
zhēn jiǔ shī
  • Acupuncture and moxibustion;acupuncture doctor
  1. NelsonLiu是洛杉矶的一位针灸师,他经常能在自己的病人中见到类似的问题。

    Nelson Liu , a certified acupuncturist in Los Angeles , sees many of these disorders in his patients .

  2. 解析NCCAOM美国针灸师考试试题

    Analysis on the Test Questions of the AMERICAN ACUPUNCTURE LICENSING EXAMINATION

  3. 总不能全都当针灸师啊

    Well , we can 't all be acupuncturists . No !

  4. 我家孩子从没惹过麻烦,他们全都成为了针灸师

    My children never caused such trouble . They all became acupuncturists .

  5. 据估计,中国总共有1万名针灸师。

    In all , there are an estimated 10000 acupuncturists in the country .

  6. 剖析美国针灸师执照考试(二)

    American Acupuncture Licensing Examination ( 2 )

  7. 预约一名针灸师。

    Make an appointment with an acupuncturist .

  8. 尽管从未去过中国,但是她已经成为了一个经验丰富的针灸师了。

    She has been an experienced acupuncturist though she has never been to China before .

  9. 如今,在公园大道和莫特街都能找到针灸师的身影。

    Acupuncturists today are as likely to be found on Park Avenue as on Mott Street .

  10. 一些针灸师仍然使用金针或银针,但大部分医师使用不锈钢制成的针。

    Some acupuncturists still use gold and silver needles but the majority only use stainless steel ones .

  11. 或者是针灸师错用了放在蝾螈眼睛上的针而导致了感染。

    HOUSE : Infection from the needle that the acupuncturist accidentally let sit in eye of newt .

  12. 如果您接受治疗,这是很重要的访问了适当的训练及注册针灸师。

    If you do receive treatment , it is important to visit a properly trained and registered acupuncturist .

  13. 据估计,日本目前有4万名注册针灸师,以及150多所针灸学校,主要用在传统的针灸治疗领域。

    Japan has an estimated 40,000 registered acupuncturists and over 150 schools , mainly focused on traditional uses .

  14. 他的母亲是一名没有从业执照的针灸师,这位老人试图洗清儿子的罪名。

    His mother , an elderly woman with an unlicensed acupuncture practice , tries to clear his name .

  15. 该系统可以辅助针灸师的学习,同时为普通群众提供一个就医的参考。

    This system can be used to learn acupuncture , and also give ordinary people a reference of acupuncture .

  16. 我在那里时可以去各种培训班,做按摩,看针灸师或做三天的洗肾疗程。

    I can go to classes , get massages , visit an acupuncturist or do a three-day kidney cleanse when I 'm there .

  17. 针灸师可能会说人体有800多个穴位:一种叫做气的力量在体内循环。

    Acupuncturists may say that the body has more than 800 acupuncture points : A life force called qi circulates through the body .

  18. 不过,如果你感到任何疼痛,你应该告诉针灸师,使他们能调整的立场针。

    However , if you feel any pain , you should tell the acupuncturist so that they can adjust the position of the needles .

  19. 在我的经验中,「扎针」(针灸师轻拍并转动刚插入的针)并不会疼痛,但是绝对可以感知得到。

    In my experience , needling ( where the acupuncturist taps and twists the flesh-embedded needle ) is not painful , but it is most definitely noticeable .

  20. 然后,她从手术台上不用扶就起身了,还一边感谢了外科医生和二位针灸师,接着走出去对吃惊的观察者一边挥手示意一边微笑。

    Then she rose unassisted from the operating table , thanked the surgeon and the two acupuncturists , and walked out , waving and smiling at the amazed observers .

  21. 大部分传统针灸师会试图说服你,针灸是一个名副其实的万能药,治疗的范围,从痤疮到带状疱疹。

    Most traditional acupuncturists will try to convince you that acupuncture is a veritable panacea , a treatment that works for anything and everything ranging from acne to zoster .

  22. 我和我的医生正在努力恢复我的能量水平。找了很多针灸师和按摩师以及一个小伙伴给我了一个大大的惊喜。

    I 've worked with my doctors to restore my energy levels , had many visits with the acupuncturist and chiropractor and my amazing partners at Evolving Wisdom gave me a huge gift of many massages .

  23. 对堪布仁布切、次曲娜家族来说,这是他们第一次接触针灸,当然也是首次接触美籍以色列针灸师。

    For Kanbu Rinpoche , Sichula and her family this was their first encounter with an Israeli American acupuncturist .