
  • 网络Road transport;Road transportation;highway transportation;road traffic
  1. 论汽车道路运输业的发展趋势和加入WTO后的对策

    On Development Tendency of Road Transport and the Countermeasure after China 'S Entry into the WTO

  2. 面对我国加入WTO后放宽的经济政策,我省的道路运输业面临着发展机遇,更面临着巨大的挑战。

    Faced the relaxation of economic policy after the accession to the WTO , the road transport faces opportunity of development and enormous challenge even more .

  3. 基于GIS的道路运输规划的研究

    Road and transportation planning by using GIS technique

  4. 基于GIS和SD方法区域道路运输系统的研究

    Study of Region Road Traffic System with GIS and SD Method

  5. GPS在道路运输信息服务系统中发挥着不可替代的作用。

    The effective of GPS could not be replaced in the road traffic data service center .

  6. 对加入WTO对道路运输业的影响与挑战作了分析,提出了道路运输业加入WTO后应采取的措施。

    Analysis is made on the effects and challenges to the highway transportation trade after entering WTO , and given the countermeasures .

  7. 应用模糊识别原理,结合AHP法和综合集成赋权法确定权重系数,提出了道路运输企业安全评价模型;

    Applying with fuzzy identifying principle and adopting AHP ( analytical hierarchy process ), the paper has put forward a safety evaluation model of road transportation enterprises ;

  8. 在此基础上,针对道路运输管理部门不同角度的超速分析需求,提出将OLAP技术应用于营运车辆超速多维分析中。

    On the basis , this paper presents that it is efficient to apply OLAP technology to the multi-analysis of commercial vehicles speeding according to the requirements of transportation management sector .

  9. 应用所开发的ACES软件系统对汽车燃料汽油的替代品LPG的道路运输进行了最大事故后果分析评价,并提出了建议和对策。

    By applying ACES software system developed , the maximum accident consequence caused by the gasoline substitute , LPG on road transportation is analyzed and evaluated and relevant countermeasures and suggestions are made .

  10. 本文的主要研究目的是解决陕西省道路运输3S系统的开发问题,论述了系统总体设计、系统各功能模块构成和系统关键技术的设计与实现。

    The main purpose of this paper is to develop the 3S system in road transport field in Shan Xi . And the paper discusses the total design of the 3S system , the constitution of the system 's function module , the design and implementation of key technology .

  11. “即使是全球做的最好的国家,其工作往往出现停滞不前现象,而且在实现真正安全的道路运输系统方面仍有很大的改进余地,”Krug博士表示。

    " Even the top performers globally are often stagnating and still have considerable room for improvement in achieving a truly safe road transport system ," Dr Krug said .

  12. 许可证制度是道路运输管理的基石;

    License management system is the footstone of highway transport management .

  13. 危险品道路运输过程风险管理体系探讨

    Study of the risk management framework for hazardous materials during road-transportation

  14. 道路运输市场竞争与垄断结构分析

    An Analyses on Competitive and Monopoly Market Structure of Road Transportation

  15. 对我国道路运输行业管理方针的探讨

    Discussion of Administration Guiding Principle for China 's Road Transport Industry

  16. 道路运输企业安全综合评价数学模型

    A study on comprehensive evaluation mathematics model in road transportation enterprise

  17. 新《道路运输条例》的特点浅析

    Elementary Analysis on the Character of New " Road Transportation Regulation "

  18. 基于系统动力学的道路运输量预测模型

    Prediction Model of Road Transportation Volume Based on System Dynamics

  19. 道路运输市场发展的英国特色

    The Characteristic of the Development of the Road Transport Market in Britain

  20. 道路运输业是占用资源和消耗能源较多的产业。

    Road transportation is an industry which consumes more resources and energy .

  21. 我国道路运输市场监管问题研究

    A Study on the Supervision of the Road Transportation Market in China

  22. 道路运输安全技术应用现状与标准需求研究

    The Study of the Actuality and Standard Requirements on Transportation Safety Technology

  23. 加快道路运输信息网建设促进物流健康发展

    Accelerate Construction of Info-network of Road Transport Promote Health Growth of Logistics

  24. 城市道路运输系统动力学模型的研究

    On a Model of System Dynamics for Urban Street Transportation

  25. 我国道路运输市场发展现状及问题研究

    Development Status and Problems of Road Transport Market in China

  26. 甘肃省道路运输市场化水平分析及建议

    Analysis and Suggestions on the Marketization Level of Gan-su Road Transportation Market

  27. 现代道路运输企业安全管理有效性分析

    Analysis on Safety Management Validity of Modern Road Transportation Enterprise

  28. 危险化学品道路运输中存在的问题及对策

    The Problems Existing in Transporting Hazardous Chemicals on Highway and Their Countermeasures

  29. 贯彻实施《行政许可法》推动道路运输管理机制改革

    Implement 《 Administrative Licensing Law 》 Promote Traffic Institutions Reforms

  30. 关于构筑广西面向东盟的国际道路运输业的思考

    Strategic Conceive for Guangxi International Road Transport Development Oriented ASEAN