
  • 网络portal site;Web Portal;Internet portal
  1. 传统的Web应用程序(例如门户网站)也能够聚合数据。

    A traditional Web application ( for example , a portal ) can aggregate data too .

  2. 本文正在这一背景下提出了在门户网站中建立消息发布系统(MessageCenter)的研究课题。

    Based on this background , this thesis introduces the research of building a message delivery system ( Message Center ) on enterprise portal site .

  3. 据新闻门户网站越南快讯报道,阮青龙表示,新毒株是在对新近确诊患者进行检测后发现的。

    He said it was discovered after running tests on newly-detected patients , online newspaper VnExpress reported .

  4. 大部分网络漫画系列都在大型门户网站免费发布,每周更新一到两次,涵盖的题材也很广泛,浪漫喜剧和恐怖故事等,都涵盖其中。

    Most webtoon serials3 are published on major Internet portals free of charge and once or twice a week . They cover a wide range of genres4 , as diverse as romantic comedies and horror .

  5. 语义门户网站是基于语义Web技术构建的新一代的语义增强的门户网站。

    Semantic Web portals are next generation of semantically enhanced Web portals , which constructed based on Semantic Web technology .

  6. 基于ontology的数字图书馆门户网站模型

    Digital Library Portal Construction Based on Ontology

  7. 基于UML的医疗保险信息门户网站的开发

    Development for health care website based on UML

  8. 除了Web部件自身体系结构之外,在ASP.NET2.0里面还有一些新的特性使得内部门户网站的开发更加有吸引力。

    In addition to the WebPart infrastructure itself , there are several new features that make the development of intranet Portal sites appealing in ASP . NET2.0 .

  9. 请输入访问群体连接到该门户网站时将使用url地址。

    Enter the URL address that visitors will use to connect to the portal site .

  10. 若要连接到门户网站,请输入门户的url和友好名称。

    To connect to a portal site , enter the URL and a friendly name for the portal .

  11. 作为雅虎中国(yahoochina)门户网站与阿里巴巴合并交易的一部分,雅虎于2005年成为这家私营互联网集团的最大股东。

    Yahoo became the largest shareholder in Alibaba in 2005 as part of a deal in which it merged its Yahoo China portal into the private internet group .

  12. 这些工具需要利用AJAX等瘦客户机技术,通过门户网站使之有效。

    These tools need to be made available through portals , taking advantage of thin client technology such as AJAX .

  13. 5月份该公司同意收购韩国门户网站公司DaumCommunicationsCorp.。

    The company agreed in May to buy South Korea 's Internet portal Daum Communications Corp.

  14. 用户在Web上检索信息时,通常使用门户网站所提供的搜索引擎工具,但目前的搜索引擎普遍存在查全率和查准率低、不具备个性化等问题。

    A user always uses the search engine provided by the portals when he is searching information on the Web , but the existing search engines usually have the problems of low precision and lack of personality .

  15. 随着当前Web逐步演化成语义Web,研究下一代门户网站&语义门户网站(即语义Web技术驱动的门户网站)是一个必然的发展趋势。

    The current Web is evolving to the Semantic Web , therefore research of the next generation of Web portals ( i.e. Semantic Web portals , Semantic Web technologies enabled Web portals ) technology is a natural development trend .

  16. 为了让所有热门滑雪板门户网站和讨论站点都挂接到我们的系统,可能需要定义WSDL通信端口。通过发布如清单3。

    In order to get all the hot snowboarding portals and discussion sites hooked up to our system , we might want to define WSDL communications ports .

  17. 远程门户网站Web服务(WSRP)是用于XML和Web服务的标准,它允许把交互式、人性化的Web服务插入门户网站,同时带来的混乱又最小。

    Web Services for Remote Portals ( WSRP ) is a standard for XML and web services that allows the interactive , human-facing web services to be plugged into portals with a minimum of fuss .

  18. 随着互联网的飞速发展,政府及企业都开始在Internet上建立自己的门户网站,并想利用该门户网站及时地获取信息,充分地利用资源,实现信息价值的最大化。

    With the rapid development of Internet , government and companies are starting to build their own Internet portal , And would like to use the portal to access information in time , full use of resources to achieve the maximum information value .

