
zhēn xiàn hé
  • workbox
  1. 他要找一根线,开始翻腾妈妈的针线盒。

    He began to ransack his mother 's workbox for a piece of thread .

  2. 唔,思嘉,你打死的那个家伙,他手里就捧着你母亲的针线盒,你总没有忘记吧!

    Oh , scarlett , you ca n 't forget that terrible man you shot with your mother 's sewing box in his hands !

  3. 喝过茶以后,贝里取出一只盖上绘有皇亭的小针线盒,忙碌不停地干起活来;

    After tea , Berry brought out a little work-box , with the Royal Pavilion on the lid , and fell to working busily ;

  4. 她说,虽然彼得和她一样高。于是,她拿出针线盒来,把影子往彼得的脚上缝。

    I shall sew it on for you , my little man , she said , though he was tall as herself , and she got out her housewife , and sewed the shadow on to Peter 's foot .

  5. 然后魔术师请观众继续将针线从牌盒内完全穿出。

    Magician then requested the audience to continue to sewing box from the card completely out of .