
  1. 鸬鹚是一种长脖子黑颜色的大鸟,生活在海滨而且以吃鱼为生。

    The cormorant is a large , long-necked , dark-colored bird which lives near sea coasts and eats fish .

  2. 在东南亚一些地区,长脖子是一种时尚。

    Neck-stretching was the fashion in some parts of Southeast Asia .

  3. 长颈鹿是一种有长脖子的动物。

    A giraffe is an animal which has long neck .

  4. 我大部分的身高主要来自于我的长脖子。

    Most of my height comes from my long neck .

  5. 长颈鹿的长脖子里有7块骨头。

    A giraffe has7 bones in its long neck .

  6. 丑陋的长脖子还是长长的腿。

    An ugly long neck and long legs .

  7. 新、旧大陆长脖子河鸭,尾巴中间羽毛细长。

    Long-necked river duck of the Old and New Worlds having elongated central tail feathers .

  8. 长颈鹿有一个长脖子。

    A giraffe has a long neck .

  9. 中程,长脖子,皮肤是棕黄色与紫色条纹,果肉黄色。

    Medium , long neck , skin is brownish yellow with violet stripes , flesh amber .

  10. 它有长脖子和长腿,走起路来很像骆驼。

    It has a long neck , long legs , and a walk like a camel .

  11. 长颈鹿为什么有长脖子?

    Why giraffes have long necks ?

  12. 从她的手一个长脖子的鸟(天鹅或苍鹭)。

    Artemis feeds a long-necked bird ( either a swan or heron ) from her hand .

  13. 我有长脖子。

    I have a long neck .

  14. 他看见了两只有着雪白的长脖子和黑喙的白色大鸟。

    He had seen the two great white birds with their long white necks and black bills .

  15. 鸬鹚饲一种长脖子黑颜色的大鸟,生活在唬宾而怯以吃鱼为生。

    The cormorant is a large , long-necked , bird which lives near sea coasts and eats fish .

  16. 20世纪70年代,一艘日本渔船捕获了一只死亡的长脖子巨型怪兽。

    In the 1970s , a Japanese fishing boat caught an enormous dead " monster " with a long neck .

  17. 新西兰不会飞并在夜间活动的鸟,有长脖子和粗壮的腿;无翼类中仅有的幸存代表。

    Nocturnal flightless bird of New Zealand having a long neck and stout legs ; only surviving representative of the order Apterygiformes .

  18. 资中龙(Zizhongosaurus),发现于四川省资中县,意思是“来自资中的龙”,是一种大体型、长脖子的食草恐龙。

    The Zizhongosaurus , discovered in Sichuan 's Zizhong county , meaning ' lizard from Zizhong ' : a large-bodied , long-necked herbivorous dinosaur .

  19. 他们慢慢划着水,游了一会儿,想要找食物吃了,便把他们的长脖子插到浅水里,把一些植物和草根从水底拽出来。

    They paddled slowly about and then began feeding , thrusting their necks into the shallow water and pulling roots and plants from the bottom .

  20. 它们主要以金合欢树的树叶为食物,而且他们的长脖子能够轻而易举地从高高的树顶上取得新鲜的叶子。

    They live mainly on a diet of acacia leaves and their long necks enable them to reach fresh leaves at the top of tall .

  21. 长脖子并不具有明显的优势,长颈鹿在进食时更关注的是树叶的种类而不是树叶所在的高度。

    Longer necks provide no particular advantage to giraffes because they care more about the type of leaf than the height at which it 's situated .

  22. 大多数人相信长颈鹿的长脖子是演变的结果,认为长脖子比短脖子的长颈鹿在生存上更有优势,但事实并非如此。

    Many may believe that only giraffes with long necks survived evolution because they had an advantage over the other , short-necked ones , but that 's not really true .

  23. 有理论提出长脖子是长颈鹿的一种交配特征,换句话说,长脖子有助于雌性长颈鹿选择交配对象。但这只是一个没有依据的推论。

    One theory is that the giraffes developed long necks as a mating trait - in other words , it helped with the ladies - but there 's not much evidence to support that hypothesis .

  24. 不远,在一株高大的梧桐树下,商人赶着一群驮着东西的骆驼。这群牲口骄傲地昂起它们的长脖子,笨重地在这神圣的土地上行进。

    Not far from Smyrna , where the merchant drives his loaded camels , proudly arching their long necks as they journey beneath the lofty pines over holy ground , I saw a hedge of roses .

  25. 相反,长脖子又大又笨重,即使外形美观,但只会给野外生存的长颈鹿带来劣势。因此长脖子这一特征终会消失。

    On the contrary , big , heavy necks , no matter how good they look , would be a definite disadvantage in the wild and are sure to die out at some point in the future .

  26. 若然你对此持怀疑态度,科学亦无法对此做出解释,科学界亦并没有对长脖子是优胜劣汰的结果这一结论达成共识。

    If it 's confusing to you , science doesn 't have much of a clue either . There 's just no consensus on the exact conditions that would have caused long necks to be selected positively among giraffes .

  27. 简伸长了脖子在人群中寻找她丈夫。

    Her neck to look for her husband in the crowd .

  28. 之所以长颈鹿非常高,是因为它们有很长的脖子。

    If anything goes wrong , our necks are on the line .

  29. 长颈鹿有一条很长的脖子。

    The giraffe has a very long neck .

  30. 它有着非常非常长的脖子,这样它就能够够到高高的树上那柔软的叶片。

    It has a very long neck to reach the tender leaves up high on a tree .