
  1. 卡帕萨家族的女族长西尼奥拉·卡帕萨(SignoraCapasa)穿着一袭白衣,白发长辫垂在背上,时尚得令人难以置信。

    Dressed all in white , a long white braid down her back , Signora Capasa , the matriarch of the family , is impossibly chic .

  2. 她扎着一个走起路来上下摆动的金色长马尾辫。

    She has a long golden ponytail that bobs up and down when she walks .

  3. 一个身材瘦长的形体,他红头发蓬乱,终止于长马尾辫。

    He sports a lanky physique , and unkempt red hair terminating in a long ponytail .