
  1. “有一天也许你会再结婚的。”“这句话真中听啊,难得你能这么说!”

    ' In time perhaps you 'll marry again ' . ' That 's a great line , coming from you ! ' .

  2. 这么多年之后难得你还认得我。

    It 's a wonder that you recognized me after all these years .

  3. 不过呢,难得你把这些唐诗都记得那么熟。

    But after all , it isn 't easy for you to remember these Tang poems so well .

  4. 只是情难自禁啊难得你的内心世界就那样静静的摊在桌上等我阅读

    It was just too tempting , all your inner thoughts and feelings , laying there on your desk for me to read .

  5. 他总是不声不响,冷冰冰的,难得跟你交谈。

    He was taciturn and unsociable , and rarely spoke to you .

  6. 很难得看见你出现在这种龙蛇混杂的地方。

    Don 't often see you enjoying the pleasures of the vulgar crowd .

  7. 现在的女人难得有你这么出色的。

    You 're a better woman than most .

  8. 他难得称赞你一句。

    Only on very rare occasions does he give you a word of praise .

  9. 真难得看到你和病人在同一个房间里。

    I 'm still amazed you 're actually in the same room with a patient .

  10. 你叔叔怎样看待你,这有什么关系?反正他难得来看你。

    What does it matter what your uncle thinks of you ? He only visits you once in a blue moon .

  11. 放心吧你难得不觉得你自己是不是反应过度了一点吗?(太敏感了吗)没什么值得心烦的你一说,我还真不好意思(难为情了)

    Take it easy ! Don 't you think you 're overacting a bit ? There is no reason to get upset . I am sorry to hear that .

  12. 这是一个难得的机会让你能走到最前端往中国葡萄酒产业发展。

    It is an extraordinary opportunity for you to be at the forefront of China 's wine industry development .

  13. 利用环境的改变和难得的休闲对你的伴侣说出对方不经常听到的浪漫的语言。

    Use the change of scenery and the downtime to tell your partner the romantic things they don 't get to hear often enough .

  14. 这是难得的机会让你暂时摆脱恋情几个小时的时间——所以确保一切都是关于你的,而不是思念他。

    This is your chance to disentangle yourself from your relationship for a few hours - so make sure it is all about you , not you missing him .

  15. 这意味着,即使你离太阳更近,从水星撞向太阳实际上要比从地球撞向太阳难得多,因为你必须向后加速到48公里每秒,而不是30公里每秒。[qh]

    And that means it 's actually way harder to crash into the sun from Mercury than from the earth , even though you 're closer , because you 'd have to accelerate to a speed of 48 kilometers per second backwards instead of 30 . [ qh ]

  16. 这是一生难得的机会。双子:难得的假期为你提供了一个与大自然亲近的好机会。

    It 's a once in a lifetime chance . Vacations that provide plenty of intellectual stimulation are right up your alley , Gemini .