
chóu jīn
  • remuneration;gratuity;commission;honorarium;kickback;service fees;monetary reward
酬金 [chóu jīn]
  • [remuneration] 付给代办人或受雇者的费用

酬金[chóu jīn]
  1. 并就渠道策略实施,提出了相关的支撑需求,包括提供稳定流畅的酬金返还体系、宣传促销支撑、服务培训支撑、业务平台支撑、渠道管理信息系统支撑等。

    Meanwhile , this article will discuss the needs , which are used to support channels , including providing stable and fluent monetary reward system , propaganda promoting support , operation support , channel information management system support .

  2. 咱们讲的可是工作三个小时酬金500英镑。

    We 're talking £ 500 for three hours ' work .

  3. 他们支付的酬金和所需的工作量无关。

    The fee they are offering bears no relation to the amount of work involved .

  4. 这是服务酬金。

    It was payment for services rendered .

  5. 酬金低得可怜。

    The fee is pitifully low .

  6. 他主动放弃了可观的酬金,觉得自己的健康更加重要。

    He has forfeited a lucrative fee but feels his well-being is more important

  7. 小人物往往是最后才拿到酬金。

    It 's the small fry who are usually the last to get paid .

  8. 同播出的实际开支相比较,他那点酬金不过是九牛一毛。

    His fee is a drop in the ocean compared with the real cost of broadcasting .

  9. 我看到各种各样的人都因为承担他们所指派的各种额外工作而获得酬金。

    All sorts of people I found were getting honoraria for various extra duties that they had assigned to them .

  10. 凡能将他遗失的钱寻回者可得到酬金。

    A reward will be paid to anyone who brings back the money that he lost .

  11. 那份工作酬金优厚。

    That fat job pays well .

  12. 但美国演员工会及电视和广播艺术家联合会称配音演员不会因游戏工作而得到追加酬金。

    But SAG-AFTRA says voice actors don 't receive residuals for their gaming work .

  13. 那些被裁的人都收到他们应得的薪金,再加上假期和解职的酬金。Kirchoferwasterminated,effectiveimmediately--withoutseveranceorwarning.科奇弗被解雇了,立刻生效--而且没有辞退费或者警告。

    Those laid off received their regular checks , plus vacation and severance pay .

  14. 我们提供旅费和住宿费以及酬金。

    Travel and hotel costs as well as an honorarium will be provided .

  15. 一部分居民同意去进行这样的一个调查,在支付一小点酬金的情况下。

    A group of residents agreed to conduct the survey for a small honorarium .

  16. 他是那个会为了一笔数目可观的酬金而将策略性建议透露给私营企业的人。

    He is the one who would , for a hefty fee , purvey strategic advice to private corporations .

  17. 1表中所示酬金并未包含ceo在履行职责中发生的任何业务相关费用。

    1 the remuneration shown in the table does not include any business related expenses incurred in the performance of the ceo 's services .

  18. 《财富(福布斯)》杂志把F1方程式赛车手麦克尔列为2005年第二最高酬金的运动员,仅次于泰格。伍德兹。

    Forbes magazine listed F1 racecar driver Michael Schumacher as the second highest ? paid athlete in2005 after Tiger Woods .

  19. Carson称补偿的酬金“比单单损失田地要来的丰厚”。

    The commission " more than compensated for the loss of crop , " he says .

  20. 这给予了我们那些负责网站横幅广告和App嵌入广告的的IT人员有了更明确的分工和酬金方法。京晶:厉害了,听上去成绩斐然。

    This led to better focus and clear rewards for our IT guys in charge of banners and in-app ads. Wow , that sounds like a good accomplishment .

  21. 词曲创作人从一首在线播放的歌曲中获得的版税要远低于他们通过CD或者下载方式卖出一首歌获得的酬金。

    The performance royalty that songwriters and composers receive for a streamed track is much lower than the fee they would receive for a piece of music sold on CD or via download .

  22. 但Spotify辩称,专注于每次播放的酬金是错误的解读方式。

    But Spotify argues that to concentrate on the " per stream " maths is the wrong way of looking at things .

  23. 此外,包括斯特拉塔首席执行官米克戴维斯(mickdavis)在内的高级管理层的酬金,将取决于合并中实现的成本削减水平。

    In addition , the payouts for senior management , including Mick Davis , chief executive , would be contingent on the level of cost savings achieved in the merger .

  24. 当时的社会,资本稀缺,为解决现金流量的问题,ganesh先生要求企业提前支付维护酬金。

    Capital was scarce and Mr Ganesh tackled cashflow problems by getting companies to pay their maintenance premiums upfront .

  25. 酬金将与工作量成比例。

    Payment will be proportional to the amount of work done .

  26. 实习人员没有报酬但有酬金。

    The Trainee shall not be remunerated but may receive gratuities .

  27. 他领取希伯特基金会提供的酬金在曼彻斯特学院讲课。

    He delivered lectures on the Hibbert foundation at Manchester College .

  28. 对某事物,如某项服务,而回报的酬金。

    Payment in return for something , such as a service .

  29. 贴现,升水,奖金,酬金,保险费他每年付保险费一百美元。

    He pays out 100 dollars in insurance premiums every year .

  30. 据说他们给她的酬金是20000美元。

    It 's said that they 're paying her $ 20000 .