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jùn xiàn
  • prefectures and counties
郡县 [jùn xiàn]
  • [province and county in ancient times] 古代两级行政单位,大体相当今天的省与县

  • 给贡职如郡县。--《战国策.燕策》

  • 郡县苦秦吏。--《史记.陈涉世家》

  • 定东南郡县。--清. 邵长蘅《青门剩稿》

  1. 秦始皇废封建,设郡县。

    The first emperor of Qin abolished principalities and established prefectures and counties .

  2. 论郡县制度的嬗变与实质

    On Evolution and Substance of the System of Prefectures and Counties

  3. Waldman和他的小组发现,降雨量多的郡县,孤独症的发病率较高。

    Waldman and his team found that autism rates were higher in the rainiest counties .

  4. 为了证明这一点,Waldman和同事们调查了加州、俄勒冈州、华盛顿所有县的孤独症的发病率,这三个州郡县之间的年降雨量不同。

    For the study Waldman and colleagues looked at county-by-county autism rates in California , Oregon , and Washington , three states which have huge regional variations in annual rainfall .

  5. 郡县制度评价理论述评

    Commentary of Appraising Theories of the System of Prefectures and Counties

  6. 综述起来大致有四个方面:首先是分封制与郡县制的史实问题;

    It can be summarized into the four aspects as follows : I.

  7. 已经有7个加州郡县宣布进入紧急状态。

    1A state of emergency has been declared in seven California counties .

  8. 郡县治,则天下治;郡县安,则天下安。

    Counties governance , world governance ; county security , world security .

  9. 浅析郡县制的渊源

    On the Origin of Shire and County System in China

  10. 作为郡县家族你们已经没落了

    Great estates ? As a county family , you are extinct .

  11. 地方邮驿事务寓于行政系统之中,各地的邮驿组织均接受所在郡县政府的管理;

    The local post stations were managed by the prefecture and county governments .

  12. 郡县治,天下安。

    County government , and the world security .

  13. 从封建、郡县到自治:中国地方制度的演变

    LOCAL ECONOMY From Feudalism , Centralized Bureaucracy , to Self-Government : Local Governance in China

  14. 中国古代分封制与郡县制之争

    The argument between system of enfeoffment and system of prefectures and counties in ancient China

  15. 至东汉,郡县两级纵向垂直监察系统得以打通。

    The vertical monitoring system was adopted between Prefecture and county in East Han dynasty .

  16. 在英格兰每一个郡县,现在都可以看到野生水獭的踪影。

    These creatures can now be found in the wild in every county in England .

  17. 论儒家法律文化对两汉郡县官吏司法活动的影响((轻蔑.谑))警官,执行吏,官吏

    Influence of Confucian Law Culture on the Han Dynasty Prefectures and Counties Government Official Judical Activity

  18. 郡县制与咸阳

    The Prefecture System and Xianyang

  19. 东晋南朝时代,侨州郡县普遍设置乃至成为一种制度。

    Emigrant state and county were widely set in the Eastern Jin Dynasty and the Southern Dynasty .

  20. 郡县制的实行,使得巴蜀地区展开大规模的城市建设。

    It made the construction of the city Large-scale by implementing the system of prefectures and counties .

  21. 若干时期以后,郡县制度逐步扩大到吐鲁番盆地。

    After some time , and gradually expand the system of prefectures and counties to the Turpan Basin .

  22. 避讳是我国古代一种非常重要的文化现象,郡县地名也必须避讳。

    The taboo is very important in ancient China a cultural phenomenon , county names must be taboo .

  23. 汉置郡县与洱海盐井区域的文化互动

    Setting up of Counties in Han Dynasty Vs Salt Wells in Erhai Lake Areas : a Cultural Interaction

  24. 在国内,菲利普亲王和我将会访问南北方的城市和郡县。

    At home , Prince Philip and I will be visiting towns and cities up and down the land .

  25. 郡县长官的频繁更换对地方属吏的任用是有一定影响的。

    The selection of the chief executive of counties to place the frequent change Private clerk employment has a certain impact .

  26. 在马里兰州,还是有某些郡县经营自己的烈性酒商店,甚至是垄断葡萄酒和啤酒的销售。

    In Maryland it is actually certain counties that run their own liquor stores , monopolising sales of even wine and beer .

  27. 在两千多年的历史中,越南作为中国的一个郡县,存在了一千多年。

    In more than 2000 years , Vietnam , as a county of China , had existed for more than 1000 years .

  28. 郡县制的最终形成,标志着中国早期国家最终完成了向成熟国家的转变。

    The Prefecture and County ultimately comes into being which symbols finally accomplish of the change of Chinese early country to mature country .

  29. 然而,他们仍未脱离秦代以来或言封建、或言郡县的窠臼。

    Their theories , however , failed to break away from the beaten track of feudal system or system of prefectures and counties .

  30. 汉代以来,即已沿河西走廊一线设置了一系列的郡县城市,唐代更达到其城市发展历史的顶峰。

    A series of county-cities had been established along HeXi aisle since Han Dynasty , and went to its peak in Tang Dynasty .