
dào dé zhǔn zé
  • code of ethics;moral code;morality;ethic;code
  1. 我将在所有教练培训、教练指导、以及教练管理活动中遵守ICF道德准则之要求。

    I will conduct myself in accordance with the ICF Code of Ethics in all coach training , coach mentoring , and coach supervisory activities .

  2. ICF职业教练:ICF的职业教练同时还同意达到ICF核心职业能力的标准,并宣誓遵守ICF道德准则的要求。

    An ICF Professional Coach : An ICF Professional Coach also agrees to practice the ICF Professional Core Competencies and pledges accountability to the ICF Code of Ethics .

  3. 他开始对他的立场是否符合道德准则提出质疑。

    He began to question the ethics of his position .

  4. 个人道德准则和社会道德准则常常不一致。

    It is common to distinguish between personal and social ethics

  5. 我父亲一直具有很高的道德准则。

    My father has always had high moral standards .

  6. 他生活中一直遵循一种完全不切实际的堂吉诃德式的道德准则。

    He has always lived his life by a hopelessly quixotic code of honour .

  7. 不是所有的人都像萨姆那样品德如此高尚,抑或恪守同样的道德准则。

    Not all men are as honorable or hold to the same standards as Sam.

  8. 机器人革命势必会使人类直面一种古老的恐惧——拥有和人类同等的智力和能力,但却没有道德准则的人造物。

    The robotics revolution is set to bring humans face to face with an old fear — man-made creations as smart and capable as we are but without a moral compass .

  9. 我们总能听到父母和孩子之间存在“代沟”,音乐、道德准则、时尚以及很多事情上双方看法都不同。如今,又出现一个“代圈”,指年轻人在技术应用方面的能力正逐步超过他们父辈。

    We often hear about the “ generation gap ” that occurs between parents and children when it comes to music , morals , fashion and a host of other things .

  10. 比如,goldenrule(金科玉律)可能是全世界最普遍的道德准则。

    For example , the golden rule is possibly the world 's most widespread moral rule .

  11. sin违反道德准则;违犯戒律。

    Offend against a moral principle ;

  12. 而令人惊讶的是在上午受试者更容易想出道德准则(moral)这样的答案,但在下午却更容易萌生珊瑚(coral)这样的答案。

    And surprisingly in the morning the participants tended come up with the word " moral " whereas in the afternoon the word of choice was " coral . "

  13. 在我铭记于心的种种道德准则中,最突出的一条始于一个同史蒂夫·乔布斯(SteveJobs)有关的故事,终结于我母亲的最后一餐。

    Among the morals I scribbled down in my mind one that stood out began with a story involving Steve Jobs and ended with the serving of my mother 's last meal .

  14. 所以,Humbert缺乏对道德准则的理解,他所做的事情让这一切似乎被平凡化了。

    So , Humbert 's lack of a moral vocabulary to understand what he 's doing makes it seems like it 's trivialized .

  15. 近日,英国及爱尔兰审计实务委员会(APB)承诺将修订《职业道德准则》。

    The UK and Irish Auditing Practices Board ( APB ) is currently undertaking a review of its Ethical Standards for Auditors ( ESs ) .

  16. Kohlberg从德育方面对潜课程进行界定并分析了教师在传播道德准则中的角色。

    Kohlberg ( 1970 ) identifies the hidden curriculum as it bears on moral education and the role of the teacher in transmitting moral standards .

  17. 只是因为我会,和Humbert争论关于道德准则的事,还有告诉我们他做的事情有多龌龊。

    Student : Well , simply because I would argue that Humbert in fact does have a moral vocabulary and tells us how terrible the things he 's doing are .

  18. 法律应符合所处时代的道德准则。

    Law should conform to the morality rules of the time .

  19. 把追求快乐作为一种道德准则。

    The pursuit of pleasure as a matter of ethical principle .

  20. 他的行为违背了社会行为的道德准则。

    His behavior transgressed the moral rules of the social conduct .

  21. 孝道在后世发展成为一种“放之四海而皆准”的道德准则。

    It later developed into a truth rule for judging everything .

  22. 第三,建立和健全适合市场经济的行为规则和道德准则。

    Third , establish and improve the behavioral and ethical regulation .

  23. 责任决定行为的道德准则。

    The moral principle that behavior should be determined by duty .

  24. 遵守严格的道德准则在这样的社会里是极其重要的。

    Obedience to a strict moral code is central to such societies .

  25. 《中国图书馆员职业道德准则(试行)》探析

    Discussions and research on Rules of Professional Ethics of Librarians in China

  26. 但是虚拟世界也有自己的道德准则。

    But the virtual world has its ethical rules too .

  27. 于是该19名男子被指控违反了苏丹公共道德准则。

    The defendants were charged with violating Sudan 's public morality codes .

  28. 你把我们的友谊抬高到了你的道德准则。

    You value our friendship more than your ethical responsibilities .

  29. 大部分欧洲国家的法律体系以一个普遍道德准则为前提。

    Most European legal systems assume a common moral code .

  30. 现在的道德准则不再以前一样明确了。

    Today the moral guidelines are not as obvious as they were .