
  1. 关于工程施工项目成本控制的方法和原理,专家和学者多有论述,仁者见仁智者见智,如价值链分析法、量本利分析法、价值工程法、ABC分类法等。

    There are more expositions on the principles and methods of cost control in construction projects , such as value chain analytical method , value project method and ABC taxonomy .

  2. 金融管理中的量本利分析法

    The Quantity - cost - benefit Analysis in Financial Management

  3. 我国对量本利分析法的新发展&商品储存保本保利期管理的介绍

    New Advance of CVP Analysis in China-Introduction to Merchandise Storage Period Management

  4. 量本利分析法在企业经营决策中的应用

    The Applications of Cost-Volume-Profit ( CVP ) Analysis in Business Decision of Enterprise

  5. 用管理经济学中的量本利分析法分析了全局的营销盈亏情况;

    Analysis of the profit and loss in marketing and economic activities with the cost-volume-profit analytic in managerial economics ;

  6. 再次,运用量本利分析法,说明消费金融产品的定价与风险,并在前文的基础上分析了消费金融公司消费贷款业务在同类业务竞争中的比较优势。

    Next , use the amount of principal and interest analysis , that the pricing of consumer financial products and risk ; previous paper , based on the analysis of competition in its business in the same comparative advantages .

  7. 其次,还分析了回归分析法和量本利分析法的应用,对于分析风险的相关性以及一般财务决策有重要意义。其中结合大量实例,以便说明几种数理方法在实践中的运用情况。

    It includes some methods to measure the financial risk such as theory of probability , mathematical statistics , regression analysis and other methods , etc. And one of these applications is the finance management in life insurance industry .

  8. 建立企业的生产函数模型,通过量本利及边际贡献分析法对企业生产决策进行分析,从而指导企业生产管理进行科学决策,可以扭转生产决策不科学的局面,促使企业经济效益实现最优化。

    In the study , it makes the decisions for operations management more scientific and makes prove another complexion on decisions for production not scientific and makes economic benefits of enterprise optimized by analyzing the decisions for the operations management using Cost-profit-volume Analysis and Marginal Analysis .