
yǎnɡ qì miàn zhào
  • oxygen mask
  1. 氧气面罩储藏在您的座椅上方。

    The oxygen mask is located above your head .

  2. 飞行员氧气面罩渗气对其供氧防护效果的影响

    Effect of leakage of pilot 's oxygen mask on its protection from hypoxia

  3. n.呼吸在很高的地方呼吸是困难的,有些登山者配戴氧气面罩来克服这个困难。

    respiration Respiration is difficult at great heights and some mountaineers wear oxygen masks to overcome such difficulty .

  4. 对比不同的供氧方法,选择BLB氧气面罩用于青藏客车供氧。

    Compared different oxygen supply methods , BLB mask was chosen for oxygen supply system of passenger cars on Qingzang railway .

  5. 汤普森说,氧气面罩有3种大小,它们将被分发到阿普尔顿市的6个消防站以及该市警察局下属的一个名叫K-9的分支机构。

    The masks , which come in three sizes , will be distributed to each of six fire stations and to the Appleton Police Department K-9 unit , he said .

  6. 若发生紧急情况,头顶上会降下一只氧气面罩。

    An oxygen mask will come down from overhead I case of an emergency .

  7. 这个乘客夺取了氧气面罩。

    The passenger grabbed for the oxygen mask .

  8. 这就是为什么航空公司要求你首先带上氧气面罩。

    This is why airlines ask you to put on your oxygen mask first .

  9. 戴上氧气面罩,从最近的紧急通道到达火场。

    Draw on oxygen mask through the nearest agent channel to the fire spot .

  10. 她正在用氧气面罩呼吸。

    She was breathing using an oxygen mask .

  11. 我们带着氧气面罩,不知道如何使用它们。

    We carried oxygen masks with us but did not know how to use them .

  12. 一些潜水者称这些乌贼用触手揭开它们的氧气面罩,并拉扯相机和潜水用具。

    Some divers report tentacles enveloping their masks and yanking at their cameras and gear .

  13. 他穿着一件毛皮皮革衬里飞行服,并戴上氧气面罩的。

    He 's dressed in a fur-lined leather flying suit and has donned his oxygen facepiece .

  14. 工作人员发现,该'妇女'戴着氧气面罩,系着安全带,静静的坐在乘客位上。

    Officers found a seat-belted figure wearing an oxygen mask sitting motionless in the passenger seat .

  15. 如果遇到其它紧急情况时,会从头顶上方落下一个氧气面罩。

    In case of any other emergency , an oxygen mask will come down from overhead .

  16. 影响外科病人氧气面罩雾化吸入治疗因素的调查与研究

    A survey of factors influencing treatment of oxygen aerosol inhalation via mask for patients of surgical department

  17. 如果空气缺乏,飞机内的氧气面罩会自动放下。

    If air is needed , the oxygen mask in the plane will pop down by itself .

  18. 我船机舱失火,需要氧气面罩和泡末灭火器等消防设备。

    My engine-room is on fire , and requires breathing apparatus , fire extinguishers , etc , to fight the fire .

  19. 载人探测飞船驾驶舱的初步定义下货舱门密封破裂,驾驶舱和客舱逐渐减压,旅客已戴上氧气面罩。

    Lower cargo compartment door seal cracked , cockpit and cabin steadily decompressed , passengers have been furnished ( provided ) with oxygen masks .

  20. 他展示消防员的装备,包括氧气面罩,然后鼓励他的听众带上它一起玩。

    He displays fire fighters ' equipment , including the oxygen mask , which he encourages his listeners to play with and put on .

  21. 飞行员戴着氧气面罩,坐在非增压座舱里,舱内温度会降至零下20摄氏度。

    The pilots wore oxygen masks in the unpressurized cockpit , where temperatures dropped to 20 degrees below zero Celsius ( minus 4 Fahrenheit ) .

  22. 美国威斯康星州阿普尔顿市的救援人员为动物们设计了一款氧气面罩。这样,宠物们在今后遇到火灾等险情时呼吸就会更容易一些。

    APPLETON , Wis . - Pets here will be breathing a little easier now that local rescuers will be carrying oxygen masks designed for animals .

  23. 早些时候巴西军事当局说他们已经发现了更多的遇难者和飞机残骸,其中包括一些座椅和氧气面罩。

    Earlier the Brazilian military authorities said the remains of more people have been spotted along with the debris from the plane , including seats and oxygen masks .

  24. 记住“你”:就如航空公司告诉你的,如果氧气面罩坏了,先戴上自己的氧气面罩再帮助别人,对待压力也是一样。

    Remember YOU : Just like the airlines tell you that if the oxygen masks come down , put yours on before helping others , the same goes for stress .

  25. 在距离地面55千米的地方,一个人戴着氧气面罩,身着密闭防护服就能活下来,气温跟室温差不多,气压也跟地球上的山脉上相近。

    At 55 kilometers , a human could survive with an oxygen mask and a protective wetsuit ; the air is room temperature and the pressure is similar to that on Earth mountains .

  26. 如果飞机失去压力,氧气面罩会从您座位上方的隔层落下,下拉面具,直到塑料管完全展开。

    If the plane should lose pressure , an oxygen mask will drop from the compartment above your seat . Reach up , pull down on the mask until the tubing is fully extended .

  27. 他说,通过成人氧气面罩给这只雌鹦鹉输入氧气后,她立刻活跃起来,开始模仿警报器的声音。

    The female parrot was given oxygen by way of an adult oxygen mask , Islas said . She immediately perked up and started to imitate the sounds of the sirens , he said .

  28. 共有二十名宾客出席了典礼,大多数都采取了全浸式潜水,即戴着氧气面罩、护目镜并在正常礼服外面戴上了水肺。

    The service was attended by twenty guests and most were able to watch the ceremony fully submerged , with the aid of oxygen masks , goggles , and scuba gear underneath their regular outfits .

  29. 除了警告标签之外,卷烟烟盒现在还有一个特点,就是用图片解释吸烟的副作用:一个戴着氧气面罩的濒临死亡的男人,一支弯曲的卷烟暗指阳痿等等。

    In addition to warning labels , cigarette packs now feature pictures explaining the side effects of smoking : a dying man in an oxygen mask , and a limp cigarette in reference to impotence , among others .

  30. 二战期间,他还特制了一种飞行氧气面罩,这种面罩上开了一个洞,让他在高空非增压舱时仍可大抽雪茄。这再一次证明了丘吉尔对雪茄的痴迷到了令人无法想象的地步。

    Perhaps the story that best illustrates his love of cigars occurred during World War II , when he had a special oxygen mask designed so that he could still smoke his cigar on an unpressurized , high-altitude flight .