
  1. 路易达孚正在考虑改变公司所有制结构,并在探讨相应的可行办法,包括进行首次公开发行(ipo),或把一定数量的股份出售给长期投资者。

    Louis Dreyfus is considering a change of ownership and exploring options , including an initial public offering or the sale of a stake to long-term investors .

  2. 特别是在我国目前证券市场市场效率经常失灵的情况下,对于长期投资者而言,EVA提供了一个投资选股的有效指标。

    Especially in our market , since the short failure of our market efficiency , it should be a important tool of choosing the stock to a long term investor .

  3. 在ETFs产品产生之前,短期交易者和投机者的频繁交易活动使长期投资者承担了更高的税费成本,对长期投资者的利益构成了损害;

    Before the emergence of ETFs , frequent transaction from the short-term investors and speculators engenders the profit loss of the long-term investors ;

  4. 戴姆勒首席执行官迪特尔泽谢(dieterzetsche)上周对德国报纸《brsen-zeitung》表示,该公司欢迎长期投资者,包括来自中国的投资者。

    Dieter Zetsche , Daimler chief executive , told German daily brsen-zeitung last week that the company would welcome long-term investors , including from China .

  5. 与大多数机构一样,中投对自己的定位是长期投资者。

    Like most institutions , CIC considers itself a long-term investor .

  6. 对于长期投资者来说,这个差距是巨大的。

    For a long-term investor this is a big difference .

  7. 他表示:理论上,我们是长期投资者。

    Theoretically we are a long-term investor , he said .

  8. 近年来,成长型股票吸引了众多投资者的注意,希望选择和投资成长型股票成为许多中长期投资者的心中首选。

    In recent years , the growth stocks are attracted by many investors .

  9. 第四,提倡价值投资,培养长期投资者。

    The fourth is to promote the valuation investment and train long-term investors .

  10. 允许更多长期投资者进入市场,将大幅提高市场的效率。

    Allowing more long-term investors into the market will greatly improve its efficiency .

  11. 不过,尽管有这些资质,长期投资者在上市认购名册上并不占主导地位。

    Despite those credentials , however , long-term investors do not dominate the order-book .

  12. 最终,长期投资者可买到大量价值被低估的资产。

    Finally , plenty of undervalued assets are available for longer-term investors to purchase .

  13. 长期投资者的战略资产配置选择

    Strategic Asset Allocation Choice for Long-Term Investors

  14. 淡马锡此前已经拥有建行6%的股份,该机构通常是一家长期投资者。

    Temasek already owned 6 per cent of CCB and is typically a long-term investor .

  15. 然而,班伯里认为,此种方式对于长期投资者而言是有意义的。

    Yet Mr Banbury believes that this type of approach makes sense for long-term investors .

  16. 保诚表示:“我们一向欢迎在市场上买入的长期投资者。”

    Prudential said : " we always welcome long-term investors who buy in the market . "

  17. 这些机构大多是长期投资者;我们不谈论人民币短线交易。

    These are mostly long-term investors ; we 're not talking about short-term trading in renminbi .

  18. 新兴市场作为投资目的地所吸引的客户正在发生转变,从投机主义投资者转向长期投资者。

    Emerging markets are in transition as an investment destination , switching from opportunistic investors to long-term investors .

  19. 其他分析师表示,尤为不祥的是,央行之类的长期投资者缺乏买进兴趣。

    Other analysts said the lack of buying interest from long-term investors such as central banks was particularly ominous .

  20. 中国经济的波动性上升是经济现代化所产生的结果,长期投资者无需对此感到恐慌。

    Rising volatility in China is a consequence of economic modernisation and should not be feared by long-term investors .

  21. 最早领会这一点的企业,将受益于更低廉的资金成本和更坚定的长期投资者。

    The companies that first understand that will benefit from a lower cost of capital and more committed long-term investors .

  22. 作为一种相对较新的产品,点心债券受到流动性不足和缺乏长期投资者的困扰。

    As a relatively new product , dim sum bonds have been hampered by poor liquidity and lack of long-term investors .

  23. 当其他企业在市场上面临阻力之时,与长期投资者一气呵成完成交易看来是精明之举。

    As others face resistance in the market , doing the deal in one go with a long-term investor looks astute .

  24. 长期投资者已经蹲守下来,支持最优秀的企业家,期待未来的挑战和机遇。

    The long-term investors are hunkering down , backing the best entrepreneurs and looking forward to the challenges and opportunities ahead .

  25. 我们需要抵制这些机制,建立正确的激励机制,在短期与长期投资者和中介机构之间谋求平衡。

    We need to counter these mechanisms and establish the right incentives for achieving a balance between short-term and long-term investors and intermediaries .

  26. 对于现货市场中的长期投资者,参考股指期货市场走势进行投资决策的价值不大。

    For long-term investors in spot market , refer to the stock index futures market for making investment decision is of little value .

  27. 尽管更为短线的投资者可以向上市公司提供必要的纪律,但长期投资者的搭配将会有所禆益。

    While more immediate-term investors provide a needed discipline to public companies , it is good to have long-term investors in the mix .

  28. 贝佐斯只喜欢与那些长期投资者会面——也就是持有亚马逊股票时间最长的人。

    Bezos prefers to meet with the investors with the lowest churn - the ones who have held Amazon 's stock the longest .

  29. 英国石油公司周一表示,他们仍将兑现投资承诺,并希望在俄罗斯成为成功的长期投资者。

    BP said Monday that it remained committed to its investment and intended to be ' a successful , long-term investor in Russia . '

  30. 对于希望通过两个市场的联动性来规避风险的长期投资者来说,中国股市与债市并不适合做到这点。

    Chinese stock market and bond market are not good for the long term investors who want to avoid risk through co-moving between two markets .