
chóng sūn
  • great-grandson
重孙 [chóng sūn]
  • [great-grandson] 儿子的孙子

重孙[chóng sūn]
  1. 作为FORTRAN重孙,他们首先专注于机器操作,然后向上构建抽象层。

    As grandchildren of FORTRAN , they focus on machine operations first and build abstractions upward .

  2. 礼仪专家埃米莉•波斯特(EmilyPost)的重孙、作家彼得•波斯特(PeterPost)说,如果在同事说话时插嘴,忽视或者轻视其他人的看法,也会被同事挑刺。

    Employees also are judged when they interrupt colleagues , or ignore or discount others ' ideas , says Peter Post , author and great-grandson of etiquette expert Emily Post .

  3. 如今,这位老人的重孙就工作在位于印度的仁波切的寺院中。

    Today , the old man 's great grandson works at Rinpoche 's monastery in India .

  4. 父买、子修建、孙儿卖,重孙街上当乞丐。

    The father buys , the son bigs , the grandchild sells , and his son thigs .

  5. 而这个家庭就是亨利·福特、他的儿子、孙子以及现在他的重孙们。

    The family was that of Henry Ford , his son , his grandsons , and now his great-grandsons .

  6. 正如苏格兰谚语所说:父亲买、子修建、孙儿卖,重孙街上当乞丐。

    As the Scots say : The father buys , the son builds , the grandchild sells and his son begs .

  7. 在今年的圣诞致辞中,英国女王伊丽莎白二世谈到了重孙乔治王子降生所带来的幸福与希望。

    The Queen talks of the ' renewed happiness and hope ' brought by her great-grandson , Prince George , in this year 's Christmas message .

  8. 但是,他说,这位艺术家的重孙辈们通过一位巴伦西亚律师写来一封信,要求彻底清除这幅经修缮的壁画,因为它有损家族荣誉。

    But , he said , the great-grandchildren sent a letter through a Valencia lawyer seeking to erase the portrait entirely because the work damages the honor of the family .

  9. 我们需要和我们的孩子、孙子、重孙共享地球及其资源,这意味着我们必须有一个对抗气候变化的宏伟计划。

    We need to share the planet and its resources with our children , grandchildren , and great-grandchildren , and that means we must have a bold plan to combat climate change .

  10. 但是,他说,这位艺术家的重孙辈们通过一位巴伦西亚律师写来一封信,要求彻底清除这幅经修缮的壁画,因为它“有损家族荣誉”。

    But , he said , the great-grandchildren sent a letter through a Valencia lawyer seeking to erase the portrait entirely because the work " damages the honor of the family . "

  11. 去年,刘文彩的一位重孙为了延续刘氏的香火,在大邑县组织了一次大团聚。这些人员曾一度对于自己身份的泄露而倍感恐惧,而那次团聚的出场人数超过1000人。

    Last year a grandson organised a get-together in Dayi for the extended Liu clan , whose members would once have been terrified of revealing their ties . More than 1000 turned up .

  12. 剑桥公爵夫妇大婚之际,女王身着明黄色套裙,领口还饰有太阳褶珠绣。重孙乔治小王子受洗时,女王选择了一件天蓝色外套。

    For the wedding of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge she wore a sunny yellow dress with sunray beading at the neckline , while at her great-grandson 's christening she opted for a sky blue shade .

  13. 不过女王不走寻常路,因为她很酷,可能不会强行干涉重孙的成长模式。只是在大事上女王享有最终决定权,比如允许孩子们坐飞机旅行等。

    She 's not like a regular Queen , she 's a cool Queen , and is unlikely to take any authority in how her great-grandchildren are raised but , the Queen does officially have the final call on big decisions , like allowing the royal family kids to travel by plane , for example .