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  • popular culture
  1. 事实证明,IBM这台电脑在各个领域的知识都更加渊博,包括艺术,通俗文化和科学方面。

    The IBM computer more in every , including the arts , popular culture and science .

  2. Mousepotato(网虫)跟couchpotato(电视虫)走到一起;google正式成为一个动词;dramaqueen(小题大做、大惊小怪的人)终于得到关注。这些词语终于登堂入室,从通俗文化行列转入英语主流语言。

    Mouse potatoes joined couch potatoes , google officially became a verb and drama queens finally found the limelight when they crossed over from popular culture to mainstream English language .

  3. 本集StarzInside特篇带您探索它的历史,及它在全球通俗文化、电影界的影响力与未来。

    Its history and impact on global pop culture , movies and the future is explored in this Starz Inside special .

  4. 30年前,乔治•卢卡斯(GeorgeLucas)的《美国风情画》描写了加州小城中的愿望和年轻,当时,纯洁和通俗文化努力阻止了美国即将到来的越南噩梦。

    Thirty years ago George Lucas 's American Graffiti presented the scrawlings of hope and youth in small-town California , at a time when innocence and pop culture strove to hold off the coming American nightmare of Vietnam .

  5. 通俗文化与严肃文化的界限逐渐消失。

    The gap between serious culture and popular culture is disappearing .

  6. 詹姆逊认为,大众文化不同于通俗文化;

    Jameson thinks that mass culture is different from popular culture .

  7. 观众的参与是通俗文化的一个基本特征。

    Audience participation is an essential characteristic of pop culture .

  8. 从费斯克看通俗文化研究的转向

    To see shift of popular culture research from John Fisk

  9. 他研究美国通俗文化,常常就此写文章。

    He studies American popular culture and often writes articles about it .

  10. 文化理论与通俗文化导论。

    An introductory guide to cultural theory and popular culture , 2nd ed.

  11. 通俗文化现象的理论思考

    The Theoretical Thinking on Phenomena of Popular Culture

  12. 伦敦是世界上古典文化和通俗文化的大中心之一。

    London is one of the worlds great centers for classical and popular culture .

  13. 通俗文化与精英文化的博弈

    The Popular Culture Compete against the Classic Culture

  14. 无论饰演什么角色,特拉沃尔塔都注定是通俗文化的象征。

    He seemed destined to symbolize the pop culture landscape , regardless of role .

  15. 所以纵使我们正视通俗文化,

    so even when we tackle popular culture ,

  16. 通俗文化现象的多方位透视

    The Prospecting Diversely of Popular Culture Phenomenon

  17. 本文是对英国通俗文化的一个方面&足球文化的研究。

    This thesis is a study of football culture , a part of popular culture .

  18. 论先进文化导向下通俗文化和高雅文化的发展

    Research on development of the popular culture and The lofty culture in advanced culture direction

  19. 沃勒:我过着半遁世的生活,对通俗文化了无兴趣。

    [ RJW ] I lead a semi-reclusive life , completely disinterested in popular culture .

  20. 本研究在把通俗文化引入课堂方面做了一些分析和尝试。

    The study of popular culture into the classroom to do some analysis and try .

  21. 高雅与通俗文化交汇在坦尼斯宫的博物馆与电影院。

    Highbrow and popular culture meet at the Tennispalatsi with its museums and movie theaters .

  22. 这就是那种无礼、粗暴、好斗、令人讨厌的通俗文化的一个范例吗?

    Is this an example of popular culture for rudeness , crashness , and nastiness ?

  23. 电视自产生起就是通俗文化的代表形式。

    Since it is born , TV is always the representative form of the public culture .

  24. 明代中后期城市通俗文化消费研究

    A Study of Popular Culture Consumption in the Cities of the Mid and Late Ming Dynasty

  25. 美国宗教与通俗文化

    American Religion and Pop Culture

  26. 而设计活动的主体&设计师在通俗文化设计中所起的地位和作用也大大提升。

    And finally introduces some modern designers who are active in the field of popular culture design .

  27. 俸正杰的人物解剖试图分析汹涌而至的当代生活和通俗文化。

    Feng Zhengjie 's personality anatomy intends to analyze the approaching of modern life and popular culture .

  28. 电视通俗文化中的话语活动

    Discourse of TV Popular Culture

  29. 美国通俗文化研究

    Research on American popular culture

  30. 现代社会,通俗文化成了我们生活中不可忽视的一部分。

    Modern society , popular culture has become a part of our lives that can not be ignored .