
  • 网络the moral construction;morality construction
  1. 道德建设官德先行

    For the moral construction , the official virtue should go ahead

  2. 关注当代大学生的道德建设

    Paying Attention to the Moral Construction of Contemporary University Students

  3. 以德治国&社会主义道德建设的新境界

    Rule by Virtue & the new realm of socialist moral construction

  4. 传统公忠思想与当代道德建设析论

    Chinese Traditional Common Loyalty and the Socialist Construction in Modern Morality

  5. 加强道德建设,推进和谐社会构建

    Strengthening Moral Construction to Promote the " Harmonious Society " Construction

  6. 社区道德建设模式的理论初探

    A Preliminary Theoretical Study on the Development Model of Community Morals

  7. 浅析新医学模式下的职业道德建设

    Discussing the Construction of Occupational Morality Under a New Medicine Model

  8. 正式的制度安排:权力道德建设的根本措施

    Formal Institution Regulation : The Basic Measure of Authority Morality Construction

  9. 教师职业特点及道德建设

    Professional characteristic and ethical construction for teachers in colleges and universites

  10. 论图书馆职业道德建设的意义与方法

    On the Significance and Method of the Construction of Profession Ethics

  11. 实践活动与大学生思想道德建设

    The Practice Campaign and the Ideological Morals Construction of University Student

  12. 论我国市场经济下的诚信道德建设

    A Discussion about the Honesty Morality Construction under Chinese Market Economy

  13. 论加强公务员道德建设的途径

    The Way to Strengthening the Moral Construction of the Civil Service

  14. 试论耻感及其在当今社会道德建设中的意义

    About the Sense of Disgrace in the Current Social Moral Construction

  15. 道德建设与市场经济:适应、引导、超越

    Moral Construction and the Market Economy : Adaptation , Guidance , Overstep

  16. 略论市场经济下的社会道德建设

    Brief Comments of Social Moral Construction in Market Economic System

  17. 道德建设:经济主体的内在要求

    Moral Building : the Inner Requirement of Economic Main Body

  18. 第三部分提出我国公民道德建设的原则和机制。

    The third part present rules and mechanism of citizen ethic construction .

  19. 新时期教师职业道德建设的思考

    Construction of Teachers ' Professional Morality at the New Era

  20. 因此,要解决各种家庭问题必须从道德建设入手,加强家庭道德建设。

    Therefore , we must enhance the construction of the family moral .

  21. 社会主义道德建设的系统辩证思考

    Systematic and Dialectic Pondering on the Construction of Socialism Morality

  22. 企业道德建设对法律互补性的作用研究

    Study on the Mutual Effect of Enterprise Morals and Law

  23. 论公民道德建设的内在规律性

    On the Internal Law of the Civil - Morality Construction

  24. 论我国现阶段新闻职业道德建设

    A Study on Construction of Current Press Ethics in China

  25. 构建社会信任应成为公民道德建设的核心

    Social Trust Should Be the Core of Civic Moral Development

  26. 丰富多彩的活动是加强和改进青少年思想道德建设的有效载体;

    The varied and colorful activities are the effective carrier ;

  27. 浅论我国公务员道德建设

    On Building Morals of the Civil Servant of Our Country

  28. 简论青年教师的思想道德建设

    To strengthen the young teachers ' ideological and moral construction

  29. 法律是现代道德建设的重要保证。

    Law is the important assurance of modern moral construction .

  30. 道德建设则可以规范经济的健康发展。

    The morals constructions can standardize economic sound development .