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  • 网络Youngor;younger
  1. 雅戈尔的产业链是否为一种成功的模式?

    Is Youngor 's industry chain a kind of successful mode ?

  2. 它已成为最大的股票雅戈尔的能力赚钱。

    It has become the largest stock Youngor 's ability to make money .

  3. 安顿,吸血鬼抓住了雅戈尔,她想见你。

    Anton , the vampire has yegor , but she wants you .

  4. 宁波市体育中心雅戈尔体育馆音质改建设计

    Acoustical design of younger gymnasium ningbo sports center

  5. 这一时期的标志是以“雅戈尔、金利来”等为标志的专卖店的兴起。

    This period marked by " Younger , Goldlion " and marked the rise of specialty stores .

  6. 此外,该营业部是在位于宁波市,是雅戈尔的位置。

    In addition , the business department is located in Ningbo City , is the location of Youngor .

  7. 本文以宁波雅戈尔服装有限公司的内部通信邮件为例探讨了公司内部邮件的互文性与内部沟通有效性之间的关系。

    This thesis is a case study which analyzes the intertextual relations in intra-company E-mail messages of Younger Dress Co.

  8. 了,出售高的选择,有机会选择,雅戈尔是非常聪明。

    Up , the choice of selling high , the opportunity to choose from , Youngor is very clever .

  9. 因此,从历史的交易席位,雅戈尔“股票”的确是一流的。

    So from the seats in the history of transactions , the Youngor " stocks " is indeed superb .

  10. 经过几年的发展,房地产,纺织和服装企业雅戈尔在成为经济增长的发动机。

    After several years of development , real estate , textiles and clothing over the business Youngor become the engine of growth .

  11. 产学合作教育培养民航创新人才的探索从雅戈尔营销管理学院看校企合作办学

    Functions of Enterprise and College Cooperation in Cultivation of Civil Aviation Talents On School and Enterprise Cooperation from the Perspective of Younger Marketing Management College

  12. 以上市公司年报、集团白皮书等公开数据为依据,从微观角度对雅戈尔集团自主创新能力进行定量评价。

    According to the open data from white book and annual report , a quantificational analysis on Youngor group 's independent innovation capability has been carried out microcosmically .

  13. 神经系统科学家贾雷德雅戈尔发现,平均来说,这些学生的疼痛感降低了36%到44%,而强烈的不适感减轻了约13%。

    Neuroscientist Jarred Younger found , on average , pain was reduced by between 36 and 44 per cent , with intense discomfort eased by up to 13 per cent .

  14. 以宁波雅戈尔棉纺有限公司一期厂房为例,比较侧墙柱距及结构跨度不同对钢结构主要材料用量变化和投资成本的影响。

    This paper will compare the effects of different sidewall bay spacing and span on the changes in the consumption of main materials of steel structure and cost of investment .

  15. 以雅戈尔集团股份有限公司为例,介绍公司的直接所有权结构、最终控制人的识别以及最终控制人现金流权与控制权的分离情况。

    Some important results are : rights departure of ultimate controlling has a significant negative impact on the firm ′ s performance , and the effect declines with the rising of cash-flow rights .

  16. 与此同时,一些民营企业集团也在争持金融牌照,比如新希望集团、联想集团、海尔集团、雅戈尔等。

    At the same time , some Private enterprises are also striving for the financial license , such as New Hope Group , Lenovo , Haier Group , Younger , and so on .

  17. 在一项发表在美国《公共科学图书馆》期刊上的研究中,博士后学者雅戈尔说:疼痛感的减轻与大脑皮质上层有关。

    In a study published in the US journal Public Library of Science , the post-doctoral scholar said : ' The reduction of pain is associated with higher , cortical parts of the brain .