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xié qì
  • evil influence;pathogenic factor;perverse trend;demon;evil emanations
邪气 [xié qì]
  • [demon;evil emanations;perverse trend] 邪灵

  • 魔力仪式的目的是消除痛苦的邪气、精神的不安和坏运气

邪气[xié qì]
  1. 一个身强力壮,勇敢大胆,心地忠厚的老实人,给一股巨大无比的力量打垮了,给一股邪气带坏了。

    An honest man , strong , fearless , was struck down by a colossal power , perverted by an evil influence .

  2. 交替应用,有时穿插大补脾汤,屡攻屡安,渐次衰减邪气。邪恶的皇后非常生气。

    When used alternately with Greatly Tonifying spleen Decoction , it can weaken the evil influence by attacking and comforting repeatedly . The Evil Queen is very angry .

  3. 对《金匮要略》邪气概念的剖析

    Analysis on the Concept of pathogen in Prescriptions of the Golden Chamber

  4. 浅论中医病因、邪气、邪的概念及相互关系

    Concept of Etiology , Exopathogen and Pathogen and Their Relationship in Traditional Chinese Medicine

  5. 中医认为,乙型肝炎病毒属于一种湿热疫毒的邪气。

    Chinese doctors think that hepatitis B virus belongs to heat / damp capsici .

  6. 疾病的发生和邪气及正气都相关。

    The occurrence of a disease is related to both pathogenic factors and vital qi .

  7. 邪气的类别,不外寒型、热型、风型、湿型、郁型。

    The types of pathogenic qi include cold , heat , dampness , wind , stagnation .

  8. 心如被邪气所伤将会使功能受损,疾病也就随之发生了。

    The heart , if invaded by the pathogens , will be impaired and diseases will ensue .

  9. 我认为压抑创造的不是勇气、更不是正气;而是邪气。

    I think that the repression is not the courage to create , nor righteousness ; but evil .

  10. 小柴胡汤证的形成多系外感邪气,侵袭人体,多日不解,或失治、误治而转入少阳;

    The syndrome of Xiaochaihu Tang is caused by the attack of the pathogenic factor to human body .

  11. 认为郁火的成立具备三个要素:一是邪气,二是阳气,三为郁滞。

    The stagnated fire is consist of three important elements : evil qi , yang qi and stagnancy .

  12. 对中医学中病因与邪气概念的混乱模糊现象进行澄清。

    This article is aiming at clarifying the confusion and vagueness of concept of etiology and pathogen in traditional Chinese medicine .

  13. 邪气是痹证发病的重要条件。影响体质形成的因素是发病的诱因。

    Evil is Arthralgia onset of an important condition for the impact of physical factors of the onset of the incentive .

  14. 郁火的病机为邪气郁阻阳气使阳气有余的一种病理状态,属气分病变。

    The pathogenesis of stagnated fire is a kind of pathologic condition that yang qi is stagnated by evil qi and surplus .

  15. 他微笑起来象一个漫画书或者电脑游戏里的形像,笑容自信得难以取悦还带一丝邪气。

    When he smiles , he looks like a character from a manga comic or computer game , grinning with implacable and malign certainty .

  16. 虽然中文被吓跑的是‘魂’,英语确是把一些邪气、或许恶气吓跑。

    Apparently , whereas the soul is scared away in Chinese , the hell , or any evil thoughts are scared away in English .

  17. 结论:填髓祛邪合剂治疗血管性痴呆效果显著,依邪气相关的证候群分型是可行的。

    Conclusion : TQM has significant effect in treating vascular dementia , and it is feasible to type according to the symptom complex related to pathogenic factors .

  18. 他自觉能抵挡得住过度繁荣在其子民身上滋生的邪气,这很能说明其性格。

    It says a lot for his character that he himself felt able to resist the evil effects that excessive prosperity had produced upon the people he ruled .

  19. 先天禀赋不足、外感风热湿毒邪气、血瘀阻络、脏腑亏虚共同作用是紫癜性肾炎的致病规律。

    Lack of innate endowment , exogenous wind hot wet poison evil , blood stasis blocking collaterals , viscera deficiency role is common pathogenic regularity of purpura nephritis . 3 .

  20. 不要在有野生动物出没的地方,或者在火或者有洪水等危险的地方,或者有很多噪音的地方,或者是有邪气的人所在的地方做冥想。

    Do not meditate : where there are wild animals , or danger like fire or flood water , where there is too much noise and where there are wicked persons .

  21. 讲学习、讲政治、讲正气疾病的发生和邪气及正气都相关。

    " Teach the need to study , to be political-minded and to be honest and upright " The occurrence of a disease is related to both pathogenic factors and vital qi .

  22. 但烟草及烟雾火热,笔者认为,既不同于外感六淫之邪中的暑、热邪气,也不同于内伤之火热。

    Tobacco and hot , I think , is different from the Six Exogenous evil in the summer , and heat , evil is also different frcm the internal injuries of fiery .

  23. 弃繁取简,在针中气穴得气时辨邪气谷气随后行补泻,行针用劲不用力。

    Abandon numerous take Jane , she can eat in the needle hole when gas to cause the valley of evil gas line then can directly , and do not push hard needle .

  24. 邪气虽有发于阳和发于阴的不同,但发病的关键还在于人体正气的强弱。

    Though diseases may be caused by pathogenic factors of Yin or of Yang in nature , the key factor responsible for diseases lies in the condition of the healthy Qi inside the body .

  25. 传统医学认为,针灸可以扶助正气,祛除邪气;现代医学则认为,针灸可以提高机体的免疫功能。

    Traditional Chinese medicine considers that acupuncture can raise the healthy tendency of the organism and eliminate the sick tendency . According to modern medicine , acupuncture can strengthen the immune system of the organism .

  26. 认为邪气由鼻而入脑中,则仍从原路径祛之使出,医家创制了嚏法及发明了温病的入侵途径。

    Xie Qi from the nose into the brain , that it must be drived out through the original path , doctors created a sneeze method and invented the way the invasion of warm diseases .

  27. 痹证发病,风、寒、湿、热、痰、瘀等邪气是痹证发生的条件,而正虚是其发生的内在基础。

    Arthralgia disease , wind , cold , wet , heat , phlegm , blood stasis is Arthralgia occurred in such evil conditions , and is the internal virtual is the basis of its occurrence .

  28. 由于舌与脏腑存在密切的联系,故正气盛衰、邪气性质、病情进退等体内重要信息均可通过观测舌象而获得。

    Because tongue has closely relation to viscera , the exuberance and decline of qi , the nature of disease and other important information of body can be gotten by observing tongue which just likes a window .

  29. 有的医家对民间一些人为了敛财而装神弄鬼的现象进行了深刻的剖析,有的医家更是明确指出,所谓的鬼神致病其实是感受邪气留而未发造成的。

    Some doctor of civil and some people in order to extort money from the phenomenon . Some physicians even more explicitly pointed out that the so-called ghosts pathogenicity is not in the evil influences feelings caused .

  30. 疾病发展是在营卫气血津液亏虚的基础上加之外邪的逐步侵袭的过程,表现为正气不断亏虚邪气不断发展。

    The development of the disease combined with the gradual invasion of the evils in the business health deficiency of blood and body fluids on the basis of process performance for righteousness constantly deficiency evil is real continuous development .