
zào zhǐ chǎnɡ
  • paper mill
  1. 这家造纸厂是由一个年轻人经营的。

    The paper mill is run by a young man .

  2. 很难相信这个造纸厂仅仅是在几年前白手起家办起来的。

    One can hardly believe that this paper mill was started from scratch only a few years ago .

  3. 纸是在造纸厂生产的。

    Paper is made in a paper mill .

  4. PLC在造纸厂水处理生产中的应用

    Application of PLC in production of wastewater treatment in paper mill

  5. 造纸厂原料加工车间PLC控制系统的设计

    The design of PLC control system of material procession workshop in paper mill

  6. 造纸厂废水处理中pH值的控制,由于存在非线性问题,常规控制手段无法达到满意的效果。

    Because of the serious nonlinearity in pH control , the normal method becomes incapable .

  7. 基于VB与PLC串行通讯的设计及在造纸厂中的应用

    Design Based on VB and PLC Serial Communication and Its Application in Papermaking Project

  8. DCS在造纸厂白水回收系统的应用

    DCS in Save All System of Paper Mill

  9. 描述了集散控制系统(DCS)在某造纸厂白水回收系统的应用。

    The application of DCS in save all system of paper mill is introduced in the paper .

  10. 他们最近的一篇论文检查了环境保护局(EPA)限制纸浆厂和造纸厂污染排放量的一项规章。

    In a recent paper they examine an Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA ) rule that limits pollution emissions from pulp and paper plants .

  11. 分析了五家造纸厂的污水处理设施的运行成本,对造纸行业构建了污水COD削减费用函数,提出了相关结论与建议。

    This paper analyzes operating cost of five paper making factories , then builds wastewater COD cutting expense function in paper making factories . Finally relative conclusions and advice are proposed .

  12. 针对PLC在造纸厂水处理过滤器及离子交换器中自动控制的实际应用,选用S7200CPU226型PLC为控制器,对系统的硬件设计和软件设计作了介绍。

    The application of PLC in the automatic control of filter and ion exchanger was introduced . Using the S7-200 CPU 226 PLC as the controller , the hardware and software of the system were designed .

  13. 分析了某造纸厂打浆的过程,然后针对其DCS实施情况,依次介绍了硬件、网络和软件的实现过程及注意事项。

    The paper analyzes the beating process of a paper mill and introduces the hard ware , network and implementation process of the soft ware and the attentions in the application of DCS .

  14. 介绍了造纸厂的蒸汽冷凝系统一、二、三段烘缸控制策略和汽水分离器的控制方案,讨论了DCS在造纸自动化中的系统构架。

    This paper introduced the controlling of the steam and condensate system in paper mill , illustrated the framework of DCS ( distributecontrol system ), the controlling schems is applied in the DCS .

  15. 本文根据絮凝基本理论知识,以我国南方某造纸厂造纸车间DAF出口处的过程水作为试验原水进行了絮凝预处理试验。

    According to coagulation theory , the coagulating pretreatment of the process water in a newsprint mill was carried out .

  16. 采用常规综合指标结合GC/MS技术对某造纸厂造纸废水的产生、治理和排放情况进行了调查与分析,讨论了控制造纸废水对水源污染的措施。

    Integrate indexes and GC / MS techniques have been used to analyze hazard of paper mill wastewater . The produce , treatment and discharge have been investigated for source water protection and measurements of pollution control have been discussed in this paper .

  17. 论述了硅溶胶助留系统在造纸厂的应用实践,湿部纸浆电荷需求对助留效果的影响,调节电荷需求的方法及PCD仪器的使用。

    The article is about the application of the silica retention in different paper machine , the infection of the ( pulp 's ) charge demand in retention and the using of PCD instrument .

  18. Gewa(Excoecariaagallocha)是孟加拉造纸厂使用的主要木浆品种。

    Gewa ( Excoecaria agallocha ) is the principal pulping species used in the newsprint mill in Bangladesh .

  19. 生活在色彩之内:黄色。一幅在时间失误的照片捕捉到飘渺的水蒸气和黄色光芒的乔治亚――太平洋造纸厂于Brunswick(德国中部),乔治亚,在夜晚。

    Life in Color : Yellow A time-lapse photo captures the wispy steam and yellow glow of the Georgia-Pacific paper mill in Brunswick , Georgia , at night .

  20. 在造纸厂里,Experion可以用于从一个单一的操作员工作站控制例如造纸生产线等系统。

    In paper mills , Experion can be used to control systems such as paper production lines from a single operator station .

  21. EWP高效污水净化器用于造纸厂综合废水治理的试验报告充分利用旧设施大胆使用新技术横沙造纸厂废水处理工程投资省效果好

    The Experiment Report on Comprehensive Treatment of Wastewater by EWP High Efficient Wastewater Purifier Making Fully Use of Old Facilities , Applying Boldly New Technology

  22. 介绍了MEK-2200纸浆浓度变送器的结构原理、调试及操作,并对该仪器在南平造纸厂机浆高浓漂白系统控制过程的应用效果做了简介。

    The principle , modulation and operation of MEK-2200 pulp consistancy transmitter were introduced . Its particular effectiveness on high-consistency bleaching controlling system of mechanical pulp in Nanping Paper Mill was presented concisely .

  23. 根据广州某造纸厂废水处理工段的水质特点,以二甲基硅油和沉淀二氧化硅为主要成分,采用Span-Tween乳化体系及普通搅拌装置对硅油进行乳化,研制出了稳定的乳液型有机硅消泡剂PGA。

    According to the water quality of the wastewater treatment workshop section in a paper-making factory in Guangzhou , the stable silicon defoaming agent PGA was prepared by using the Span-Tween emulsion system under stirring in common mixer .

  24. 某造纸厂职业性变应性肺泡炎发病情况调查

    Survey the incidence of the occupational allergic alveolitis in paper mill

  25. 应用热分析法研究造纸厂树皮废渣的热分解过程。

    The pyrolysis of wood bark is examined through thermal analysis .

  26. 我们常在那里劳动的工厂是一个造纸厂。

    The mill where we often labor is a paper mill .

  27. 造纸厂废水处理污泥膨胀的解决实例

    Solution of Sludge Bulking in Treatment of Wastewater from Papermaking Mill

  28. 项目主管制在技术改造项目中的应用涉外造纸厂改造项目执行管理的思考

    The Application of Project Manager Method Applied in Technological Retrofit Project

  29. 2005年三门峡市某造纸厂自备生活饮用水污染事故调查

    Investigation on the Pollution of Self-sustaining Drinking Water in a Paper-mill

  30. 水压爆破在造纸厂浆池爆破拆除中的应用

    Applying the Pressure Produced Explosion in Water For Demolishing Slurry Poll