
zhòng jī qiāng
  • heavy machine gun
重机枪 [zhòng jī qiāng]
  • [heavy machine gun] 重量较重的任何机枪,包括口径0.3英寸的水冷式机枪及口径0.5英寸的机枪

重机枪[zhòng jī qiāng]
  1. 介绍了重机枪系统定型试验辅助决策系统的设计方法、组成和主要研究内容;

    To introduce the design method , composition and main study content of " Aid-decision System of Heavy Machine Gun System of Approval Test " .

  2. 图中为设置在高射机枪架的多管重机枪。

    This is a multi-barrel heavy machine gun on an anti-aircraft mount .

  3. 双方使用火炮、迫击炮和重机枪再次交战。

    The two sides joined battle once again using artillery , mortars and heavy machine guns .

  4. 它们装备有重机枪并能在其内部运输一小队作战士兵。

    They are armed with heavy machine guns and can transport a small quantity of soldiers inside .

  5. 经试验获得了某重机枪弹性三脚架在不同状态、不同方向的固有特性参数。

    From modal tests , characteristic parameters of the tripod under different conditions and in different directions arc obtained .

  6. 随后,激进分子与安全力量交火,双方均使用了重机枪和火箭推进榴弹。

    Afterwards , militants exchanged fire with security forces with both sides using heavy machine guns and rocket-propelled grenades .

  7. 卡车是一种运输工具,能够运输一定数量的士兵,支架式重机枪,迫击炮或弹药箱。

    A truck is a transporter which can carry a certain number of soldiers , stationary heavy machine guns , mortars or ammo boxes .

  8. 某型重机枪刚柔耦合多体发射动力学仿真仿水黾机器人划水腿刚柔耦合动力学建模与仿真研究

    Simulation of Coupled Rigid and Flexible Multi-body Dynamics on Heavy Machine Gun Rigid-flexible Coupling Dynamic Modeling and Simulation Research on Rowing Leg of Water Strider Robot

  9. 去年八月北韩一位边界士兵试图射击一些气球,但最终引致了边界双方的一场重机枪交火。

    In October last year North Korean border guards attempted to shoot down some balloons , triggering a brief exchange of heavy machine-gun fire between the two sides .

  10. 近期的研究显示,医生在处方中过度使用广谱抗生素。这些抗生素有时被称为重机枪,可杀死人体内一大批有益和不良细菌。

    Recent studies have shown that doctors are overprescribing broad-spectrum antibiotics , sometimes called the big guns , that kill a wide swath of both good and bad bacteria in the body .

  11. 他们经常在非常短的距离内不计后果和效能使用手中的武器,不过,比较他们的火炮使用的缺少距离感,他们的重机枪使用相对比较正常。

    Their reckless and effective use of the weapon at extreme short ranges , however , is less instructive than what their gunnery appears to lack over distances which we have always considered quite normal for the hmg .

  12. 利用超媒体技术,开发了系统应用软件,解决了重机枪系统性能综合评定、试验信息管理和大幅面图漫游等技术问题。

    By utilizing the hypermedia technique , we have developed the software and solved some problems of how to evaluated the overall performance of heavy machine gun , how to test information management and how to rove large map .

  13. 针对重机枪闭锁机构常见故障,借助试验测试资料对其受力计算,对复进不击发、断壳和不抽壳等常见故障间的矛盾关系及产生根源进行了分析。

    Analyzing the inconsistent relations and producing roots of common faults such as failure to go forward and die percussion , case rupture , failure to extract by mechanical analyzing and computing for locking mechanism of a heavy scatter-gun with the test measure data .