
  • 网络Diesel engine ship;motor ship;DIESEL BOAT
  1. 柴油机船主机额定功率的选择

    On the selection of main engine rated power for motor ships

  2. 柴油机船推进轴系装置轴向振动

    Axial Vibration of Marine Diesel-engined Propulsion Shafting System

  3. 文章结合作者在船实际工作,分析了康明斯柴油机在船上应用的优缺点。

    The article combines with the author 's practical experience to analyze the merits and demerits of Conmins Diesel engine used in ships .

  4. 浅谈23和28系列柴油机在挖泥船上的应用

    Application of 23 and 28 Series Diesel Engine on Dredger

  5. 示功图法在柴油机功率实船测试中的应用

    Power measurement with indicator diagram of on-board diesel engine

  6. 对柴油机功率实船测试的几种方法进行了比较。

    Some power measurements of on-board diesel engine were compared with each other in this paper .

  7. 讨论了如何为满足挖泥船工况要求选配增压器,并展望了新型23、28系列柴油机在挖泥船上的应用前景。

    How to choose turbocharger to satisfy the demand to diesel engines of dredger is discussed here , as wellas utilization prospect of new 23 , 28 series marine diesel engines on dredgers .

  8. 最后,借助Access数据库和VISUALBASIC编程语言,编写船用柴油机NOx排放实船测试的计算程序,解决了船舶柴油机氮氧化物简化实船测试方法的应用程序化问题。

    In the end , by means of Microsoft Access and Visual Basic , the Calculation Program of NOx Emission from Marine Diesel Engines is finished , which facilitates emission test on-board ship .

  9. 6250型船用主机组气电遥控装置是针对250型系列柴油机匹配750型船用齿轮箱为对象进行研制的。

    The electrogas remote control device for model 6250 marine main engine group is developed for Model 250 series diesel engine matching Model 250 marine gear box .

  10. 230系列6缸和8缸柴油机均通过了船检认可的耐久试验,拆检证明:工作可靠,零件磨损小。

    Both 6-cylinder and 8-cylinder have passed durability test approved by ship examination . It has been showed they work reliably and parts wear little when checked after disassembly .

  11. 计算结果表明,采用多台增压器进行相继增压可以明显地改善柴油机低工况性能,有效地扩大柴油机作为船用主机的低工况运行范围。

    The results of calculation show that not only the performances of low load operating mode of a diesel engine are improved obviously by use of multi-turbocharger STC system , but also the operating range is enlarged effectively when the diesel engine is used as a marine main engine .

  12. 因此,有必要对柴油机气体排放量的计算方法以及所需参数的测量方法与测量设备选型等问题进行深入地研究,从而进一步提出了柴油机油耗的实船测量问题。

    So it is very necessary to study the method measuring diesel fuel consumption on-board ship , which is one problem of engine test on-board .