
  1. 在非物质激励方面,SSP公司应加强企业文化建设、实施工作激励、积极进行员工培训,同时充分考虑员工个人职业生涯发展等。

    In non-material motivation , the company Ssp should build up the enterprise culture , supply work motivation , give the personnel more training chance , think about the personnel ' career growth .

  2. 在对知识密集型企业SSP公司知识型员工的激励策略现状进行分析的基础上,运用激励理论,从企业实际出发,同样从物质激励和非物质激励两方面提出适合企业本身的员工激励措施。

    Based on the analysis on the motivation tactics on the knowledge personnel in company Ssp , the paper applied some motivation theory to the company Ssp , and put forward a project that the company must use two methods to improve the efficiency .

  3. 关于80后新型员工的非物质激励研究

    The Research on Non-material Motivation of the 80 's Knowledge Staff

  4. 经营者组合激励中非物质激励的价值分析

    Value Analysis on Non-Material Incentive in Combination Incentive to Managers

  5. 重庆市公立医院医务人员非物质激励研究

    Study on Immaterial Motivation of Medical Staff in Public Hospitals of Chongqing

  6. 主要介绍了一般激励理论和非物质激励理论。

    It mainly introduces the general incentive theory and non-material incentive theory .

  7. 基于组织中员工自我认同理论的知识型员工非物质激励研究

    The Research on Knowledge Workers ' Non-material Incentive Based on Self Identity Theory

  8. 非物质激励:职业生涯规划、沟通机制、榜样、荣誉机制。

    Non-material incentives : career planning , communication mechanisms , models , honor mechanisms .

  9. 然后提出了中层管理人员的非物质激励现状中存在的问题。

    Then proposed middle managers ' non-material drove in the present situation exists question .

  10. 非物质激励的优势被越来越多的企业所重视。

    The advantage of non-material motivation has been concerned by more and more enterprises .

  11. 非物质激励的理论内涵与实践运用

    On the Connotation and Practice of Immaterial Incentive

  12. 本文主要对管理者实施非物质激励和激励组合进行的研究。

    This article focuses on the effect of non-material incentive and combination incentive to managers .

  13. 企业员工的非物质激励研究

    A Study on Immaterial Motivation of Employees

  14. 该部分主要说明选取中小企业中层管理人员非物质激励这个论题的原因、研究意义。

    This part mainly explains the reasons for the selection of topic , and the significance of the research .

  15. 首先,论文分析了非物质激励的作用,并提出了计量非物质激励的模型。

    The role of non-material incentive is firstly discussed , and the measuring model of non-material incentive is given .

  16. 绩效结果的运用中提出了物质激励和非物质激励相结合的多元化的激励机制的建立。

    The utilizing of performance results presented multi-incentive mechanism which is the combination of material incentives and non-material incentive .

  17. 实证研究表明,目前国有企业对高管人员的非物质激励比物质激励更能有效提升企业绩效。

    The empirical test results suggested that non-material incentives are more effective than material incentives in promoting the enterprises ' performance .

  18. 公司治理机制方面主要有加大核心技术人员薪酬激励,谨慎实施股权激励,发挥非物质激励作用,调整监管理念等。

    Corporate governance includes increasing the core technical staff salary incentive , implement of equity incentive carefully , play non-materials function , regulatory concept .

  19. 资本集中化制度变迁后,经济活动以非物质激励为主,交易成本表现为计划成本。

    After the system change of capital centralization was done , the main economical stimulation was nonmaterial , and the trade cost was the plan cost .

  20. 另外,锦标赛理论为高管获得较高收入提供了有力的依据,心理契约理论使本文认识到非物质激励的重要性。

    Tournament theory provides a strong basis for executives to earn more income , and psychological contract theory makes us realize the importance of non-material incentives .

  21. 确定了激励组合中的物质激励与非物质激励的量值,得出了非物质激励可以节约激励成本的结论;

    Identifying the measure of material and un-material incentive in the incentive combination , and then making a conclusion that un-material incentive may save the incentive cost ;

  22. 但是目前关于核心员工激励机制的研究没有与不同文化背景下核心员工的心理行为模式的差别相结合,尤其是对核心员工的非物质激励方面,没有结合不同文化背景的具体差异进行有效的调整。

    But the current research on key employees dose not combine with psychological behavior patterns under different cultural background and effectively adjust the non-material incentives for the key employees especially .

  23. 针对会计师事务所人力资本的激励问题,选择了物质激励因素与非物质激励因素进行综合考量。

    This paper is to research the incentive problem of human capital in the accounting firm , we choose the material motivation factor and non-material motivation factor to synthetically consider with .

  24. 因此,对会计师事务所人力资本的激励应该将物质激励与非物质激励相结合,以最大限度满足组织意愿与个人期望。

    Therefore , we should incorporate the material motivation and non-material motivation to motivate the human capital of accounting firm , which can maximum satisfy the organization 's expectations and individual wish .

  25. 运用统计软件对调研数据进行因子分析,得出影响软件企业员工非物质激励因素的五个维度,分别为工作内容与性质、工作自主和工作成就、学习与成长、工作环境、发展机会。

    Though Factor analysis , this study finds the five factors of nonmaterial motivation : work content and nature , work autonomy and achievement , learning and growth , work environment , develop opportunity .

  26. 其次,本文尝试提出了物质激励与非物质激励具有互动关系这一特点,即物质激励与非物质激励相辅相成,互相促进,互相推动。

    And then , we attempts to propose a characteristics which is the " interactive " relationship between material incentives and non-material incentives , that is material incentives and non-material incentives are complementary and mutual promotion .

  27. 但目前学术界对80后群体的非物质激励研究还不是很成熟,相关研究很少且较分散,没有形成系统的理论框架。

    But at present the research of non-material motivation to the 80 ' is not very mature in the academic circles , the correlation research are not good enough , and the system the theory frame has not formed .

  28. 首先,分析了兴业公司员工的激励现状,指出缺少必要的非物质激励;缺乏完整的员工职业发展规划;缺少有针对性和差异性的非物质激励措施等是兴业公司员工激励存在的主要问题。

    First , the company employees incentive situation , lack of necessary non-material incentive , The staff professional development of complete planning , Lack of targeted and difference of non-material incentive measures is the company employees incentive exists problems .

  29. 为了吸引与留住高技术人才,软件企业纷纷开出高工资高福利待遇,但单纯的物质激励效果并不理想,非物质激励的必要性与重要性逐渐凸显。

    In order to attract and retain high technology talents , software companies provide high wages and good welfare , but the effect of pure material motivation is not ideal , the necessity and importance of nonmaterial motivation are underline .

  30. 最后,通过对青橙科技公司实例论证,设计出了符合公司实际的优化激励方案,阐述了非物质激励对企业管理和项目管理的现实意义。

    Finally , through demonstration of Qingcheng Science and Technology Company , the author works out an optical stimulation scheme which is adaptable to the company , and expounds the actual effect of non-material stimulation on business management and project management .