .

  6. 坚持你的音乐梦想,我相信机会终将来临。

    Keep up your beautiful music .

  7. 尽管家里反对,力宏还是决定去威廉斯学院追逐他的音乐梦想。

    Despite objections from his family , Lee-Hom decided to attend Williams College to pursue his musician dream .

  8. 但丽贝卡说媒体也使她变得更加坚强,更加坚定地去追寻自己的音乐梦想。

    But she said she had to face all these and try to be strong to pursed her dream .

  9. 而此时距离他们开始踏上追逐音乐梦想的旅程只有不到半年的时间。

    The distance at this time they set foot on the pursuit of music began to dream of a journey less than six months .

  10. 春春,请坚持你最初的音乐梦想,无论什么时候你回头,都会看到一望无际的金灿灿的玉米地!

    Chris , please stick to your initial dream about music , and believe whenever you look around , you will always see a vast and limitless field of golden corns !

  11. 曲婉婷说,“我必须得清理所有地方,但是,那真的是很脏的活儿。如果不是为了音乐梦想,我绝不会干那个的”。

    Qu Wanting , pop singer , said , " I have to clean everywhere , but stuff that 's really . I would never do this if it wasn 't for music "

  12. 从马来西亚到北京,在从北京到台北。一个追梦的小孩,一步一步踏实的往他的音乐梦想迈进。站在星光大道的舞台上,他决定让大家听见他用心唱歌的真心。

    From Malaysia To Beijing , from Beijing to Taipei , A dream of standing in a stage to perform and sing since he was young , His hard work and humble attitude should be appreciate .

  13. 她对我说,“门已紧锁,敲有何用?坚持你的音乐梦想,我相信机会终将来临。你太辛苦了,何不放松一下——试试祷告如何?”祷告?

    She said , " Stop knocking on closed doors . Keep up your beautiful music . I know your opportunity will come . You 're trying too hard . Why don 't you relax , and have you ever tried praying ? "

  14. 她对我说,“门已紧锁,敲有何用?坚持你的音乐梦想,我相信机会终将来临。你太辛苦了,何不放松一下——试试祷告如何?”祷告?我从未想到过,听起来太天真了。

    She said , " Stop knocking on closed doors . Keep up your beautiful music . I know your opportunity will come . You 're trying too hard . Why don 't you relax , and have you ever tried praying ? " The idea was strange to me . It sounded too simple .

  15. 接着,他就可以听音乐并且梦想另人兴奋的地方。

    Then he could listen to the music and dream of exciting places .

  16. “没音乐没梦想”用英文怎样写?

    There would be no dream without music .

  17. 来这里追随我音乐的梦想。

    And came out here for the music .

  18. 他们到另一个所在去梦想,他们由于有了音乐而梦想,关于音乐的梦想,但却从来不真正在听音乐。

    They go off to a place to dream , dreaming because of and apropos of the music yet never quite listening to it .

  19. 陈世川,学生时代在台湾艺大吉他社,常在学校宿舍弹吉他、唱歌、写歌,常常聊音乐聊梦想,天边也渐露曙光。

    They would often get together to play the guitar , sing , write songs and talk until sunrise about their dreams for the future .

  20. 相比政治、战争以及对个人所得的渴望,我认为音乐和梦想,这些我们每个人都拥有和珍视的东西,才是能把整个世界紧密联系的力量。

    Rather than politics , war , or the desire for personal gain , I truly believe that music and the dreams we all hold dear are the forces that will unite the world .

  21. 19岁的时候,他已经自学会了用脚弹奏钢琴,实现了童年时创作音乐的梦想,他笑着说:“如果时间充足的话,我一定可以做得和常人一样好。”

    By the age of 19 , Liu had taught himself how to play the piano with his feet , fulfilling a childhood dream of composing and producing music , he said with a big smile . " Given enough time , I could be just as same as anyone . "

  22. 当晚的募捐活动温情四溢,真正体现了北京青年音乐人的梦想与激情,以及他们对社会的真诚关怀与强烈责任感。

    This charity showed Beijing young musician 's dreams and passions , and their sincere care for our society and strong social responsibility .

  23. 梅勒妮,我同样钟爱宁静的生活。那时候我看到的是,多年的平淡生活就在脚下展开,我们可以去读书,去欣赏音乐,去梦想。

    We are alike , Melanie , loving the same quiet things , and I saw before us a long stretch of uneventful years in which to read , hear music and dream .

  24. 在空闲时间,他致力于开办一个非盈利性音乐学校,并梦想通过Internet实时传授音乐知识。

    In his spare time , he manages a not-for-profit music school and works on a dream to teach music in real-time , over the Internet .

  25. 我们给予最好的音乐、灵气以及梦想。

    We can give you very good music and good spirituality , good dreams .

  26. 音乐和灯光把梦想照进现实

    Music and light bringing dreams to life ?

  27. 影片讲的是一个叫Joe的初中音乐老师在好不容易拿到了能在正式的音乐场合表演爵士的机会、离自己的音乐梦想就差最后一步的时候,

    The movie follows Joe Gardner , a middle school music teacher who has dreamed of performing jazz music onstage , and finally gets a chance at a club .