
  • 网络afforestation project;afforested project
  1. 鼢鼠危害已制约当地造林工程的发展。

    The zokor harm has restricted the local development of afforestation project .

  2. 兰州南北两山绿化造林工程的适宜性分析

    The Applicability Analysis of Massive Artificial Forestation in Lanzhou South-north Hills

  3. 干旱半干旱地区集流造林工程设计

    Works Design for Water harvesting Afforestation on Arid and Semi arid Areas

  4. 浅谈太原市造林工程中的抗旱措施

    Talking about Drought-relief Measures in Forestation Project of Taiyuan City

  5. 爆破整地造林工程的坡地稳定性分析&以太行山低山丘陵区为例

    Stability analysis on mountain slope of soil preparation for planting by using explosion

  6. 宁南黄土丘陵区新型集流造林工程的规划设计与应用

    Design and Application of New Rainwater Harvesting Level Trench in Semiarid Hilly Area of Southern Ningxia

  7. 造林工程的环境指南

    Environmental Guidelines for Afforestation Projects

  8. 特别是在坡面灌草植被盖度已达到有效盖度时,依然实施荒坡整地造林工程,减少了径流、诱发了水土流失。

    Especially when the grass cover degree is effective , bringing slope engineering measures into force may reduce runoff and induce soil erosion .

  9. 太原市的地理特点决定了其气候的干燥,干旱已成为太原市造林工程的难题。

    Geographic features of Taiyuan City decide the dryness of its climate , and the drought has become the hot potato for Taiyuan 's forestation project .

  10. 根据林业工程建设特点,提出了在营造林工程中推行监理制的具体措施和建议。

    In accordance with the characteristics of forestry engineering construction , the specific measures and suggestion in carrying out monitoring system in silviculture and forest management engineering were proposed .

  11. 同时,通过对树种之间的关系进行定性与定量的关联分析,发现火炬松、马尾松、杉木和杨树是造林工程中主要造林树种。

    Meanwhile , the relationship between species by qualitative and quantitative correlation analysis , we found loblolly pine , pine , fir and poplar are the main tree species in afforestation projects .

  12. 在营造林工程中实行监理制,对于提高工程建设质量,确保工期和投资效益,完善林业管理机制,规范工程建设行为等具有重要意义。

    Carrying out monitoring system in silviculture and forest management was quite critical for raising the quality of engineering , ensuring the time limit for a project , ensuring the investment effect , perfecting forestry management mechanism , standardizing the engineering construction .

  13. 云南省造林绿化工程项目实行招投标的思考

    Thinking about Bidding Implementation in Afforestation Engineering Project in Yunnan

  14. 大力实施营造林建设工程。

    Afforestation will be carried out with great efforts .

  15. 世行贷款造林项目工程质量和技术管理探析

    A Study of Engineering Quality and Technical Management on World Bank 's Afforestation Projects

  16. 半干旱黄土丘陵沟壑区造林整地工程集流分析

    Analysis and Prediction of Collecting Water by Land Preparation Engineering in Semiarid Loess Hill and Gully Area of the North Shaanxi

  17. 日渐重要的造林绿化工程,使得造林建设与管理面临新的更高要求。

    The increasing importance of afforestation and land greening project makes the construction and management of afforestation face to higher requirement .

  18. 造林绿化工程完成后,还需因地制宜的实施配套技术措施,这对维护造林绿化成果同样具有十分积极的作用。

    After greening project ending up , adapted to local conditions supporting measures must be carried out , which taked more positive effects to maintenance afforestation results .

  19. 为探讨造林整地工程对人工幼林系统坡面水沙输移中的作用及程度,从产流、汇流的机制与理论模型出发,对旱区人工幼林系统地表径流调控的关键途径进行了分析。

    Theoretical Analysis of Two Afforestation Preparation Projects By means of theoretical model and mechanism of producing and conflux of runoff , the key pathway of surface runoff regularity of young planted trees system was studied .

  20. 工程造林和生态工程项目不断实施。

    Afforestation and ecological projects have been launched steadily .

  21. 林业生态造林及园林绿化工程质量监理重点

    Forestry Ecological Afforestation and the Implementation of Quality Supervision Points of Landscaping Projects

  22. 工业园区绿色招商指标评价体系研究林业生态造林及园林绿化工程质量监理重点

    Indicator System for Greening Investment-recruitment of Industrial Park ; Forestry Ecological Afforestation and the Implementation of Quality Supervision Points of Landscaping Projects

  23. 长株潭经济一体化进程中的生态工业园建设林业生态造林及园林绿化工程质量监理重点

    Initial Study of Eco-industrial Parks in the Economic Integration of Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan ; Forestry Ecological Afforestation and the Implementation of Quality Supervision Points of Landscaping Projects

  24. 华北石质山区是华北平原的重要生态屏障,一直是退耕还林与荒山造林等林业生态工程建设的重点区域。

    The hilly areas of north-China are an ecological barrier to North China Plain , is also a key region of the forest ecological project of returning farmland to plantation and afforestation in barren hills .

  25. 造林规划设计是林业生态工程基本建设程序中不可缺少的最重要环节,造林工程管理也直接关系到林业工程的生态、社会、经济三大效益的发挥。

    Silviculture planning and design is the most indispensable and important link in forestry ecological projects , forestry project management has direct relation on ecological social economic benefit of these projects .

  26. 根据不同的造林模式和立地类型,系统能自定义输出对应的造林工程图纸。

    According to the different forestation modes and site types , our system could output the corresponding drawings for forestation projects .

  27. 中德合作造林项目以其科学的组织、严格的管理、扎实的施工成为当地人工造林的示范工程。

    The cooperative afforestation project between Germany and China has become a demonstration of artificial afforestation for its scientific organization , severe management and well-knit construction .