
fù shǔ ɡōnɡ sī
  • dependent company;sub-company;subsidiary corporation;subsidiary company;subsidiary
  1. 支票是通过附属公司在中国。

    The cheque was presented through the subsidiary company in China .

  2. 制衣工艺示范中心有限公司〔香港生产力促进局附属公司〕

    Clothing Technology Demonstration Centre Company Limited [ a subsidiary company of Hong Kong Productivity Council ]

  3. 据两名接近财新的人士透露,蚂蚁金服(AntFinancial)——在美国上市的阿里巴巴的支付、银行业务和资产管理附属公司——正在谈判入股事宜,具体股份比例不详。

    Two people close to Caixin said discussions were under way for Ant Financial , the payments , banking and asset management affiliate of US-listed Alibaba , to buy an undisclosed holding .

  4. 阿巴投资曾与SRC国际(SRCInternational)的附属公司有业务往来,SRC国际是从1MDB拆分出来的,现在归财政部所有。

    Aabar has also done business with affiliates of a company called SRC International , which was spun off from 1MDB and is now owned by the Ministry of Finance .

  5. 去年该公司一处半导体工厂发生毒气泄漏事故,而在另一场事故中,该公司旗下附属公司SamsungEngineeringCo.的水箱发生爆炸致人丧生,该附属公司首席执行长随后被解雇。

    The company had to cope with gas leaks at a semiconductor manufacturing facility last year , while the chief executive of affiliate Samsung Engineering Co. was fired after a water tank explosion that led to casualties .

  6. 为GM及其附属公司管理养老金投资的咨询公司PerformanceEquity,是正在减持私人股本投资(目的是降低整个投资组合的风险)的多家传统私人股本投资者之一。

    Performance Equity , an advisory firm that manages pension investments for GM and its affiliates , is one of many traditional private equity investors that are reducing investments with private equity groups in order to lower their portfolios ' risk .

  7. 中信泰富称,截至去年年底,目标集团中信股份(CiticLimited)及其附属公司未经审计的资产约为人民币2250亿元(362亿美元)。

    Citic Pacific said unaudited assets at the company it is in talks to acquire , Citic Limited , were worth about 225 billion yuan ( US $ 36.2 billion ) at the end of last year .

  8. 美国证交会(sec)已向五大会计师事务所的中国附属公司提起诉讼,指控其违反证券法律,因为它们拒绝在美方对中国企业会计欺诈的调查中交出相关文件。

    The US Securities and Exchange Commission has charged the Chinese affiliates of five leading accounting firms with violating securities laws for refusing to produce paperwork related to investigations into accounting fraud at Chinese companies .

  9. 如果本合同项下的合同装置所用的技术对XXX或其附属公司所有的PE技术提出任何索赔,该索赔应由XXX自己解决。

    If any claim arises from PE technology owned by XXX or its AFFILIATES against the technology to be used in CONTRACT PLANT under CONTRACT , such claim will be solved by XXX itself .

  10. DNV应有权把本协议的全部或部份权利和责任转移、转让或分包给其任何一间姊妹公司或附属公司。

    DNV shall have the right to transfer , assign or subcontract all or parts of its rights and duties under this Agreement to any of its sister companies or subsidiaries .

  11. 参与过阿巴公司与SRC一家附属公司的交易的两名人员透露,那次交易的款项被支付给了其他的企业实体。

    Aabar also did a deal with a company outside Malaysia that SRC had helped create , according to two people involved with the transaction . Money from that deal was then set aside to be paid out to other corporate entities .

  12. 据英国内阁办公厅去年的报告显示,主理防卫业务的英国BAE系统公司的附属公司Detica给其提供软件助理,Detica在去年投入到英国国内的网络犯罪防范成本惊人,达到270亿英镑,占了GDP的1.8%。

    In a report by Britain 's Cabinet Office last year , Detica , the software arm of BAE Systems , a defence company , put the cost of cybercrime to the country at a staggering £ 27 billion , or 1.8 % of GDP . Businesses bore £

  13. 这种玫瑰最初于2009年在东京问世,是Suntroy---一家同时做提纯威士忌生意的日本公司---和它在澳大利亚的附属公司Florigene(现在名为SuntoryFlowers),20年的研究成果。

    The rose was first released in in Tokyo in 2009 , after 20 years of research by Suntory , a Japanese company that also distills whisky , and its Australian subsidiary , Florigene ( now Suntory Flowers ) .

  14. SRC的总裁,刘特佐的朋友尼克·费萨尔·卡里法·卡米尔(NikFaisalAriffKamil)称,据他所知,刘特佐和侯赛尼都没有从涉及SRC或其附属公司的交易中获取费用。

    SRC 's managing director , a friend of Mr. Low named Nik Faisal Ariff Kamil , said that to the best of his knowledge , neither Mr. Low nor Mr. Husseiny had received fees from deals involving SRC or its affiliates .

  15. 一个具有若干分支机构和附属公司的大集团。

    A big group with a number of divisions and subsidiaries .

  16. 英国轮胎是一间英国橡胶的附属公司。

    British Tyres is a subsidiary of the British Rubber Company .

  17. 彼亦为本集团旗下多间附属公司之董事。

    He is also a director of various subsidiaries within our Group .

  18. 在综合资产负债表中,有关附属公司和联营公司的披露是足够的。

    The disclosure of subsidies and associates of consolidation statement is enough .

  19. 阿里巴巴及其附属公司近来大举进军媒体行业。

    Alibaba and its affiliates have moved aggressively into the media sector .

  20. 有关前田汽车与它的七个附属公司。

    For Maeda motors and its seven affiliated companies .

  21. 奥林巴斯可以把它在深圳的两栋宿舍楼卖给安远的附属公司。

    Olympus would sell two dormitory buildings in Shenzhen to the Anyuan affiliate .

  22. 华光建筑公司是远东百货公司的附属公司。

    Uh guano construction company is an affiliated company of Far Eastern Department store .

  23. 成为您的附属公司的产品专家。

    Become an expert on your affiliate product .

  24. 投资附属公司的股票

    Investment in stocks of affiliated company

  25. 另其附属公司更设有股票买卖、投资及保险等服务。

    Through its subsidiaries , it also offers security trading , financial management and insurance services .

  26. 丰盛热处理有限公司〔前为生产力促进局附属公司〕

    Productive Heat Treatment Company Ltd. [ formerly a subsidiary company of Hong Kong Productivity Council ]

  27. 设计创新(香港)有限公司〔香港生产力促进局附属公司〕

    Design Innovation ( HK ) Ltd. [ a subsidiary company of Hong Kong Productivity Council ]

  28. 今天,麦记与其附属公司都活跃于以上行业。

    Nowadays , Mak Kee is working actively in all these fields together with several associated companies .

  29. 跨国公司握有过半股权的附属公司

    Majority-owned subsidiaries of transnational corporations

  30. 他表示:在当前的环境下,即使那些没有竞争力的大企业集团附属公司也能生存。

    The affiliates of large business groups can survive even if they are not competitive , he says .