
  • reading skill
  1. 语言阈值假设下的外语阅读技能迁移研究

    On Foreign Language 's Reading Skill Transfer Based on the Linguistic Threshold Hypothesis and Linguistic Interdependence Hypothesis

  2. 但大外教学往往更注重阅读技能的训练,而忽视了文章的篇章结构分析。

    The ability development of reading skill is paid more attention to while the writing structure analysis is often disregarded .

  3. 要能有效地把阅读技能从L1迁移到L2,读者的L2水平必须达到阀值要求。

    That is , reading ability in L1 can naturally transfer to L2 if the readers have a certain level of L2 .

  4. 在网络新闻的政治性语篇领域CDA理论有助于培养读者的批评性语言意识从而提高阅读技能,增强对网络新闻语篇的反控制力。

    In the political Netnews , CDA theories can help the readers to cultivate the critical awareness of language , thereby strengthening their ability of reading comprehension and anti-controlling .

  5. 方法:采用ICD-10诊断标准和汉语阅读技能诊断测验(CRSDT),对114名3~6年级CRD儿童和131名正常儿童作对照研究和聚类分析。

    Methods : According to the diagnostic criteria of specific reading disorder ( SRD ) of the ICD-10 , 114 children diagnosed with CRD by clinic interview and 131 controls randomly sampled from the same classes were assessed with the Chinese reading skill diagnostic test ( CRSDT ) .

  6. 语篇语言知识与阅读技能教学

    Linguistic knowledge of discourse and the teaching of information gathering skills

  7. 论成高英语专业教学中阅读技能的培养

    On Training Adult Students to Get Reading Skills in English Teaching

  8. 这些孩子中有一些在阅读技能方面要胜过别的孩子两年。

    Some of these children are two years ahead in reading skills .

  9. 从语篇分析看英语阅读技能的培养

    Training English Reading Skills from the Perspective of Discourse Analysis

  10. 良好的阅读技能对学生的学习、生活都起着至关重要的作用。

    Good reading skills play a vital role in students ' lives .

  11. 中专英语教学重在提高学生阅读技能

    English Teaching in Technical Schools Should Emphasize Reading Skills

  12. 活动将会让学生在英语阅读技能的提高上面受益非浅。

    It is an unique'themed'program rewarding our students for improvement in reading skills .

  13. 我认为这是提高阅读技能的好方法。

    I think it is a good way to improve their reading skills .

  14. 逻辑思维与英语阅读技能培养

    Logic in Thinking and Training Students ' Reading Skills

  15. 结构建构框架下的外语阅读技能迁移研究

    On transfer of reading skills within the structure building framework from psycho-cognitive perspectives

  16. 培养学生的阅读技能和展示能力。

    Learn different reading skills for different reading purposes .

  17. 因材施教、循序渐进和重视学生阅读技能的强化训练教学模式。

    Attaching importance to promote students ' reading ability and strengthen training methods .

  18. 文体不同,所用的阅读技能会有差异,阅读策略也会有相应的调整。

    Difference of writing style brings different reading skills and different reading strategies .

  19. 语文阅读技能培养策略研究

    Research on Strategies for Developing Chinese Reading Skills

  20. 高中英语阅读技能课堂培训:一项个案研究

    Enhancing Reading Skills Through Classroom Teaching in the High School : A Case Study

  21. 用语言学观点谈英语阅读技能

    On English Reading Skills through Linguistic View

  22. 汉语阅读技能训练教程

    Improve Your Reading Skills in Chinese

  23. 德语阅读技能的培养

    Cultivation of Germany reading skills

  24. 因此在英语教学过程中,对阅读技能的训练和培养就显得尤为重要。

    Therefore , in English teaching it is very important to train the reading skills and strategies .

  25. 而阅读技能可能也紧随其后。

    Reading skills may follow .

  26. 事实上,一些谁被诊断为阿斯伯格综合症的孩子就具有不同寻常的语言和阅读技能。

    In fact , some children who are diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome have extraordinary language and reading skills .

  27. 英语阅读技能的研究

    On English Reading Skills

  28. 申请一个读写课程,以帮助提高孩子们或成人的阅读技能。

    Help improve the reading skills of children and adults by volunteering to tutor with a literacy program .

  29. 中国中学生英语语音、语法、语义技能在阅读技能中的关系

    The Relationships between Phonological , Syntactic and Semantic Skils in English Reading Performance of Chinese Middle School Students

  30. 多多分享如果你在谈话时有了更多能与别人分享的东西,就证明你的阅读技能提高了。

    One of the best things about being better read is that youve got more to share in conversation .