
  1. 大倾角综采工作面铺网治理底板出水

    Management of Flash Flood in the Floor with Mesh Placement at the Fully-mechanized Mining Face of Large Inclination

  2. 针对大跨径钢箱梁桥面铺装,应用有限单元法对正交异性钢桥面铺铺装体系进行分析。

    Aiming at the long span steel bridge deck pavement , the impacts of the pavement on orthotropic steel deck under the action of vertical and horizontal load were analyzed using finite element method .

  3. 经过一轮成功的测试后在面条面铺上一点黄油和奶酪,我决定我已经准备好拿出几本书要弄清楚如何制作出自己的波隆纳肉酱。

    After one successful test round making tagliatelle topped with a little butter and cheese , I decided I was ready and pulled out a few books to figure out how to make my own Rag ù alla Bolognese .

  4. 旧水泥混凝土道面加铺层有限元分析方法

    Finite Element Analysis of Overlay on Deteriorated Concrete Pavement

  5. 大规模沥青混凝土面摊铺施工组织与管理

    The large scale paving construction organization and management of urban highway bituminous concrete surface

  6. 不停航条件下机场沥青道面加铺的施工组织

    Construction Organization of Paving Asphalt Pavement of Airport under Condition of Non-suspending Air Service

  7. 其次是水泥膨浆和接缝混凝土,接缝面不铺筑任何接缝面材料的试块,劈裂抗拉强度最小。

    Expansive cement paste and joint concrete are next . And the bond splitting tensile strength of joint surface without bond material is least .

  8. 用于外墙保温面层铺贴玻璃网格布抹灰,也可用于开裂基层及混凝土缺陷的修补。

    Used for the glass net cloth rendering on external heat insulation board surface , repairing the cracks of base and defaults of concrete .

  9. 上海F1赛车场沥青混凝土路面面层摊铺技术探讨

    Paving Technique Exploration to the Construction of Asphalt Wearing Course in Shanghai F1 Racetrack

  10. 沥青混合料转运车在底面层摊铺中的尝试

    Trial of an Asphalt Mixture Transfer Car in Paving Sub-Face Layer

  11. 在沥青面层摊铺中造成混合料离析带的原因分析及改进措施

    Analysis of Reasons of Mixture Segregation during Asphalt Pavement Spreading and Relative Treatment

  12. 浅析在面层摊铺阶段影响路面平整度的因素

    Simple Analysis of Factors for Affection of Pavement Evenness at Surface Spreading Phase

  13. 在水泥混凝土道面上加铺沥青面层较以往的水泥混凝土盖被具有很大的优越性。

    Adding asphalt layer on the surface of run-way of cement mixture was much more better than adding cement cover .

  14. 从公路路基、路面基层、面层摊铺材料、碾压及桥梁涵洞等方面分析了可能影响沥青砼路面平整度的因素,并提出了相应的预防措施。

    The paper analyses the factors influencing the planeness of asphalt concrete pavement from highway roadbed , spreading material of surface layer , roller compaction and bridge culvert . It also presents the corresponding preventive measures .

  15. 瓦面,砖面铺瓦的平面欧洲砖瓦制造商联合会

    A tiled surface . European Federation of Tile and Brick Manufacturers

  16. 自由型面复合材料零件铺丝束成型轨迹规划

    Trajectory Planning of Automatic Fiber Placement of Composite Material Parts with Free Profile

  17. 浅谈沥青混凝土面层的摊铺与缺陷补救

    Talking about the Spreading and the Defect Remedying of the Asphalt Concrete Surface Course

  18. 旧刚性道面上沥青加铺层反射裂缝产生机理研究

    The mechanism study of production reflection cracking in asphalt adding layer on old rigidity paving

  19. 旧混凝土道路在维修改造时,多在旧水泥混凝土路面上加铺一层沥青混凝土面层,加铺后主要存在路面反射裂缝开裂问题。

    There mainly exists the reflection cracking problem in adding the asphalt layer on the old concrete pavement when maintained and modified .

  20. 在开裂基层与沥青面层间加铺薄的应力吸收层是广泛采用的防治反射裂缝措施,其中富沥青的沥青砂混合料应力吸收层是效果较好的一种。

    Adding stress absorbing layer between cracking semi-rigid base course and asphalt overlay is most used to prevent reflection cracks , and asphalt-sand mixture with high content of asphalt is one most effective measure .

  21. 通过对沥青混凝土面层的摊铺与缺陷补救,总结了施工单位在路面施工过程中要重点考虑的有关因素,以便更好地提高沥青混凝土面层的摊铺技术水平。

    This paper probes into the spreading and defect remedying methods for the asphalt concrete surface course , sums up some relative factors that the construction unit should take into considerations for improving the spreading quality of the asphalt concrete surface course .

  22. 在既有道面利用方案分类的基础上,通过分析既有道面病害对加铺层使用性能的影响机理,提出了相应的局部修复措施。

    In the foundation of the classification of existing pavement using , the influence on asphalt overlay which distress on existing pavement brought from is analyzed , and then the corresponding partial repair measure is proposed .

  23. 加铺沥青层是改善跑道道面结构和功能性能的有效手段,国内外已经有不少机场已采用此法实施道面加铺,并积累了大量成功经验。

    Asphalt overlay is an effective way to improve pavement structural and function performance of runway . This technical means has been already widely implemented in many airports runway pavements overlay projects in the world , and a lot of successful experience is accumulated .