
  1. 国家地震局地质所研究员徐道一同意宋正海的观点。

    Xu Daoyi , a retired researcher at China Seismology Administration , agrees .

  2. 宋正海还认为,科学警察的行为对那些被指控的人有严重的冲击。

    Song believes that activities of the science police can have serious repercussions for those accused .

  3. 宋正海和他的支持者们列出了“科学创新”,他们认为这些创新都在打击伪科学的名义下受到了不公正的待遇。

    Song and his supporters listed several'innovations'that they say have been handled unjustly in the name of fighting pseudoscience .

  4. 宋正海和他的支持者的目的很难完成。

    It seems unlikely that Song and his supporters will achieve their goal and have the term removed from law .

  5. 宋正海说,在科学警察们指责张颖清之后,山大停止了他的课程和科研经费。

    Song says that after the science police criticised Zhang , Shangdong University stopped the courses he taught and withdrew funding .

  6. 在这个判决之前,已经有150名多名有高级职称的科研人员和工程师在宋正海的公开信上签字支持从法律中废除“伪科学”,这些人大部分已经退休。

    Before the ruling , 150 mostly retired senior scientists and engineers had written in support of Song 's letter , backing his call for the term'pseudoscience'to be removed from the law .