
  • 网络long-term capital;Long-term Capital Flow
  1. 国际短期资本流动是国际资本流动的一种形式,其区分于国际长期资本流动的特点就是它的高流动性、灵活性。

    International short-term capital flows is the international flow of capital one kind of form , the distinction between long-term capital flow characteristics of international is its high mobility and flexibility .

  2. 基本平衡是指经常项目平衡与长期资本流动之和。这是一项用来表示一国收支平衡的长期趋势。

    The basic balance is the sum of the current account balance and the net movement of long-term capital . It is intended to be an indicator of the long-term trends in a country 's balance of payments .

  3. 本文从国际资本流动的必然性及其分类情况,剖析了作为长期资本流动的海外直接投资倍受各国重视而居国际资本流动主导地位的原因;

    The essay analyzes the reasons why every nation Pays so much attention to overseas direct invest - ment in long term capital flows and thus it becomes a main trend in International capital flows from the sta - tus of international capital flowing inevitability and its categories .

  4. 但是,对长期资本跨国流动的威胁就不是那么回事了:主要原因管理层对跨国银行图景的重新界定,尤其是在欧洲。

    However , that is not so of the long-term threat to cross-border capital flows : the changes that regulators make to the landscape for multinational banks , especially in Europe .

  5. 本文突破国际资本总体性分析的界限,根据国际资本流动的性质将国际资本区分为长期国际资本流动、广义的短期国际资本流动和狭义的短期国际资本流动三类。

    On the basis of its flowing nature , this article distinguishes the international capital into three types , including long-term international capital , broad short-term international capital , and parochial short-term international capital , which breaking through the limitation of analysing international capital as a macrocosm .

  6. 不论是从短期,还是从长期来看,资本流动都是影响区域经济差距变化的重要因素之一。

    No matter , from short-term , in the long run , capital flow is one of important influences of regional economic gap .

  7. 此外,全球经济复苏必须伴之以更长期的贸易和资本流动再平衡,使经常账户盈余和赤字由基本面因素(而非人为限制)决定,从而降低金融和经济不稳定的风险。

    Further , the recovery of the global economy must be accompanied by a longer-term rebalancing of trade and capital flows so that current account surpluses and deficits are determined by fundamentals rather than artificial constraints , thereby reducing the risk of financial and economic instability .