
  • 网络revolutionary historical novels
  1. 革命历史小说是中国当代小说重要的组成部分。

    Revolutionary historical novels are an important component of contemporary Chinese novels .

  2. 新时期以来的革命历史小说研究述评(1978&2008)

    A Review of Studies on " Revolutionary Historical Novels " ( 1978-2008 )

  3. 这部革命历史小说以秋收起义为中心内容。

    This revolutionary historical novel centres in the Autumn Harvest Uprising .

  4. 首先是革命历史小说的生成。

    Firstly , the generation of the revolutionary historical novel .

  5. 民间文化在不同的政治背景下、在革命历史小说和新历史小说中有着不同的命运。

    Folk culture has different destiny in different political situations .

  6. 大众文化视野中的新革命历史小说研究

    Study on the New Revolutionary Historical Fiction under the View of Popular Culture

  7. 当然,我们也应看到革命历史小说的局限性,并通过它的局限性分析,恰当地厘定它的文学史地位。

    Also , according its limitation analysis , identified its position in literary history .

  8. 新革命历史小说的繁荣既有与大众不可分割的文化传统,也是与当代中国的大众文化相适应的结果。

    There is a cultural tradition between the new revolutionary historical novels and the masses .

  9. 革命历史小说发展前景浅析

    The Future of History Novels of Revolution

  10. 20世纪后半期革命历史小说创作的战争观

    On the War 's Exploration of Revolutionary Historical Fiction 's Writing in the 1980s and 1990s

  11. 文学、历史与时代精神&革命历史小说与新历史小说比较研究

    Literature , History and Time Spirit & The Comparison Between the Revolutionary Historical Fiction and the Neo-historical Fiction

  12. 十七年革命历史小说主要是关照民族精神、体现阶级性、熔铸伦理道德。

    The writers of seventeen years revolutionary history novels Care national spirit , Reflect class-consciousness , and Mingled ethics .

  13. 革命历史小说在总的政治路线指导下认识现实,并强调作品对总的政治路线的服务性;

    RHF understands the revolution subject to the guidance of general political mute and emphasizes its service to politics .

  14. 革命历史小说政治意识形态化是通过宏大的历史叙述、理想的英雄人物和通俗的小说品质等角度,得以实现的。

    Ideological politicalization of the revolutionary historical novels was realized by grand historical narrative , lofty heroes and popular style .

  15. 梁斌小说的代表作《红旗谱》在当代革命历史小说创作中的地位无可替代。

    The representative novel Red Flag by Liang Bin is incomparable among historical and revolutionary novels in the present era .

  16. 最后,革命历史小说的政治意识形态化是作家政治热情引导下的自觉追求。

    Last , ideological politicalization of the revolutionary historical novels was the self-conscious pursuit of the authors with the political zest .

  17. 十七年革命历史小说叙述了大量的苦难,但是苦难向文字转换时处于严重的失重状态。

    The 17-year-revolution-historical novels narrate a great deal of distress , but the distress depicted in these novels is severely weightless .

  18. 小说与文化工业的联姻也为新革命历史小说的繁荣带来新的机遇和挑战。

    The reciprocity between the new revolutionary historical novels and the cultural industry provides new opportunities and challenges for the novels .

  19. 革命历史小说是十七年时期文学特色最为突出的创作家族,名作众多,硕果累累。

    Revolutionary historical novel is seventeen years during the creation of the most prominent literary family characteristics , masterpieces of many fruits .

  20. 十七年期间,文学被赋予了特殊的意识形态功能,这在革命历史小说中表现得尤为突出。

    Literature was given special ideological function during the Seventeen Years ( 1949-1966 ), which is typically characterized in revolution historical novel .

  21. 其次,革命历史小说政治意识形态化是时代政治的体现,文艺批评引导的结果。

    Second , ideological politicalization of the revolutionary historical novels was the demonstration of the epochal polity and the result of literary criticism .

  22. 新革命历史小说对男性革命者充满杀戮快感的身躯的处理方式,体现了现代性内涵与意识形态的意义。

    The description of the bodies of male revolutionaries full of enjoyment of killing embodies the connotation of modernity and the meaning of ideology .

  23. 第五章意义的传播,本部分重点研究革命历史小说完成后的流通与传播状况,这也是对革命历史叙事意义达成的手段与途径的一种考察与分析;

    The fifth chapter , " Diffusion of Meaning ", chiefly investigates conditions of the circulation and diffusion of these novels after their completion .

  24. 不管是叙事技巧与叙事视角,还是小说主题,我们都能发现,革命历史小说从传统文学中吸取了大量的营养。

    No matter from the narrative perspectives or the narrative techniques , we can find revolutionary historical novel obtaining nourishment from the traditional literature .

  25. 最后,从史的角度上审视革命历史小说,既承认它的独特性和不可或缺性。

    At last , the papers studied the revolutionary historical novel from the historical view , and find the value of its unique and necessary .

  26. 应该说从革命历史小说到新历史小说叙事都是想通过自己的叙述使读者认识和了解真实的历史。

    Narrates from the revolution historical novel to the new historical novel is wants to cause the reader understanding and the understanding real history through own narration .

  27. 第六章意义的重读与重写,这一部分分析九十年代以来对这批革命历史小说的意义系统以及革命历史进行了怎样的再解读与再叙述。

    In other words , it is also a kind of observation and analysis of the means by which the meaning of the revolutionary historical narration have been reached .

  28. 自然,出现于不同历史时空中的革命历史小说和新历史小说都有其存在的合理性和必然性。

    Naturally , it is inevitable and rational for the existence of the revolutionary historical novel and the new historical novel that appeared in the sky of different history .

  29. 在当时的革命历史小说中,传奇叙事并不是一种被提倡的文学想像方式,而是一种被规范的对象。

    The narration in legend in the historical novels of revolution is not a kind of literary image to be advocated but a kind of object to be standardized .

  30. 第一章主要论述革命历史小说借鉴武侠小说的必要性和可能性,同时指出这种借鉴的事实存在。

    The first chapter mainly discusses the possibility and necessity of the study of the legendary revolution history novel from the traditional knight novel and confirms the existence of this fact .