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péi zànɡ pǐn
  • funeral objects;goods buried with the dead
  1. 以陶器和动物骨头的粉末为陪葬品。

    having potteries and beads of animal bones as burial objects .

  2. 老板安排休伊做他的陪葬品。

    Boss set up Hughie as his personal Humpty dumpty .

  3. 在埋葬女孩子的井里发现了比男孩子的井里更多的陪葬品。

    More burial articles were found in girl 's pit than in that of boys .

  4. 考古学家在一位中国皇帝的陪葬品中,发现了世界上最古老的茶叶。

    Archaeologists have discovered the oldest tea in the world among the treasures buried with a Chinese emperor .

  5. 有人猜测,始皇帝死后有大量的宝物和陪葬品埋入陵墓陪伴这位帝王。

    It is speculated that many buried treasures and sacrificial objects had accompanied the emperor in his afterlife .

  6. 法老的陪葬品通常有黄金、珠宝和家具等一些统治者来世需要的东西。

    Pharaohs were buried with gold , jewels , and furniture & things the rulers would need in the afterlife .

  7. 大部分动物在家中的地位都不一般,死后常常会被做成木乃伊,成为主人的陪葬品。

    Many of these animals held a special place in the Egyptian home , and they were often mummified and buried with their owners after they died .

  8. 秘鲁利玛市贫民窟出土了几千具古代印加木乃伊,有些木乃伊被包裹在一起,其中还发现了陪葬品。

    Thousands of ancient Inca mummies , some bundled together in small groups with their possessions , have been discovered beneath a shantytown near Lima , Peru .

  9. 而这具男性尸骨头朝西向左侧卧,陪葬品是日常用的罐子,与之前在女性墓穴所见无异。

    In this case , the man was on his left side with his head facing west and surrounded by domestic jugs-rituals only previously seen in female graves .

  10. 虽然买地券作为陪葬品中的一个组成部分,却从另一个侧面反映了东汉时期土地买卖的真实情况及人们使用土地买卖契约的观念。

    As one part of funerary objects , the land certificate reflects the truth about land trade in the Eastern Han Dynasty and people ′ s ideas of using land contract .

  11. 方法采取本室获得正式授权的国家发明专利对鹤山市出土的明代古墓骨骸和陪葬品木梳、发簪及馆藏的民族服装进行塑化保存。

    Methods The national invent patent special for preserving the biological relics was carried out to manage the specimens of bones from ancient tomb of Ming Dynasty and housed dress in Heshan museum .

  12. 在那个时代,金属第一次被带入英国,而这个人的陪葬品中的两只金耳环,是在英国发现的最古老的黄金(可以上溯到公元前2470年)。

    This was a time when the first metals were brought to Britain , and this man was buried with two gold earrings which are the oldest gold ever found in Britain ( dated to2470BC ) .

  13. 但美国杜兰大学的人类学家约翰·范拉诺表示,研究人员目前还对陪葬品中的武器感到很疑惑,因为这在女性身上并不常见。

    " The war clubs are clear symbols not only of combat but of power ," said John Verano , an anthropologist at Tulane University in New Orleans , Louisiana , who is part of the research team .

  14. 大部分动物在家中的地位都不一般,死后常常会被做成木乃伊,成为主人的陪葬品。另外,一些动物还会接受训练,成为人类的助手。

    Many of these animals held a special place in the Egyptian home , and they were often mummified and buried with their owners after they died . Other creatures were specially trained to work as helper animals .

  15. 研究人员通过研究茶叶表面绒毛间的微小晶体并利用质谱分析法,分析出了与这位公元前2世纪皇帝一起埋葬的陪葬品中的叶子就是茶叶。

    By examining tiny crystals trapped between hairs on the surface of the leaves and by using mass spectrometry , they were able to work out that the leaves , buried with a mid second century BC Chinese emperor , were actually tea .

  16. 近半个世纪以来,中国的现代化建设取得的成就已为世人瞩目,但在取得成就的同时,也付出了不可估量的代价,不只是中国乃至全世界,为了经济的发展而让环境成为了陪葬品。

    For almost half a century , the chinese modernization drive rapidly with distinctive achievements . The world have got a lot of achievements , while pay a immeasurable high price ; to economic development , the environment is buried with the dead .