
  1. 非常夫妻财产制在维护家庭和谐,平衡夫妻及债权人利益关系方面作用显著。

    It plays a significant role in maintaining family harmony and balancing the interests between the couple and the creditors .

  2. 根据适用情形的不同,夫妻财产制分为通常夫妻财产制和非常夫妻财产制。

    Depending on the applicable cases , conjugal property system is divided into general community property and special community property .

  3. 第四部分结合域外立法经验和我国实际国情,在前人的研究成果上对构建我国的非常夫妻财产制提出一己之见,以期待有助于今后夫妻财产制立法的完善。

    Try to put forward my own views and opinions about establishing and improving our special matrimonial property system on the results of previous studies . To look forward to contributing to improve the legislation of the future matrimonial property system .

  4. 非常法定夫妻财产制研究

    Research on the Regime of Unusual Statutory Matrimonial Property

  5. 在构建婚内损害赔偿制度时,可以增设非常法定夫妻财产制作为基础。

    In the construction of the marital infringement damage system , additional marital property system can be produced as the base .

  6. 非常的夫妻财产制是相对于普通的夫妻财产制而言的一种在特殊的情况下适用的财产制度,在世界许多国家的婚姻家庭法中都有规定。

    Special community property is a kind of property opposite to general community property and is specified in family laws in many countries .

  7. 非常的夫妻财产制标志着夫妻财产关系方面的完善。

    Special matrimonial regime is regulated in marital Act of many countries in the world , which signifies the perfect of matrimonial property relationship .

  8. 当今国外及港澳台很多国家和地区都非常重视夫妻同居权相关的立法和理论的研究,而对婚内同居问题研究在我国的民法学界研究比较少。

    Today many countries overseas and in Hong Kong , Macao and the region attach great importance to conjugal rights-related legislation and theoretical research , and research on marital cohabitation scholars of civil law in China is relatively small .

  9. 谁是与他们的关系非常不满的夫妻通常比正进行更多的负面互动。

    Couples who are very dissatisfied with their relationships typically engage in more negative interactions than positive .

  10. 本章主要论述建立非常财产制、夫妻暂时分居制度、设置家暴禁令程序、明确配偶权内容四个方面的内容,通过上述立法建议为建立婚内侵权责任提供有力的保障。

    This chapter discusses the creation of very property system , the four aspects , through the legislative proposal to establish a marital tort liability to provide strong protection .

  11. “他们非常时髦,不像伊丽莎白一世一样传统,我认为他们会是一对非常恩爱的夫妻。”一个旅客说。

    " They are very modern not traditional like Elizabeth I think they a very lovely couple ," said a tourist .