
  • 网络Contraceptive drugs;OCs
  1. 现有两种避孕药物,说明请见背面。

    There are two types of contraceptive pill available and these are described overleaf .

  2. 目的:评价用低剂量口服避孕药物(OCP)治疗子宫内膜异位患者痛经的有效性。

    To evaluate the efficacy of a low-dose oral contraceptive pill ( OCP ) for patients with dysmenorrhea associated with endometriosis .

  3. 杜克大学进化人类学专业的教授兼本项研究的资深作者克莉丝蒂娜德雷(ChristineDrea)说,相比注射前,注射避孕药物之后的雌性狐猴对雄性狐猴的性吸引大为降低。

    The females given the contraceptive became overall less appealing to the males than before getting the injection , says Christine Drea , a professor in Duke 's evolutionary anthropology department and senior author on the study .

  4. Beral说:这些发现是避孕药物对防止卵巢癌有益的最强有力的证据,发现证实它的保护作用持续时间要远远超过人们的想象。

    The findings are the strongest evidence yet of the benefits of the pill when it comes to ovarian cancer , and show the protection lasts far longer than people had thought , Beral said .

  5. 健康报道-避孕药物是否真会增加艾滋病毒感染风险?

    Health Report-Does a Birth Control Method Raise HIV Risk ?

  6. 育龄期糖尿病病人对口服避孕药物了解程度的调查

    Investigation on knowledge about oral contraceptives of diabetes mellitus patients in child-bearing period

  7. 服用紧急避孕药物失败原因的分析

    Analysis of the Reason for Failure of Emergency Contraception

  8. 睾酮酯作为男性激素避孕药物进行系统研究,迄今已有三十余年。

    It has been 30 years when testosterone was used for male hormonal contraception .

  9. 一些女孩子则服用避孕药物以防止月经周期在考试期间到来。

    Some girls take contraceptives so they will not get their periods during the exam .

  10. 她说,避孕药物消除了正常的气味信号所传递的资讯。

    The contraceptive erased all the normal information the odor signals conveyed , she says .

  11. 饮食营养素摄取与结直肠癌的发病风险甾体激素类避孕药物与女性恶性肿瘤发病风险

    Dietary Intake of Nutritive Factors and Risk of Colorectal Cancer Steroid hormone contraceptives and oncology

  12. 研制安全、有效、可逆及能广为接受的男性避孕药物已经是当务之急。

    The need for a safe , effective , reversible and more acceptable contraception has been greater .

  13. 一种复方避孕药物对围栏内大仓鼠种群繁殖力的影响

    Effect of a Contraceptive Compound on Reproduction of Greater Long-tailed Hamsters ( Tscherskia triton ) in Experimental Enclosures

  14. 避孕药物主要从抑制卵泡生长发育,阻止或延迟排卵;

    The main effect of contraceptives is restraining the growth of follicles , stopping or delaying the ovulation ;

  15. (+)1异丙胺基3(α萘氧基)2丙醇是一个新的优良避孕药物。

    ( + ) 1 Isopropylamino 3 ( 1 naphthoxy ) 2 propanol is a new and good contraceptive .

  16. 科学家开发了一种化学避孕药物可以暂时阻止精子的发育,而不影响男性体内睾酮的水平。

    Scientists have developed a chemical contraceptive that temporarily blocks the development of sperm but does not interfere with testosterone levels in men .

  17. 目的:黄姜中提取的薯蓣皂甙元是合成甾体激素药物、抗炎药物和甾体避孕药物的主要原料。

    Objective : The diosgenin extracted from yam can be synthesized the steroid hormone medicine , the anti-inflammatory medicine and the steroid contraceptive .

  18. 避孕药物可以弄乱你[身上发出的信号],让别人嗅闻不出真实的你,她说。

    Birth control ' could be mixing up your own [ signals ] and others aren 't smelling the real you , ' she says .

  19. 由于未婚,女性不可能宫内放置节育环、不可能进行皮下埋植、也不可能长期服用避孕药物。

    As unmarried women can not be placed intrauterine contraceptive ring , it is impossible to subcutaneous implants , it is impossible long-term use of contraceptive drugs .

  20. 目前,多种避孕药物、避孕器具在临床得到较广泛的应用,但仍因其或多或少的并发症而未被广泛接受,因此尚缺乏理想的为男女两性所普遍接受的避孕节育措施。

    Although many kinds of contraceptive agents and devices have been adapted in clinic , they are not widely accepted yet due to more or less complications .

  21. 国研究人员日前表示,男用激素类的避孕药物将很快得到普及,因为它不仅能起到非常有效的避孕作用,同时在停止用药后几个月,男性的生育能力将会重新恢复。

    Men given a hormone-based contraceptive , which could be available in the near future , can regain their fertility about four months after stopping the treatment , researchers said on Friday .

  22. 从支持更长效的避孕药物,到支持能转化人体排泄物生成安全的饮用水的工艺流程,盖茨与其妻经营的慈善基金会力挺多个项目。

    The philanthropic foundation he runs with his wife , Melinda , has backed everything from longer-lasting pill-based contraception to a process whereby human waste can be converted into safe , drinkable water .

  23. 争论焦点为要求公司的健康保险包含所有形式的避孕临床药物违反了他们的宗教自由。

    All contend that the requirement that their health insurance cover all forms of FDA-approved contraceptive violates their religious freedoms .

  24. 一项惊奇的研究结果,研究者发现,被用来避孕的同样的药物可能实际上帮助妇女受孕。

    In a surprising finding , researchers have discovered that the same pill used to prevent pregnancy can actually help a woman conceive .

  25. 结果91.60%的研究对象听说过紧急避孕,38.10%知道紧急避孕药物使用正确时间期限,35.70%表示愿意用紧急避孕药,59.4%的人表示愿意放置宫内节育器来作为紧急避孕方法。

    Results 91.6 % postpartum women had heard of emergency contraception ; 38.1 % of them know the correct time limit of emergency contraception usage ; 35.7 % expressed the willing of using emergency contraceptive pills ;