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miàn cháng
  • rigatoni
面肠[miàn cháng]
  1. 结果表明:经甲醛固定的皮肤CTMC用甲苯胺兰常规染色即可显示,面臂肠MMC需低pH并延长染色时间才能显示;

    The results showed that the CTMC fixed with formaldehyde could be demonstrated with routine toluidine blue staining , whereas the MMC could be demonstrated only with lower pH and prolonged staining duration .

  2. 多数细胞的5-HT阳性物质可到达腺腔面和肠腔面,有时在腺腔内可见到5-HT阳性物质。

    The 5-HT positive substance of many endocrine cells can be found to extend to luminal surface of crypt or intestinal tract , occasionally the 5-HT positive substance is found extracellularly in the gland cavity .