
  • 网络unsteady flow;non-steady flow
  1. 一元非定常流的惯性力

    Inertia force effect in one-dimensional unsteady flow

  2. 求解三维非定常流的一种拉氏方法

    Numerical method for three-dimensional unsteady flow

  3. 用X热线探针测量二元非定常流速度的方法

    A method for measuring two-dimensional unsteady flow velocity with x-hot-wire probes

  4. 根据非定常流数值模拟的特点,通过可视化编程方法,用VISUALBASIC6.0编写和调试了一维非定常总体模型的数值模拟程序;

    On the basis of characteristics of digital simulation of unsteady flow , the program for one-dimensional unsteady lumped model has compiled and tested under Visual Basic 6.0 environment completely .

  5. 二维非定常流的滑移面计算地震分界面的双三次Coons曲面的逼近

    Calculation of sliding interfaces for two-dimensional unsteady flow the approximation of seismic interfaces by bicubic Coons surface

  6. 中速柴油机MPC系统用高精度一维非定常流模型计算的流量误差研究

    The Research of Flow Errors on Using High Precision One Dimensional Unsteady Flow Model to Simulate Middle Speed Diesel Engines with MPC Turbocharging System

  7. MSEM增压系统一维非定常流计算模型的改进

    Amelioration of One Dimensional Unsteady Flow Model for MSEM Turbocharging System

  8. 本文通过引入非定常流函数,在Levy&Lees坐标下导出了非定常可压边界层的动量方程,并以Box格式将它离散并求解。

    By defining an unsteady flow function , the compressible momentum equation for unsteady boundary layer in the Levy-Lees transformed coordinates is derived . Keller-Box scheme is used to make the equation discrete , which is then solved by a method for tridiagonal block matrix .

  9. 采用三维粘性、等熵、可压缩、非定常流的Navier-Stokes方程,用有限体积法进行区域离散,对高速列车通过设置有横通道的隧道时所引起的出口微压波进行模拟。

    This paper presents a cell-centered finite volume scheme for numerical integration of Navier-Stokes equations for three-dimensional unsteady viscous compressible non-homentropic flow to simulate the micro-pressure wave produced by a high-speed train entering a tunnel with a transverse passage-way .

  10. 本文选用共转Oldroyd-Maxwell流体本构方程建立起了粘弹性流体偏心环空内非定常流的流动方程;

    Adopting common conversion Oldroyd-Maxwell constitutive equation , in this paper , the flow equation of the unsteady flow of viscoelastic fluid in the eccentric annulus was established , and was discretized with control volume method ;

  11. 一维明渠非定常流数值计算稳定性分析

    Stability Analysis on Numerical Calculation for One-dimensional Unsteady Open Channel Flow

  12. 求二维非定常流数值解的主从网格方法

    A Method of Principal and Subordinate Grid for 2D-Unsteady Fluid Flow

  13. 恒定微压下微小流量的非定常流测量方法

    Non-steady Flow Method for Measuring the Micro Flow at Constant Micropressure

  14. 论热线风速仪在涡喷部件非定常流测量中的应用

    The application of hot wire anemometer in turbojet components unsteady flow measurement

  15. 计算绕薄翼型跨音速非定常流的积分方程法

    Computations of unsteady transonic flows about thin airfoils by integral equation method

  16. 一类非定常流的奇异有限元分析

    A kind of singular finite element analysis for nonsteady flowing

  17. 在层状系统中半承压井非定常流

    Non-steady flow toward a well in stratified systems with crossflow

  18. 非定常流弯肘型尾水管不规则压力脉动预测

    Irregular Pressure Pulsation Prediction for Elbow Draft Tube Unsteady Flow

  19. 非定常流制冷原理在石油天然气回收中的应用

    Application of unsteady flow refrigeration to recorvery of petroleum gas

  20. 河渠非定常流的精确边界能控性

    Exact boundary controllability of unsteady flows in open canals

  21. 非定常流中桨后舵附推力鳍的数值模拟

    Numerical simulation of unsteady flow around propeller and rudder with additional thrust fin

  22. 非定常流测量用薄膜热电阻温度探针的性能研究

    A platinum-film resistance temperature probe for unsteady flow measurements

  23. 另外,在非定常流的模拟中,需要获得流动随时间的变化过程,这使得计算工作量变得十分巨大。

    In addition , unsteady flow simulation needs to gain flow movement along time .

  24. 高比压环流器等离子体位形的稳定性什么时候流动是可压缩的[对定常和非定常流来说]?

    When is a Flow Compressible [ For Both Steady and Unsteady Flow ] ?

  25. 二维气动探针非定常流测量中动态效应的数值研究

    Numerical investigation of the dynamic effects on a 2D probe head measuring unsteady flow

  26. 内燃机非定常流计算中分枝管边界的探讨

    The Discussion about Boundary Conditions of Branch Pipe for Calculation of Internal Combustion Engine

  27. 高速列车穿越隧道的二维非定常流数值模拟

    Numerical simulation on an unsteady two-dimension flow produced by high-speed train passing a tunnel

  28. 非定常流函数涡量方程的一种数值解法的研究

    Study of one numerical method for solving the unsteady equations of stream and vorticity functions

  29. 液压与气动系统内紊流和非定常流计算机仿真研究

    A study on computer simulation of turbulent and unsteady flow in hydraulic and pneumatic systems

  30. 本文给出一种低超声速来流中机翼跨声速非定常流的计算方法。

    A computational procedure is presented for predicting transonic unsteady flows about wings at low-supersonic freestreams .