
yāo qǐnɡ xìn
  • invitation letter;letter of invitation
  1. 是的。我有项目书(带有签字的),C大学的邀请信,推荐信。

    Yes . I have the program description ( with signature ), C 's invitation letter and recommendation letter .

  2. 他接到了大会的邀请信。

    He receive an invitation letter from the conference .

  3. 我看你床头柜上放着邀请信。

    I saw the invitation on the nightstand .

  4. 单击收到的邀请信中提供的url。

    Click the URL provided in the invitation you received .

  5. A.李教授致莱文教授的邀请信

    A. Li 's Invitation to Levin

  6. 美联社(AssociatedPress)援引北京一名政府官员的话表示,北京也已暂停批准旨在到访该市的商务邀请信,除非相关旅行是为了签署合同。

    The Associated Press quoted a Beijing government official saying that the city had also suspended approval of business invitation letters for visits to the capital unless the trip was for signing a contract .

  7. 经会议学术委员会讨论决定后,将向作者发出接收通知和邀请信,要求作者提交相同格式的大摘要,大摘要不得超过三页A4纸。

    Notification of acceptance will be sent after the discussion of the Scientific Board with an invitation to submit a revised and extended abstract of up to three A4 pages in the same format .

  8. 然后为李填写生日聚会邀请信表格。

    Then fill in the birthday party invitation form for Lee .

  9. 十分抱歉,由于我的疏忽,我没有给你发邀请信。

    Through a regrettable oversight I failed to send you an invitation .

  10. 他们硬是要我负责发邀请信的事。

    They 've saddled me with sending out the invitations .

  11. 他也想用电子邮件发送邀请信。

    He also wants to send them invitations by mail .

  12. 请帮助基蒂给他的父母写一封邀请信。

    Please help Kitty write an invitation to her parents .

  13. 英汉邀请信对比研究

    A Comparative Study of Invitation Letters in English and Chinese

  14. 邀请信上说每个人都应化装。

    The invitation says that everyone should wear a disguise .

  15. 我们希望这封邀请信将有助于您办理申请来中国的签证。

    We hope this letter will help you apply for a visa .

  16. 很抱歉,发出邀请信时忘记写地址了。

    Regrettable , the place was overlooked when the invitations were sent out .

  17. 我把那些邀请信扔进了垃圾桶。

    I throw the letters in the recycling bin .

  18. 这些商务邀请信主要来自网络、中国期刊全文数据库和生活中的收集。

    The letters mainly come from the Internet , CNKI and daily collection .

  19. 视之,我心惊胆战,那些邀请信如同陪审团的传票。

    Like a summons to jury duty , I regard them with dread .

  20. 所以,当2007年就要谢幕时,邀请信又来了。

    So.As2007 draws to a close , invitations arrive .

  21. 邀请信是用美丽的斜体字来写的。

    The invitation was written in beautiful Italic script .

  22. 也许你的邀请信在邮寄过程中被弄丢了。

    Maybe you are invited and the invitation got Iost in the mall .

  23. 凭邀请信才能得到接待。

    Entry to the reception is by invitation only .

  24. invitation:邀请函,请柬nightstand:<美>床头几,床头柜我看你床头柜上放着邀请信。

    I saw the invitation on the nightstand . -

  25. 他们往宿舍门里塞邀请信了就今晚的事

    but they slid the invitationunder my door tonight .

  26. 如果你应邀访问中国,请出示邀请信。

    If you are invited to visit china , please present the invitation letter .

  27. 现如今,工程师们可以在五至六份工作邀请信之间从容地做出选择。

    Engineers are balancing five and six offers .

  28. 来访的这位作家收到了许多邀请信。

    Invitations rained down on the visiting writer .

  29. 我们的邀请信就当是被邮局搞丢了吧

    I 'm afraid the invitation must have been lost in the post . Nonsense .

  30. 为了取得入中国的签证,我要求在四个人名下的一封邀请信。

    I need " an invitation letter " for4 people to get Visa to China .