
  1. 他和我谁都料想不到这条路是那么崎岖漫长。

    Neither he nor I anticipated this long and difficult road .

  2. 孙先生可能永远都料不到,他革命换来的是今天。

    Dr Sun may never figure out that his revolution would lead to such a China at present .

  3. 他自己也愣住了这个情况是我们都始料未及的

    And he was wondering himself ! Because this was a big surprise to us .

  4. 当埃琳娜突然发难,所有人都始料未及,于是马特向丽贝卡寻求帮助。

    When Elena suddenly lashes out in a way no one could have predicted , Matt ( Zach Roerig ) turns to Rebekah for help .

  5. 不过,其他几位前任——反种族隔离活动家温妮·曼德拉和以色列核计划泄密者莫迪凯·瓦努努等,都没有料想到会接受就任这一职位。

    But previous holders include anti-apartheid campaigner Winnie Mandela and Israeli nuclear whistleblower Mordechai Vanunu , who were never expected to take up their posts .

  6. 但许多银行都没料想到会发生今天这样的危机。福林等货币在贬值,当地人为每个月的还款而伤脑筋。

    But many lenders didn 't reckon with a crisis such as today 's , when currencies such as the forint fall and locals struggle to make rising monthly payments .

  7. 每根主轴都与料管内的无芯螺旋连接,料管中段上部开口,开口上设料斗,料斗内设搅料装置。

    Each shaft is connected to screw without core in material pipe , there is opening in middle section of material pipe , there is hopper on opening , and there is agitating device in hopper .

  8. 无论是平砧拔长还是新FM锻造法,都要对料宽比加以控制,才能实现横向无拉应力锻造。

    Only when the blank width ratio is confined , can no crosswise tension stress forging be realized , regardless of flat platen stretching or the new FM forging method .

  9. 以前用金属制造的许多产品现在都用所料制造了。

    Many products formerly made of metal now are made of plastic .

  10. 不,我要的都是去料咖啡。

    Nah , I asked forde-crappinated coffee .

  11. 你那两个孩子性格虽然不同,但都是块料啊。

    Those boys of yours are different in character , but they 're both cut from the same cloth .

  12. 现在我们的服装都是涤棉料的,质地坚韧,免熨烫并且花样繁多。

    All our garments are now poly-cotton , which is stronger , needs little ironing , and allows variations in patterns .

  13. 但软韧相铁素体过多或无软韧相铁素体存在时都使耐磨料磨损性降低。

    However , when the ferrite phase is in an excessive content or is absent , the abrasive wear resistance is lowered .

  14. 苯酐及二氧化碳的收率都随着进料温度和压强的升高而升高。

    The yield of phthalic anhydride and carbon dioxide increases along with the increase of the hot spot temperature and the operating pressure .

  15. 他们中的大多人都不曾料想到这一切会降临到自己身上,难道我们就应该说他们该死吗?

    eg. Most of those people don 't know what 'll happen to them . Do we tell them that they should die ?

  16. 目前,一切都如山姆所料。

    So far everything was about what Sam had expected .

  17. 研究表明,粉煤灰和膨胀在一定的掺量下都可降低旧料干缩应变,提高旧料的干缩性能。

    The results show that expansive agent and fly ash can reduce shrinkage strain and improve the shrinkage performance of recycled materials .

  18. 不幸的是,很多美人在着陆时都经历了始料未及的颠簸,秀脚刚一触地,眼睛就迷失了方向。

    But unfortunately many have a rough landing and suffer an unexpected shock so that they are totally disorientated as soon as their feet touch the ground .

  19. 鸡舍的清洁设备和运输工具通常都会有垫料和粪便的积垢。介绍了高频电子式水处理设备除垢原理及在电厂的应用实践。

    Poultry house cleaning equipment and vehicles usually have accumulations of litter and feces . An introduction to the installation 's principle of dreg removal is being presented , together with practical applications in power plants .

  20. 传统的辊锻机都是人工送料,要实现其自动化首先要设计机械手,我们研究的自动辊锻机械手包括两个机械手:喂料机械手和辊锻机械手。

    All of traditional roll-forging machines are manual feeding stuff , designing manipulator is in the first place of achieving automatize them . What we develop automatic roll-forging needs two manipulators : the roll-forging manipulator and the feeding stuff one .