
  • 网络Centralized water supply
  1. 水质合格率总的趋势是枯水期水质优于丰水期(P0.05);集中式供水规模愈大,水处理工艺愈完善,水质合格率愈高(P0.05)。

    The overall trend of the qualified rate of water is higher in dry season than in the abundant water period ( P0.05 ); The biger centralized water supply scale is and the more perfect the water treatment process is , the higher quality qualified rate is ( P0.05 ) .

  2. 二起集中式供水污染事故的调查与分析

    Investigation and Analysis of 2 from centralized water supply contamination incident

  3. 集中式供水水质达到国家卫生标准。

    Conclusion Drink water reached the national standard for water supply .

  4. 湖南省集中式供水单位现状调查分析

    Investigation of Current Situation of Centralized Drinking Water Supply in Hunan Province

  5. 应急电源的配备要求关于集中式供水水源的选址

    On the Selection of Site for Centralized Water Supply Source

  6. 方法在集中式供水企业试行采用量化分级管理方法,并对结果进行评价。

    Methods Quantified and classified management was used for evaluation of water-supply enterprises .

  7. 集中式供水水厂现行的水处理工艺对污染物的处理有限。

    The current water processing technique used by the water plant was limited .

  8. 需加强对集中式供水水源防护、水质处理和消毒工作。

    Water sources need to be strengthened to defend , manage and disinfect .

  9. 江苏省集中式供水卫生监督管理现状

    Investigation on Health Inspection and Administration of Centralized Water Supply in Jiangsu Province

  10. 安徽省农村集中式供水现状调查

    Investigation of Situation of Tap Water Supply System in Rural Areas of Anhui Province

  11. [结果]平阴县所调查的乡镇的水源类型均为地下水,取水方式包括集中式供水和分散式供水。

    [ Results ] The drinking water investigated was centralized and decentralized underground water .

  12. 方法对全市乡镇、村集中式供水设施进行全面调查,并进行系统分析。

    Methods All tap water facilities at township or village level were investigated comprehensively .

  13. 西部小城镇集中式供水现状与存在的问题

    Current Status and Problems of Centralized Water Supply System in Western Small Cities and Towns

  14. 主要介绍集中式供水工程的施工及其质量验收。

    The paper focuses on the construction of centralized water supply scheme and quality acceptance .

  15. 农村部分集中式供水卫生状况调查分析

    Sanitary Status on Rural Tap Water Supply

  16. 2008年崇左市农村集中式供水水质卫生状况调查

    Investigation on the Quality of Centralized Water Supply in Rural Areas of Chongzuo City in 2008

  17. 公共场所集中空调通风系统卫生状况调查山西省集中式供水及二次供水卫生状况

    Hygienic Investigation of Air Conditioning System of Public Places Hygienic Survey of Drinking Water Plants in Shanxi Province

  18. 了解地震后某县水厂市政集中式供水的卫生状况。

    To find out the drinking water safety situation of a county centralized water supply facility after earthquake .

  19. [结果]部分以地面水为水源的水厂季节性投加消毒剂,大部分以地下水为水源的水厂全年未投加消毒剂。集中式供水主要卫生问题是细菌学指标超标。

    The main sanitary problem of centralized water supply system was that the bacteriological indexes exceeded the sanitary standards .

  20. 抽查680个集中式供水工程,67.79%无净水设备直接供水。

    Of 680 randomly selected central water supply systems , 67.79 % of them had no water purifying equipments .

  21. 因此,加强集中式供水水质监测,及时掌握水质动态,对于保障饮水安全非常必要。

    It 's necessary to hold water supply timely to guarantee drinking safety by strengthening the monitor of water supply .

  22. 新泰市农村集中式供水7年水质检测结果分析

    Analysis of Monitoring Results of Water Quality for 7 Years in Centralized Water Supply in Rural Area of Xintai City

  23. 4类外环境水样中弧菌检出率由高到低顺序为:淡水、海域水、下水道排放口、集中式供水网点,其中集中式供水网点无致病性弧菌检出。

    The detection rate of Vibrio from samples was freshwater , seawater , draining water and centralized water supplying spot .

  24. 检测水样984份,其中集中式供水水样606份、分散式供水水样378份;

    984 water samples ( 606 from centralized water supply departments and 378 from decentralized water departments ) were inspected .

  25. 饮水除砷,采用铁盐改性骨炭(集中式供水)、混凝沉淀(分散式供水)及金属复合材料(净水器装置)除砷;

    Removal of arsenic from drinking water by adsorption onto modified bone char , or coagulation and precipitation , and a metal compounding material ;

  26. 建立水源保护区是有效保护集中式供水水源地,保障持续供水的有效手段。

    The establishment of effective of water source protection areas is centralized water supply sources to ensure an effective mean of continuous water supply .

  27. 目的研制《农村集中式供水卫生要求》,以加强农村集中式供水的卫生监督与管理工作,保护农民身体健康。

    Objective Develop Hygienic demand of centralized water-supply so as to strengthen management of supervision and surveillance on centralized water-supply in Anhui rural areas .

  28. 2007~2008年德州市二次供水水质调查山西省集中式供水及二次供水卫生状况

    Investigation on Water Quality of Secondary Water Supply in Dezhou City from 2007 to 2008 Hygienic Survey of Drinking Water Plants in Shanxi Province

  29. 无论是集中式供水或分散式供水,90%以上的水源有生活污染源;

    Over 90 percent of water sources were polluted by domestic sewage of either centralized type of water supply or decentralized type of water supply .

  30. 结果作为试点的37家集中式供水企业中,市级供水企业全部评为良好,占21.62%;

    Results Among the 37 centralized water-supply enterprises , water-supply enterprises at prefecture level were all evaluated as " good " grade ( 21.62 % ) .