
  • 网络Bank liabilities;Debt
  1. 雷曼兄弟投资银行负债6千亿美元,是美国历史上破产的最大的公司。

    With over six hundred billion dollars in debt , Lehman 's failure was the largest bankruptcy in United States history .

  2. 文章提出引入高等学校银行负债风险预警系统,为高校举债发展提出了政策建议。

    The article proposed the introduction of colleges and universities bank debt risk early warning system for college loans by the development of policy recommendations .

  3. 银行负债构成了公认的货币供应量定义中的很大部分。

    The liabilities of banks form a large part of the accepted definitions of the money supply .

  4. 从整体上来看,商业银行负债品种单一,负债构成比例不均衡,缺乏创新动力,同时,对负债的管理也缺乏系统的理论。

    On the whole , the species of liabilities are single , the proportion of liabilities are uneven , and banks lack of innovations .

  5. 第二部分主要对商业银行负债管理的统计分析进行了探讨。

    In Part ⅱ, I mainly discuss the commercial bank 's debt management 's quantitative analysis , and analyze the commercial bank debt management 's cost indexes , stability indexes .

  6. 同时,资本市场的发展有利于商业银行负债业务、资产业务和表外业务的拓展、资产质量的改善和资产结构优化。

    At the same time , capital markets helps commercial banks to conduct operation on borrowing and assets business and expand off-balance-sheet business as well as to upgrade assets quality and optimize assets structure .

  7. 按不同银行负债率区间,分别对样本总体进行投资规模、不同产权性质的投资规模、以及不同控制层级下投资规模的描述性统计,得出目前我国制造业在企业投资规模方面的特征。

    According to different debt ratio , we make descriptive statistics of the overall investment in the sample size 、 the different nature of the scale of investment property , as well as the scale of investment under different control levels .

  8. 基于VB的银行资产负债比例管理系统的实现

    The realization of Asset Liability management system in bank based on VB

  9. 基于VaR约束的银行资产负债管理优化模型

    Optimal model of asset-liability-management based on constraint of VaR technology

  10. 基于VaR约束的带交易费用的商业银行资产负债组合优化模型

    Optimal Combination Model of Commercial Bank 's Asset-Liability Management under Transaction Cost Based on Constraint of VaR Technology

  11. 本系统通过VB编程与数据挖掘技术相结合,实现了银行资产负债比例管理,可以有效地控制风险。

    Through VB Tools and data extraction technology , we designed the Asset Liability management system to control the risk of currency , interest and maturity in daily banking operation .

  12. 欧洲央行(ecb)像2008年的美联储(usfed)一样,想要以大量流动性安抚市场,但随着银行资产负债表上质量较好的资产已经用尽,抵押品的质量正在下降。

    The European Central Bank , like the US Federal Reserve in 2008 , has sought to reassure markets by providing generous liquidity , but collateral quality is declining as the better pickings on bank balance sheets are used up .

  13. 建立了基于VaR约束的银行资产负债管理优化模型,直接利用贷款收益率的历史数据反映收益与风险,避免了间接推测组合风险的弊端。

    The thesis sets up optimal model of Asset-Liability-Management under the constrain of VaR. This model directly makes use of historical data of earning ratio to reflect the income and risk , so the defect of calculating portfolio risk indirectly is avoided .

  14. 在美国财长蒂姆盖特纳(TimGeithner)2月份公布了将不良资产剥离银行资产负债表的指导方针,第一步努力失败后,评论家担心,奥巴马仍没有一套完整的重振金融体系的战略。

    Following the failure of the first attempt last month by Tim Geithner , Treasury secretary , to announce guidelines for the removal of toxic assets from bank balance sheets , critics fear that Mr Obama still lacks a full strategy to revitalise the financial system .

  15. 将越来越多的信贷转出银行资产负债表外,脱离市场参与者的视线,是惠誉近年在中国银行业察觉到的最令人不安的趋势,惠誉高级分析师朱夏莲(CharleneChu)表示。

    The transfer of a growing amount of credit off banks ' balance sheets and out of the purview of market participants is the most disconcerting trend Fitch has observed in China 's banking sector in recent years , according to Charlene Chu , a senior analyst at Fitch Ratings .

  16. 我国商业银行资产负债统计研究

    The Statistical Research on Asset-Liability of Commercial Banks in Our Country

  17. 商业银行资产负债结构分析和设计

    Structure analysis and design of asset and liability in Commercial Bank

  18. 商业银行资产负债比例管理综合评价模型

    Comprehensive Evaluation Model for Assets - Liabilities Management of Commercial Banks

  19. 商业银行资产负债管理软件的分析与设计

    Analysis and Design of Asset Liability Management Software in Commercial Banks

  20. 中西方银行资产负债管理比较研究

    Comparative Research on Alm of Banks in China and Western Nations

  21. 银行资产负债管理中资产分配模型

    Distribution model of assets in asset - liability management of banks

  22. 市场利率下银行资产负债结构优化研究

    On Optimization of Bank Asses-Liability Structure under Market Interest Rate

  23. 商业银行资产负债管理方式及对策的研究

    On the Asset and Liability Management Modes and Measures of Commercial Banks

  24. 基于数据仓库的银行资产负债管理系统研究与设计

    The Study and Design of Assets and Liability Management System based on DW

  25. 银行资产负债中隐含期权的识别与风险管理

    Valuation and Venture Management of Banks Asset / Liability Sheet with Embedded Options

  26. 新时期我国商业银行资产负债管理

    Asset - liability management of banks in modern times

  27. 论我国商业银行资产负债利率风险管理

    Interest Rate Risk Management of Assets & Debts of Commercial Banks in China

  28. 政客希望银行降低负债率。

    Politicians want banks to be less geared .

  29. 信贷危机对银行资产负债表造成的打击,还远未结束。

    The credit crisis hit to banks ' balance sheets is far from over .

  30. 他们的模型被视为商业银行资产负债管理模型的里程碑。

    Their model is treated as a milestone of ALM model in commercial banks .