
  • 网络Song Jian;Jean Song
  1. 接下来看一看宋健的非凡故事。

    And then there is the remarkable story of Song Jian .

  2. 国务委员宋健纵论中国高技术研究成就

    State council member Jian Song talks about China 's high-tech research achievements

  3. 向环境污染宣战&国务委员、国务院环境保护委员会主任宋健在第三次全国环保会议上的讲话

    To Declare Combat Against Environmental Pollution & Speech Made by Song Jian at the Third National Environmental Protection Conference

  4. 中华人民共和国国务委员宋健在第十九次特别联大上的讲话

    A Speech on the 19th UN General Assembly Special Session ( Earth Summit ⅱ) by the State Councilor Song Jian

  5. 然后根据宋健人口发展模型,对2010-2050年间我国劳动年龄人口规模及结构进行预测,近而推算出2010-2050年间我国劳动力的数量。

    Then under the " Song " population development model , China 2010-2050 years of working-age population size and structure prediction .

  6. 宋健要求完善淮河流域的法制建设,加强环保执法力度。

    Jian Song demanded perfecting legal system establishment in the Huai River drainage area , and strengthening the degree of environmental protection law enforcement .

  7. 这是国务委员兼国家科委主任宋健今天在“八六三计划”工作会议上讲的一段话。

    This is part of the speech delivered at the working meeting of the " 863 program " today by Jian song , State Council member and concurrently director of the National Science commission .

  8. 宋健重申,在淮河流域范围内,禁止新建小造纸、小化工、小制革等污染严重的项目。

    Jian Song reiterated , within the boundary of the Huai River drainage area , constructing new projects that have serious pollution such as small paper manufacture , small chemical works , small leather , etc. is prohibited .

  9. 本文运用宋健提出的离散人口发展方程,对江西未来七十年人口的发展,分二个阶段,按高、中、低三种方案进行了分析。

    Dividing into two phases , this paper gives analysis trend of the population development of Jiangxi in coming seventy years , according to three schemes ( high , middle , low ), by dispersed & equation ( given by Songjian ) .