
  • 网络employer discrimination
  1. 更糟糕的是,雇主歧视左撇子完全合法。

    Worse , it is perfectly legal for employers to discriminate against left-handers .

  2. 据信,由于教育程度低和韩国雇主歧视,许多北韩难民生活贫困。

    Many are believed to be living in poverty due to poor education and discrimination by South Korean employers .

  3. 除了在雇佣过程中的被雇主歧视原因和工作与家庭冲突原因外,外国学者的相关研究表明,要获得高层管理具有管理动机是首要要素。

    Besides the discrimination from the employers , the work-family conflict reasons the foreign scholars ' researches indicated that to obtain the high level management position , having motivation to manage is the most important factor .

  4. 差别影响歧视不要求证明雇主存有歧视意图。

    On the other hand , disparate impact requires no evidence concerning the discriminatory intent .

  5. 国家层面应该颁布执行细则以及具备法律约束力的相关措施,以确保该政策的贯彻实施和合理执行,从而保证女性不因劳动成本最小化而受到雇主的歧视。

    Specific and legally-binding measures should be worked out at the national level to ensure the policy is carried out and properly enforced to ensure that women are not discriminated against by employers obsessed with minimizing their labor costs .

  6. 在美国,根据差别影响(disparateimpact)原则,貌似中立的雇佣实践若超出比例地伤害了受保护阶层,即为不合法,即便雇主并非有意歧视。

    In the US , the doctrine of disparate impact outlaws ostensibly neutral employment practices that disproportionately harm protected classes , even if the employer does not intend to discriminate .

  7. 他上工业法庭寻求他雇主对他歧视的损害赔偿。

    He went to the industrial tribunal to seek redress for the way his employers had discriminated against him .

  8. 《怀孕歧视法案》禁止雇主的怀孕歧视行为,包括雇佣、解雇、发薪、工作分配和提升等各个方面。

    The Pregnancy Discrimination Act forbids discrimination by employers based on pregnancy , including hiring , firing , pay , job assignments and promotions .

  9. 雇主不得有年龄歧视。

    Employers cannot discriminate on grounds of age .

  10. 一群人的一个代表,如一个雇员的存在,被用来抵挡雇主的批评或歧视性的指责。

    One that represents a group , as an employee whose presence is used to deflect from the employer criticism or accusations of discrimination .

  11. 如果得知某个申请人是同性恋、穆斯林、残疾或者超过40岁而雇佣其他人,雇主可能会面临歧视的起诉。

    An employer who learns that an applicant is gay , Moslem , disabled , or over 40 years old , and then hires someone else may face discrimination charges .