
  1. 本课题所研究的沥青降温剂RT,则是专门用于降低沥青混合料拌和与成型温度的新一代脂肪族碳氢化合物。

    The Reduce-Temperature agent of asphalt that the paper studied is a new generation of aliphatic hydrocarbons which designed to reduce the mixed and compacted temperature .

  2. 通过DSC及DSC-TG联用技术分析了氧化剂AP和添加剂体系及降温剂JW和添加剂体系的热分解。

    The thermal decomposition of oxidizer / addictive system and coolant JW / addictive system has been analyzed by DSC and DSC-TG techniques .

  3. 基于原油DSC曲线计算析蜡量的新方法,研究了大庆加剂原油析蜡特性,得出结论:存在临界降温深度,低于临界降温深度,加剂原油低温流动性能急剧恶化;

    Based on the new methods of crude oil DSC curve calculating wax crystallization , this paper discussed the characteristics of Daqing waxy crude wax crystallization and concluded that there existed the critical temperature depression depth . When low than the critical temperature , flowing ability will worsen sharply .