
  • 酷派(Coolpad)作为宇龙计算机通信科技(深圳)有限公司的品牌,创立于1993年4月,宇龙通信是中国专业的智能手机终端,移动数据平台系统,增值业务运营一体化解决方案提供商。酷派(Coolpad)专注于CDMA手机的中高端领域,以双待机为旗舰产品。
  1. 酷派(Coolpad)和华为技术有限公司(HuaweiTechnologies)分别以11%和10%的份额排在第三和第四位。酷派是深圳宇龙计算机通信科技(YulongComputerTelecommunicationScientific)推出的智能手机品牌。

    Coolpad -- the smartphone brand of Shenzhen-based Yulong Computer Telecommunication Scientific -- and Huawei Technologies came third and fourth , taking up 11 % and 10 % respectively .

  2. 苹果公司可以推出一款售价2000元人民币(330美元)的迷你iPhone,这样就能和联想(Lenovo)、华为(Huawei)、中兴(ZTE)和酷派(Coolpad)的旗舰产品相抗衡了。

    That Apple could launch a 2000 yuan ( $ 330 ) iPhone mini and be competitive with flagship products from Lenovo , Huawei , ZTE and Coolpad .

  3. •苹果公司可以推出一款售价2000元人民币(330美元)的迷你iPhone,这样就能和联想(Lenovo)、华为(Huawei)、中兴(ZTE)和酷派(Coolpad)的旗舰产品相抗衡了。

    • that Apple could launch a 2,000 yuan ( $ 330 ) iPhone mini and be competitive with flagship products from Lenovo , Huawei , ZTE and Coolpad .

  4. 上月,乐视增持中国智能手机制造商酷派(Coolpad)股份,成为后者最大股东。

    Last month , LeEco raised its stake in Chinese smartphone producer Coolpad , becoming its largest shareholder .

  5. 上月,乐视增持了中国智能手机制造商酷派(Coolpad)的股份,成为该公司最大股东。

    And last month LeEco raised its stake in Chinese smartphone producer Coolpad , becoming the company 's largest shareholder .

  6. 今年3月,它推出了与中国智能手机制造商酷派(Coolpad)合建的一个网站,方便购买手机的用户分期付款。

    Last month , it launched a website with Chinese smartphone manufacturer Coolpad to facilitate instalment payments for mobile phone purchases .

  7. 该报告称,华为、OPPO、VIVO、中兴、联想、小米、TCL、金立、魅族、乐视/酷派去年的装货量总计为5.87亿部,共占市场份额的39%。

    The shipments of Chinese smartphone brands Huawei , OPPO , Vivo , ZTE , Lenovo , Xiaomi , TCL , Gionee , Meizu and LeEco / Coolpad totaled 587 million units last year , with a combined market share of 39 percent , according to the report .

  8. 一加、小米和酷派还想要在印度生产手机。

    OnePlus , Xiaomi and Coolpad also want to produce phones in Indian factories .

  9. 分析人士称,与酷派公司类似的公司在正确的时间进入了这个新市场。

    Analysts said companies like his were arriving in their new market at the right time .

  10. 酷派是主要的二线手机品牌,于去年成为了国内互联网企业乐视旗下的子公司。

    A major second-line phone brand , Coolpad became a branch of Chinese internet conglomerate LeEco last year .

  11. 网上评论称,酷派已经与其今年从高校招聘的约300名员工终止了合同。

    Online comments said Coolpad has terminated the contracts with about 300 employees recruited from universities this year .

  12. “饺子”和“酷派”能帮助你缓减热辣的口感。

    " Flat dumpling " and " Cool Piece " will help you lessen the hot and spicy flavor .

  13. 引领青春酷派风格与技术创新潮流的公司往往位于平淡无奇的企业创业园。

    Companies that exuded youthful cool and technical innovation were usually to be found in bland , corporate business parks .

  14. 由于乐视于去年十月份成为酷派最大的股东,所以该报告整合了两家公司的智能手机装货量。

    As LeEco became Coolpad 's largest shareholder in October last year , the report combined the two companies ' smartphone shipments .

  15. 40年代后期,迈尔士·戴维斯开创了乐音更流畅、更和谐的“酷派爵士乐”。

    In the late ' 40s , Miles Davis ushered in " cool jazz " ' s smoother , more harmonic sound .

  16. 酷派方面还表示,他们正在重组业务,以此将更多精力放在国际市场上,而这些导致了其国内业务方面的裁员。

    Coolpad added it is restructuring its business to focus more on the international market , efforts that has led to job cuts in its domestic operation .

  17. 据悉,酷派给了每位本科毕业生3000元的赔偿金,给了每位硕士毕业生4000元的赔偿金。

    It also paid 3000 yuan ( $ 435 ) in compensation to each graduate with a bachelor 's degree and 4000 yuan to those with a master 's.

  18. 但酷派对解聘人员的规模进行了淡化,称签约应届毕业生人数只有260人左右,而那些符合海外职位要求的员工将被保留。

    But the company downplayed the scale , saying it only signed contracts with about 260 while some of those qualified for working abroad will retain their jobs .

  19. 在此过程中,本土的手机制造商的业绩大幅增长,无论是知名的华为和联想,还是像酷派和金立等相对不知名的品牌。

    In the process they lifted the fortunes of local handset makers , from the well known like Huawei and Lenovo to the obscure like Coolpad and Gionee .

  20. 这一策略是廉价而有效的,酷派公司的沙尔玛说,“我们并不需要花费数千万美元的营销费用或构建分销网络。”

    The tactic is cheap and effective , said Mr. Sharma of Coolpad : " We don 't need to spend tens of millions of dollars on marketing or building distribution networks . "

  21. 国内智能手机制造商酷派近日证实已与数百名应届毕业生解除就业合同。酷派称解约背景是公司的“业务调整”,这可能折射出其最大股东乐视的财政困局。

    Chinese smartphone maker Coolpad Group has confirmed cancelling employment agreements with hundreds of new graduates amid what it calls business restructuring , a potential sign of its largest shareholder LeEco 's financial woes .

  22. 它的对手腾讯已经通过参股金山软件以及奇虎360和小米成为合作伙伴,并于去年12月向深圳智能手机厂商酷派投资4亿美元。

    Rival Tencent has a partnership with Xiaomi through their mutual stake in software maker Kingsoft and Qihoo , another Chinese Internet player specializing in security , invested $ 400 million in Shenzhen-based smartphone maker Coolpad in December .

  23. 酷派将于未来三周在网上推出平价的大神手机(Dazen)。该公司说,他们的目标是在一年内卖出300万到400万部智能手机,三年内卖出1500万到2000万部。

    Coolpad , which will introduce its inexpensive Dazen phone online in coming weeks , said it aims to sell three million to four million smartphones in one year , and 15 million to 20 million in three years .

  24. 苹果虽然有着西海岸的酷派气质,长时间以来却更像一支训练有素的军队,顶层的参谋长、基层的普通士兵和雇佣军由一个严格的指挥系统紧密地凝聚在一起。

    Despite its west coast cool , Apple has long had more in common with a well-drilled army , with the joint chiefs on top , the privates and contractors down below and a strict chain of command binding them together .