
tōng gào
  • give public notice;announce;notify;inform;notice;announcement;notification
通告 [tōng gào]
  • [notify;announce;inform] 公开地通知

  • 发出全民通告

  • [notice;announcement] 公开通知的文告

  • 张贴通告

通告[tōng gào]
  1. 针对现有问题,在基于SAP/SDP的会话通告协议上,提出了以下解决方案:利用分级公告和代理通告提高用户接收会话通告的效率;

    Then , to solve current problems , based on SAP / SDP session announce protocol , the paper proposes the following solutions : By exploiting announcement hierarchy and agent , the efficiency in receiving session announcement could be improved ;

  2. 使用事件来通告操作极大地增强了编程能力。

    Events that announce operations significantly enhance your programming power .

  3. 有些报纸刊登出生、结婚、死亡通告。

    Announcements of births , marriages and deaths appear in some newspapers .

  4. 警方发布通告,描述了持枪歹徒的特征。

    Police have issued a description of the gunman .

  5. 通告最终消除了一切有关他们的未来的推测。

    The announcement finally laid all the speculation about their future to rest .

  6. 这份通告将于明日见报。

    The announcement will appear in tomorrow 's newspapers .

  7. 那通告反而引起了混乱。

    The announcement only succeeded in creating confusion .

  8. 这个通告并非完全出乎意料。

    The announcement was not entirely unexpected .

  9. 我对第二天的通告完全没有心理准备。

    I was totally unprepared for the announcement on the next day

  10. 分红通告每年由总公司发送至地方代理商。

    Bonus notices were issued each year from head office to local agents

  11. 双方政府都未作正式通告。

    There has been no formal announcement by either government .

  12. 他通告说军队和警察已经被禁闭在营房中不得外出。

    He announced that the army and police had been confined to barracks .

  13. 接下来的几周内将发布一份大意如此的通告。

    A circular to this effect will be issued in the next few weeks

  14. 通告是不久前才宣布的。

    The announcement was made a short time ago

  15. 各工会号召罢工两小时,以对铁路当局所发通告表示抗议。

    The unions called a two-hour strike in protest at the railway authority 's announcement .

  16. 警方已经发布了那名年龄在50到60岁之间的男子的相貌特征通告。

    Police have issued a description of the man who was aged between fifty and sixty

  17. 通告受到了人们的质疑。

    The announcement has been met with incredulity

  18. 这个通告使他不知所措。

    He was floored by the announcement

  19. 6月15号有一个债权人会议,通告将送达所有已知的债权人。

    There will be a creditors meeting on June 15 and notices will be circulated to all known creditors .

  20. 与会各方都对这项通告表示谨慎乐观。

    All sides have expressed cautious optimism about the announcement .

  21. 你看到政府发布的关于提高税收的通告了吗?

    Did you see the circular from the government about tax increase ?

  22. 这家公司用广告的形式通告开船日期。

    The company advertised the sailing day .

  23. 所以…前不久我在CNN上了一个通告在那,我上电视的时间还没有化妆的时间长而我想这还真算不上让人吃惊的事,对吧?

    So ... so I did a spot on CNN the other day where I actually spent more time in makeup4 than I did talking on air . And I think that -- that 's not really surprising though , is it ?

  24. 启事:通告所有关系人,这则启事通知,下回鸟儿法庭,将要审判麻雀

    NOTICE : To all it concerns , This notice apprises , The Sparrow 's for trial , At next bird assizes .

  25. 一天,�楚厉王通告老百姓:假如国家发生急事,就以击鼓为信号,老百姓一听到鼓声响,就必须立刻到宫门外集合。

    One day , King Li of the State of Chu announced to the people : If any emergency occurs in our country , the drum will be beaten as a signal . The moment the people hear the drum , they must assemble outside the palace gate at once .

  26. 允许一个应用程序广播WAPPUSH回执通告。

    Allows an application to broadcast a WAP PUSH receipt notification .

  27. 通告服务是CORBA构件模型的重要服务之一。

    Notification service is one of the most important services in CORBA component model .

  28. SIP事件通告扩展机制

    SIP Event Notification Extension Mechanism

  29. BGP前缀劫持下的消息通告机制研究

    Research of Message Distributing Mechanisms in BGP Prefix-hijacking

  30. 如果componentname是sis,则这是您为其设置属性的通告程序、网关或电信公司的名称。

    If the component_name is sis , then this is the name of the notifier , gateway , or carrier that you are setting a property for .