
  • 网络Class division;cleavage division
  1. 没有阶级划分表面上看来,普通员工和CEO也没有差别

    There 's no ladder , no differences between CEO and an average engineer on the surface .

  2. 从根本上来说,人们还是应该以阶级划分,而不是以国籍划分。

    People are ultimately divided more by class than by nationality .

  3. 对土改而言,其核心工作就是阶级划分和财富再分配。

    With regard to the land reform , the core was the class division and wealth reallocation .

  4. 难道不是外形,名字,某些偏见,某个银行账户,某种阶级划分?

    Is it not form , name , certain prejudices , a certain bank account , certain class distinctions ? That is , Mr.

  5. “分工的规律是阶级划分的基础”是马克思主义阶级与阶级分析的理论核心。

    The kernel of Marx 's theory of class is that the law of division of labour is the foundation of division of class .

  6. 如奥威尔所说:我在很小的时候,还不到6岁,就感受到了阶级划分。

    I was very young , not much more than six , ' recalled Orwell , ' when I first became aware of class-distinctions .

  7. 对现代化的展示成了小说建构土改意义和迫切性的主要手段。只是这样的展示,终究受制于二元对立的阶级划分结构。

    Thus the display of modernization becomes the major means of constructing the land revolution historical significance and urgency , however , such display is restricted by the construction of the contrary dual classes .

  8. 阶级划分的基础是脑体分工,因而阶级实际上就是指分别从事脑力劳动与体力劳动的社会集团。

    The foundation of division of class is the division of mental labour and physical labour , so different classes refer to different social groups that are engaged in mental labour and physical labour .

  9. 当时的阶级划分不仅政策性强,而且充满着斗争,使广大农民阶级分清了敌我善恶,对提高农民觉悟起到了很大作用。

    It has strong policy and is full of struggles , which enable a large number of peasants to distinguish the good from the evil , and play an important role in raising the peasants ' consciousness .

  10. 只要有会发展成国家的阶级划分,以有产阶级或掌握了生产资料的阶级进行的剥削为基础,就必然会有战争;

    So long as there are class distinctions developing into nationalities , based on exploitation by the possessive class , or the class which has the means of production in its hands , there must be wars ;

  11. 依据分工的规律是阶级划分的基础的原则,可以解析其理论认识上的得失,阐明其理论在中国当前构建和谐社会中的现实意义。

    This article insists that division of labor is the basis of dividing class and points out gains and losses of Giddens ' theory , and tries to elucidate its realistic meaning to Chinese construction of harmonious society .

  12. 他说,自己想拍的是“一部诗选剧,其中涌动着令人不安的东西,内容不仅仅是‘犯罪难道不可怕吗’和‘阶级划分难道不糟糕吗’。”

    What he wanted to create , he said , was " an anthology that would potentially unsettle , and speak about things other than ' Isn 't crime terrible ? " and ' Isn 't the class divide an awful thing ? " "

  13. 论中产阶级的划分维度

    On the Dividing Perspective of Middle Class

  14. 其实,即使在革命战争时期,阶级的划分,阶级的历史地位和作用,也是由生产力的发展来决定的。

    In fact , the class differences , the historic rule of class divisions in human societies are all stemmed from and determined by the development of productive forces .

  15. 阶级成分划分导致农民身份系统的颠覆与重构,乡村社会实现了重新分类,社会分层体系发生了根本转向,建基于阶级身份之上的新型分层体系建立。

    Class status demarcation resulted in subversion and reconstruction of farmers ' status system . Rural society realized its reclassification and the social stratification system took an essential change . A new stratification system based on class status has been established .

  16. 他希望通过提供经济实惠的早餐,为人们在按阶级和财富划分的地区建立联系提供一座桥梁。

    He wants to provide a bridge for people to connect in an area that has been divided by class and wealth , by providing affordable breakfast .

  17. 阶级与阶层的划分方式、标准又为何发生改变?

    Why do the classified methods and the standards of the class and stratum take place ?

  18. 他把整个资本主义社会阶级结构中的各阶级地位划分为12种类别,从而绘制出资本主义国家阶级结构的大体轮廓。

    He divided class locations within capitalist class structure into 12 types , thereby mapping out the broad contours of the class structure of contemporary capitalism .

  19. 长期以来,人们把马克思主义的阶级理论归结为生产资料所有制决定阶级的划分;阶级斗争推动社会发展这样一种理论模式。

    For a long time , many scholars interpret Marxist class theory as the ownership of productive means deciding class and class conflicts promoting social development .

  20. 阶级的概念是特定历史时期政治斗争需要的产物,以阶级对立划分人类历史形态的模式缺乏科学性。

    The conception of class is the product of political struggle during special historical period . The pattern of dividing human being 's history formation according class antagonism lacks scientific principal .

  21. 列宁继承和发展了马克思世界历史视域,他最大特点和理论贡献就是用阶级分析的方法看待国际关系的变化。在马克思的时代,阶级划分在民族国家内部人与人之间进行;

    Lenin carried on and developed Marx 's viewpoints on world history , and the characters and contributions of his were noted for the method of class analysis applied on international relations .

  22. 第一章对阶级及道德的概念进行重新界定并对维多利亚社会重新进行了阶级划分,由此提出论文的理论基础为下文的具体文本分析提供理论支持。

    Chapter One presents the theoretical foundation , which provides the definition of class , the categorization of the classes in the Victorian Age and the definition of morality adopted in this thesis .