  19. 美国新闻门户网站TheInformation近日援引知情人士消息称,谷歌公司正与中国第二大在线游戏提供商网易公司磋商,欲将谷歌旗下的移动应用商店谷歌Play引入中国大陆。

    Google Inc is in discussions with NetEase Inc , China 's second-largest online games provider , to bring its Google Play mobile app store to the Chinese mainland , according to The Information , a US news portal , which cited people familiar with the matter .

  20. 门户网站腾讯网(tencent)除了提供游戏和极具人气的qq即时通讯服务,也发布了类似于facebook的服务平台qzone。

    Tencent , the portal which offers games and the hugely popular QQ messaging service , launched qzone , a service resembling Facebook .

  21. 本文针对以上各种注入攻击提出相应的解决方案,并在最后提出了建议性的安全配置SqlServer数据库操作系统的方法,以此最大限度保证门户网站的安全。

    The article made recommendations based on those injection attack ways , and propose the way to secure the SQL Server database operating system at the last of paper . The enterprise portals can protect themselves by those ways .

  22. 利用Java编程语言,实现对RFID设备的连接、配置和监控,同时还实现系统与企业门户网站的连接,使中间件系统与企业应用系统互联。

    Using Java program language to realize the connection configuration and monitoring with RFID equipments , It also realizes the connection from system to enterprise portal website , making interconnection of middleware system and enterprise application system .

  23. 全球唱片业中一些最为知名的公司已就涉嫌音乐盗版问题,对雅虎(Yahoo)的中国关联企业提起诉讼。雅虎是美国主要的互联网门户网站。

    Some of the biggest names in the global recording industry have launched a lawsuit against the Chinese affiliate of Yahoo , the leading US internet portal , over alleged music piracy .

  24. 据易观国际,位列第四名的门户网站运营商新浪(Sina)的市场份额为8.89%,仅落后于谷歌0.01个百分点。

    Internet portal operator Sina , in fourth place , had an 8.89 % share that put it 0.01 percentage points behind Google , according to Analysys .

  25. Facebook的CEO补充说,这个社交网络门户网站遵守每个国家的法律,还说Facebook决不让一个国家或一群人强行规定全世界的人能分享什么。

    The Facebook CEO added that the social-networking portal followed the laws in each country , adding that it never lets one country or group of people dictate what people can share across the world .

  26. 2009年秋,当中国门户网站新浪(sina)推出微博时,这个新平台被淹没在全球网络的喧嚣之中,几乎无人注意。

    In the autumn of 2009 , when the Chinese web portal Sina launched its microblog , the new platform was barely noticed in the worldwide online cacophony .

  27. 据市场研究机构PivotalResearch,门户网站曾经是影响最大用户群体的最有效途径,但这种途径出现衰落,不论站点的程序化广告购买的兴起给雅虎的展示广告业务带来了永久的挑战。

    The decline of the Internet portal as the most efficient way to reach the greatest number of users and the rise of programmatic ad buying , which is site-agnostic , have created permanent challenges for Yahoo 's display advertising business , according to Pivotal Research .

  28. 近年来,我们将Oracle数据库技术、应用服务器和门户网站技术应用于地震信息共享研究中,初步构建了中国地震局地质研究所的地震信息共享服务平台,取得了较好的成效。

    In recent years , techniques of Oracle Database , Application Server and Portal website have been used in seismic information sharing , and a preliminary servier platform for this work has been established in our institute .

  29. 应用表明,GF可以对互联网上绝大部分的贴图论坛、专业图片网站、门户网站和搜索引擎网站上的图片进行高效扫描并下载。

    Application shows that most of the mapping of the Internet can GF Forum , professional photo website portals and search engines on the website for efficient scanning photos and downloading .

  30. 昨日,本地门户网站Tom在线(TomOnline)宣布停止谷歌的服务。颇受欢迎的游戏和交流服务网站腾讯(TenCent)则于去年结束了与谷歌的合作,以推出自己的搜索引擎。

    Yesterday , Tom Online , a local portal company , said it would drop Google , while Ten Cent , a popular games and communication service , ended its ties with the US company last year in order to launch its own search engine .