
jí zhèn
  • market town
集镇 [jí zhèn]
  • [town] 比县城小的居民区,通常以非农业人口为主

集镇[jí zhèn]
  1. 这些村庄扩大了并且结合成了一个大集镇。

    The villages expanded and merged into one large town .

  2. 最近的集镇离这里有十英里远。

    The nearest town is ten miles away .

  3. 他们洗劫并焚烧了集镇莱姆斯特。

    They plundered and burned the market town of Leominster

  4. 泰晤士河从牛津向正南方向流去,穿过阿宾顿的集镇。

    The Thames flows due south from Oxford , through the market town of Abingdon .

  5. 莱克图尔是个熙熙攘攘的集镇,第一次去热尔观光从那里开始再好不过了。

    Lectoure is a bustling market town and the best jumping-off point for a first visit to Le Gers .

  6. 这个集镇很快发展成一座城市

    The town burgeoned into a city .

  7. 第五十九条乡镇企业、乡(镇)村公共设施、公益事业、农村村民住宅等乡(镇)村建设,应当按照村庄和集镇规划,合理布局,综合开发,配套建设;

    Article 59 Construction of township enterprises , public facilities and public welfare undertakings of townships ( towns ) and rural villagers ' houses should be rationally laid out according to the village or market town plans according to a comprehensive development plan , with good supporting facilities .

  8. 基于GIS的土壤环境数据处理方法研究&以永城市陈集镇数据为例

    GIS-based Methods to the Soil Environment Data Processing Methods

  9. 我们在金城(Kincheng,见右图)里转,这座宁静小镇是金门的主要集镇,我们沿着模范街(MofanStreet)转,两边是上世纪20年代、拱形大门的日本式红砖洋房。

    We walked around Kincheng , Kinmen 's sleepy little main town , along Mofan Street , flanked by 1920s red-brick buildings with arched front doors in the Japanese style .

  10. 基于Logit模型的区域集镇系统需求分析及规模确定研究

    Study on System Requirements of Regional Market Town and Its Scale Determination Based on Logit Model

  11. PhonHong是当地的集镇,距离村子有30公里,因此到集镇上去卖大米之前了解一下米价还是有用的。

    Phon Hong , the local market town , is30km away , so it is worth knowing the price of rice before you set off to sell some there .

  12. 农村集镇社区教育实体初探

    A Elementary Exploring of Community Education Entity in Rural Market Town

  13. 农村集镇中学大英语环境的构建

    The Creation of English Circumstance in High Schools in the Country

  14. 江苏集镇发展地域模式研究

    A Study on Regional Models of Town 's Development in Jiangsu

  15. 论县域集镇系统及其结构

    On the rural town system and its structure in county area

  16. 切尔滕纳姆曾是个拥有1500人口的小集镇。

    Cheltenham had been a small market town with a population of1500 .

  17. 传统集镇保护规划与单体建筑更新实践

    Practice in Conservation Planning and Rejuvenation Building of the Tradition Market Town

  18. 他穿过一个名叫洛克比的小集镇。

    He went through the little market town of Lockerbie .

  19. 浅议集镇规划与路政管理的关系

    On the relationship between market town plan and road administration

  20. 变革时代的集镇与集镇教育

    The Market Town and Its Education in the Transforming Times

  21. 第三部分为适宜生长的集镇居住建筑建设机制。

    The 3rd part discusses the construction mechanism of market-town .

  22. 转型期间集镇发展机制及其对集镇规划的启示&以江苏省若干典型集镇规划为例

    On Mechanism of Small Towns ' Development and Planning in the Changing Age

  23. 一个叫做格拉斯哥的集镇!安德鲁费尔塞维斯跟着叫道。

    A town called glasgow ! Echoed Andrew fairservice .

  24. 传统集镇商业空间形态解析

    Research on the Business Space of the Tradition Town

  25. 江苏集镇发展与合理人口规模研究

    A Study on the Development and Reasonable Population Scale of Town in Jiangsu

  26. 传统城市重新繁荣,新兴城市拔地而起,农村小集镇蓬勃发展。

    The traditional city prospered again . A lot of new city appeared .

  27. 适宜生长的集镇居住建筑设计初探我国居住建筑的需要

    The need of residential building 's design in China

  28. 区域集镇基准地价体系建立研究

    A study on the foundation of regional towns ' land standard price system

  29. 河西走廊集镇规划特点初探

    Approach the Town Feature of the Hexi Corridor

  30. 这个时期的集镇经济出现了较大发展。

    The economy of the country fairs and towns developed greatly in the period .